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Is there really an outcry about the Who @ superbowl?

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Not one of the better SuperBowl halft time acts in my opinion.


Thanks. At least three of us here agree. I wondered what had happened to me, so many people were raving about it in the hour after it ended.


Now pretty much forgotten of course. I downloaded the torrent for my kid, who didn't have the chance.



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Yesterday,I went to my 2nd Super Bowl.First was 1969.The Who sounded awful.They need to quit playing.Townshend was awful.Like nearly all oldtimers,he has the lung capacity of a chain smoker.But it was strange to be in that stadium with the lights out.What normally is a 20 minute drive for a Dolphins game took well over 90 minutes both to and from.

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Why does it not surprise me that you dont get, equality :D


Any plumber done for kiddie pron pics, wouldnt get into America or a work visa. Theres been a few famous people done with kiddie pics and the seem to have been treated in a similar way to each other, but Townsend seems to ave got off lightly. imho, people involved in any form of child porn offences, should be ostracised. I bey some kiddie porn monsters have studied Townsend defence and will try it themselves.


Joe - You sound angry :rolleyes: Please ignore my posts that rile you. You know it makes sense :D


Townsend hasnt been done for kiddyfiddling thats why :rolleyes: oh my Buddha Didnt you read my post. He has not been convicted for Pedoohilia -FACT Britsih Law


If the Americans have let him in, then thats fine. Their law. Dunno what the fuss is about. Sharia Law would probably have had him hanged in public, you would like that though :D :D


I am sure that the plumber would have been allowed, do you know him ???? :D

Edited by Mr Pastry
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Joe - You sound angry rolleyes


Hmmm. Sorry about that. I meant to sound weary. You keep saying the same thing over and over expecting a different reply like some idi... poster arguing over his kid's passport. The answer to your questions isn't going to change.


No there is no controversy.

No he won't be (wasn't, now) banned.

No, no one to speak of really cares (cared) at all.


Why don't you just accept that, and move on? You disagree with the vast majority. Okay, no problem, why shouldn't you? But your disagreement won't change a thing, no matter how many times you cut and paste the OP. And now it's over, done, finished.



Took out a mean comment, but I just have to post this halftime review by Dave Barry:


The halftime show was spectacular. They wheeled out a really elaborate portable stage, then they turned out the lights, so the stadium went dark. And then, in one of the evening's most dramatic moments, the spotlights came on to reveal, in the middle of a swirling cloud of smoke . . .


Janet Jackson's right nipple.


No, sorry, that was Pete Townshend; from a distance, he bears a certain resemblance. Townshend is of course the guitarist for the legendary rock band The Who, which performed a medley of its greatest hits, which have been electrifying the world since they first came out during the Spanish-American War. The crowd went crazy, especially when Roger Daltrey, in the climactic finale of Won't Get Fooled Again, ejected his dentures all the way into the upper deck.



Edited by joekicker
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Townsend hasnt been done for kiddyfiddling thats why :rolleyes: oh my Buddha Didnt you read my post.


:banghead :banghead :banghead :unsure: You even highlighted part of my post and yet couldnt see I had said he was done for porn pics, not kiddy fiddling :stick:

That guy you dress like......Gary Glitter :beer , was hounded out of the UK for having pics on his computer. That actor was jailed. Langham???? Townsend seems to have got off very lightly. imho


Sssshhhhh. Dont tell Joe as he will get angry and then state the obvious after everyone else has answered 1luv

They also said on the radio that there was a furore over a pro life advert during the superbowl. Some players mother had been advized to abort him, but didnt. Now hes an athlete. So some pro life mob took out an advert.

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Sssshhhhh. Dont tell Joe as he will get angry and then state the obvious after everyone else has answered rolleyes

They also said on the radio that there was a furore over a pro life advert during the superbowl. Some players mother had been advized to abort him, but didnt. Now hes an athlete. So some pro life mob took out an advert.


Sssshhhhh, don't tell Obsession he missed all of that up ^^^ there in his own thread. After it was obvious to everyone and they all dropped the subject, he heard about it and brought it up. But didn't bother watching the ad, of course.


I wish I had those little rolleye thingmys that Obsession has. Jealousy, thy name is Joe.




It's obvious it's not a typo. The name you are searching for, the main man in The Who, the guy who once came under suspicion of some sort of kiddie-paedo offence, the old guy who just drives your life by his insistence on existing -- that name is Pete Townshend with an ess in the middle.



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It's obvious it's not a typo. The name you are searching for, the main man in The Who, the guy who once came under suspicion of some sort of kiddie-paedo offence, the old guy who just drives your life by his insistence on existing -- that name is Pete Townshend with an ess in the middle.


You werent meant to read that. Was it Pastry wot grassed me up? :D


Joe. Did you see the post where SS sussed out that you were Mr Logic from the Viz comic :rolleyes: The spelling correction of Peat Tounsends name....oh dear..........your OCN must be giving you gyp:rolleyes:



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Free speech worries you. You aren't alone. Thank Gorsh you are isolated and unable to do anything about it though. I know what you're going to say, so just please don't write the biggest lie possible in this thread: "I'm in favour of free speech but....."


Your big BUT shows you're not.




Are you saying I look fat in these jeans?


CBS can air anything they choose. I don't have to like it. In fact, I reserve the right to be worried. My half a sentence had nothing to do with free speech and everything to do with what I, and many others perceive to be an issue of individual choice, freedom and the moral majorities attempt to stifle it.


Some dickhead can stand in front of a place of worship are praise Osama Been Hidin' and it's within that persons rights. I don't have to like it and I reserve the right to be pissed off about it.


A bit presumpt-u-ass today aren't we Joe? (That was not my BUT. That was your BUT, you wrote it, take credit for it.)

Edited by Sailfast
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Hmmm. Sorry about that. I meant to sound weary. You keep saying the same thing over and over expecting a different reply like some idi... poster arguing over his kid's passport. The answer to your questions isn't going to change.


No there is no controversy.

No he won't be (wasn't, now) banned.

No, no one to speak of really cares (cared) at all.


Why don't you just accept that, and move on? You disagree with the vast majority. Okay, no problem, why shouldn't you? But your disagreement won't change a thing, no matter how many times you cut and paste the OP. And now it's over, done, finished.



Took out a mean comment, but I just have to post this halftime review by Dave Barry:


The halftime show was spectacular. They wheeled out a really elaborate portable stage, then they turned out the lights, so the stadium went dark. And then, in one of the evening's most dramatic moments, the spotlights came on to reveal, in the middle of a swirling cloud of smoke . . .


Janet Jackson's right nipple.


No, sorry, that was Pete Townshend; from a distance, he bears a certain resemblance. Townshend is of course the guitarist for the legendary rock band The Who, which performed a medley of its greatest hits, which have been electrifying the world since they first came out during the Spanish-American War. The crowd went crazy, especially when Roger Daltrey, in the climactic finale of Won't Get Fooled Again, ejected his dentures all the way into the upper deck.




Joe. Why are you answering in a question about current American media coverage, when you dont live in America? Your not even American. Trying to be a know all , as usual? :D

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:bow :D :D :D You even highlighted part of my post and yet couldnt see I had said he was done for porn pics, not kiddy fiddling 1luv

That guy you dress like......Gary Glitter :bow , was hounded out of the UK for having pics on his computer. That actor was jailed. Langham???? Townsend seems to have got off very lightly. imho


Sssshhhhh. Dont tell Joe as he will get angry and then state the obvious after everyone else has answered :bow

They also said on the radio that there was a furore over a pro life advert during the superbowl. Some players mother had been advized to abort him, but didnt. Now hes an athlete. So some pro life mob took out an advert.


wrong, he wasnt charged at all. Go and check the story back in 2003. I have checked on a number of news sights and he has not been convicted of any crime.

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wrong, he wasnt charged at all. Go and check the story back in 2003. I have checked on a number of news sights and he has not been convicted of any crime.


So what did he get put on the sex offenders register for? Maybe he had deleted them, but he never denied downloading them, I guess, or he wouldnt have needed an excuse.

BTW, Langhams defence was similar. Said he was researching a show.

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CBS can air anything they choose. I don't have to like it.


Totally agree, and the power of the boycott can be very powerful, and I support that, too. I'm totally with you on that. So long as the government is not involved either way, at any time. YOU have the right to censor any damn thing you want, as do I, as do we all. If you agree no government in any form, we agree totally. Free speech ends at the door to my house, my car, my Internet connection. When I say "free speech" I mean no government and nothing more.


But that wasn't quite what you'd implied in your first post, which the way I read it was that CBS should not be *_allowed_* to show that sort of thing during the Super Bowl, and the group Whatitsface that made the commercial shouldn't be allowed to air such stuff. I do apologise if I misread and if I was misinterpreting your first post. And I'll certainly accept if you clear it up and that's not at all what you meant. But I'll maintain for now that's what you stated initially. If it's my misread and you have no BUT at all, so be it and we're on the same team.



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So what did he get put on the sex offenders register for? Maybe he had deleted them, but he never denied downloading them, I guess, or he wouldnt have needed an excuse.

BTW, Langhams defence was similar. Said he was researching a show.


Langham was convicted though. Townsend wasnt. He was place on the register as a safeguard. Whether he is guilty or not, if I dont thinl Townsend is a stupid guy, and if he was really intending to download pictures for sexual gratification then he would have been a fool to use his own credit card. British law is still innocent until proven guilty. Glitter however had thousands of images on his PC and was then stupid enough to take it to PC world for repair. Just as well as he went on to commit further offencers and later jailed. Townsend still lves in Richmond, and I often drive past his house, you can always tell when he is having a party by the all the pushchairs in the driveway. :D

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Langham was convicted though. Townsend wasnt. He was place on the register as a safeguard. Whether he is guilty or not, if I dont thinl Townsend is a stupid guy, and if he was really intending to download pictures for sexual gratification then he would have been a fool to use his own credit card. British law is still innocent until proven guilty. Glitter however had thousands of images on his PC and was then stupid enough to take it to PC world for repair. Just as well as he went on to commit further offencers and later jailed. Townsend still lves in Richmond, and I often drive past his house, you can always tell when he is having a party by the all the pushchairs in the driveway. :D


Paedos do seem to be stupid though. They all seem to be caught using their credit cards to download kiddie porn. How was Langham caught? I think it was a credit card.

Surely you cant be put on a sex offenders register for nothing. It must be a court that puts people on it. And people only go to court if charged with a crime. If he got a not guilty, he would have been free, innocent and clean. However, he was put on a list. Anyway, imho, peoplelike Michael Jackson, should have been dropped by radio playlists and The Who from gigs like the Superbowl. Jackson may have got a not guilty, but he admitted to sharing a bed with kids and he had paid others families millions. Public figures should be held to the highest standards. imho.

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Totally agree, and the power of the boycott can be very powerful, and I support that, too. I'm totally with you on that. So long as the government is not involved either way, at any time. YOU have the right to censor any damn thing you want, as do I, as do we all. If you agree no government in any form, we agree totally. Free speech ends at the door to my house, my car, my Internet connection. When I say "free speech" I mean no government and nothing more.


But that wasn't quite what you'd implied in your first post, which the way I read it was that CBS should not be *_allowed_* to show that sort of thing during the Super Bowl, and the group Whatitsface that made the commercial shouldn't be allowed to air such stuff. I do apologise if I misread and if I was misinterpreting your first post. And I'll certainly accept if you clear it up and that's not at all what you meant. But I'll maintain for now that's what you stated initially. If it's my misread and you have no BUT at all, so be it and we're on the same team.




My post had nothing to do with free speech, one way or the other.


I am very wary of right wing Christian cooks who buy up super bowl ad time to spread their agenda. They have EVERY RIGHT to do so, I just don't like it. I have just as much right to complain about it.


CBS also has a right to accept or reject the ads. What ads they accept or reject can form an agenda. They have a right to an agenda I suppose, and I suppose it gets tricky when they are using public airways , but that's another argument. :D

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I am very wary of right wing Christian cooks who buy up super bowl ad time to spread their agenda. They have EVERY RIGHT to do so, I just don't like it. I have just as much right to complain about it.


I don't agree but you are right. Does that make sense? I misread or you miswrote, not sure which, but I agree with you on your clear statements here on the overall issue and sorry for misrepresenting you. Putting words in others' mout... er, fingers is never nice, and sometimes, as here, dangerous as well. My regards for being nice about it, too.


CBS also has a right to accept or reject the ads. What ads they accept or reject can form an agenda. They have a right to an agenda I suppose, and I suppose it gets tricky when they are using public airways , but that's another argument. D


They said they'd happily sell to other groups and I think that covers the "public airwaves" part of it. Me - I can't get mad at CBS over it, but I'm not going to carry their water, either.



Edited by joekicker
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I don't agree but you are right. Does that make sense? I misread or you miswrote, not sure which, but I agree with you on your clear statements here on the overall issue and sorry for misrepresenting you. Putting words in others' mout... er, fingers is never nice, and sometimes, as here, dangerous as well. My regards for being nice about it, too.




They said they'd happily sell to other groups and I think that covers the "public airwaves" part of it. Me - I can't get mad at CBS over it, but I'm not going to carry their water, either.




It's very tough to read people intentions and I have a bad habit of using implied sarcasm when I write (if that makes any sense).


Interestingly, they did deny a gay male dating service the opportunity to purchase air time during the game.



My sincere apologies for subjecting you to "The View", but there where several clips that I found that had been altered/edited and I wanted to be sure I had the original clip.

Edited by Sailfast
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