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I had to laugh at this one. Then steal it off the board I read it on.


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That's a great story LOL.

Here's another, a dialogue that made me laugh. An Irishman had been found guilty of theft in an English magistrates court.


Judge: Have you anything to say before I sentence you?

Irishman: As God is my judge, oi'm not guilty of this crime.


Judge: He's not. I am. You are. Six months.

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Attorney from the big city goes to do a jury trial in a small town where there probably had not been a jury trial in 3 or 4 years. Given the opportunity to question the prospective jurors, he asked the first one "Do you know the plaintiff or any or the other parties to this action?" The judge interrupts and says "Counselor, they all know everyone in the room except for you so you can skip that one."

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