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my trip to philipnines

Guest the_real parkwahn

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Guest the_real parkwahn

Arrived in Clark late last nite, here with 2 guys who are veterans.


Asks a trike driver how much is it to go the the Amsterdam where they are staying, 100 peso,, lol yeah I have just arrived but I dont look like shrek, 50 all day long zone one been told.. ok 50...


Ate at a place called Mo,s next to the Voodoo lounge, not like Patts but I must say the girls are not as lumpy as I have been led to believe (Note to Johnny Bravo and Iagra , there are Bravos type and normal ones for you Iagra brickwall.gif )


Pump action shotguns seem derigour out here, not seen any gays Greg you would not like it


Seen some beggars , but the fuckers would not let me on their patch.


Off to Subic in a few days, thats the plan I was told they speak English here, well they may speak it but they dont understand it.


Going to a bank tommorow that should be fun, not seen an ATM yet if you are coming bring £ or $, baht you get fucked over on circa 8% lower.



I do miss the Metro but we all have our spiritual home, cooler at night so far.


Not much else to report, I will try to keep my fans updated Pasty Gay Greg cunt Som they are filth I hope yhey are not here :D

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Hi, Hope your having fun over there, i went a couple of years ago and didn't really like it compared to Pattaya.


Plenty of Atm's in the shopping mall over the road.


You should join the full forum if you want to see more of the board,


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I went to Angeles City to escape Songkran and I think that I ran into half of Pattaya that had the same idea. Last year they had a huge banner at one of the local watering holes that said, "Welcome Songkran Refugees" but I didn't see anything like that this year. I always have a good time in AC and enjoy getting out of the daily routine of life in Pattaya but I couldn't live there. For me Pattaya has many advantages over the Philippines especially when it comes to things to do during the day.

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Arrived in Clark late last nite, here with 2 guys who are veterans.


Off to Subic in a few days, thats the plan I was told they speak English here, well they may speak it but they dont understand it.

Guess I don't understand English either. I can't make heads or tails out of what you said.

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