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TQ2 Alf's Bon Voyage, come back soon...... drinks.

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Hi all,


Just a quick update on what's been going on and what's happening.



On Thursday 29th April I had my angiogram (aka Cardiac Catheterization). The angiogram went well. Although it's a little freaky having a wire inserted into your artery through the groin and then threaded through to your heart.



On Tuesday 5th May, I visited my cardiologist and we reviewed the findings of the angiogram.


The angiogram confirmed that the aortic valve needed replacing.


Thankfully no blockages of the arteries were found which means I'm only looking at valve replacement and not bypass surgery.


My cardiologist then referred me to a cardiothoracic surgeon and an appointment was made to see him on Wednesday 5th May to discuss the valve replacement and organise a time for the operation.



On Wednesday 5th May I visited the surgeon and we discussed the types of valves available (prosthetic or biological)


We agreed that the biological valve although not as durable as the prosthetic was the best choice for me especially since it means I'm not dependant on anti-coagulants (blood thinners) for the rest of my life.


Looking at the surgeons diary we've arranged for the operation to occur on Thursday 10th June 2010.


The surgeon referred me to see a dentist to ensure that there were no dental issues that could inadvertently cause problems with my recovery once I've had the valve replacement. Apparently if you have a bad mouth infection germs can make their way down the throat and into the heart which is pretty serious if you are recovering from heart surgery.


So later that day I had to visit the dentist. After a dental x-ray and dental checkup I was given the all clear.


So here I am now. Waiting.





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You had to have the all clear from the dentist before cardiac surgery, hilarious. Anyway, glad your teeth/gums are healthy and soon your heart will again be a "good heart". Hope to be sharing a beer with you soon. :beer


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Thanks for that update Alf - we'll be in to see your team next week - wheels up Sunday. Make sure you keep taking it easy.


Thinking of you


Andy and Deb

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Today (Monday 10th May) I received my information pack from the hospital where I'll be having my operation.


It's reassuring to know I can have sex approximately 6 weeks after my valve replacement.


Pity it'll be at least 8 - 12 weeks before I'm back in Pattaya. :allright

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Today (Monday 10th May) I received my information pack from the hospital where I'll be having my operation.


It's reassuring to know I can have sex approximately 6 weeks after my valve replacement.


Pity it'll be at least 8 - 12 weeks before I'm back in Pattaya. :beer


You should consider a short trip to Pattaya BEFORE the procedure.


All the best Alf. Take heart...you will be in Pattaya long before I arrive...

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