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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

LK Mansions vs Century Hotel

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The older i get, it seems the less able i an to make decisions. So, help me. I need to be around the Pattaya \Kland area next trip and have narrowed it down to either the Century or LK Mansions. Mansions nearer to everything and cheap, Century has extra attractions eg bars, entetainment etc. Which one? Help !!!

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On this area the best deal is certainly the new Citin Loft, about 1000 bahts trough some travel agency, Little Duck resort about, 700 bahts is a lso a good choice.




Bring a tent if you want to stay at the Little duck as its currently under major renovation. Many small places around this area just off of Pattayaklang. Just noticed a new place down the small soi where the LK is located plus another new place just opened down from the Citin.

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what place has opened down from the citin loft



I don't know it name and I'm now back in the states so I can't check it out. If you have stayed at the Citin then it is west. Next to the Citin was a residential building then next to that was a vacant lot. Across for this lot (west) is where the new place is located.


Also if you continue north on Soi AR a few minutes walk from the Citin and near Jamesons, 2 more places should be ready in the next few months. Another Nova and the other place doesn't have a sign yet.

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