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Peter from Skytop R.I.P.

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I received an email that a good friend Peter who owned Sky-Top has died today. Pete had been in poor health for awhile and I"m sad to see him go. He was an interesting guy. When I first met him years ago. I didn't like him. At the time he was a very heavy drinker and a somewhat nasty drunk. Soon after he stopped the drinking and he was a changed man. He was pleasant to be around and had a depth of knowledge on a wide variety of subjects that I found amazing. I for one will miss him. RIP Pete.

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I never stayed there, but I met Peter when I visited, trying to meet Big D a couple of years ago. I met Jack Corbett, a board member and Peter, the owner of the guest house and bar. Peter was all bandaged up, like he had been in an accident or a fight. He was an articulate and nice middle aged guy. He looked fit and healthy, despite his black eye and other injuries. RIP.

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  VicVegas said:
Looking around the various Pattaya sites, no other references to this. Nothing on the Skytop website. Anybody have more info?
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I first met Peter when he bought Skytop back in late 2003 or early 2004. I'd see him occasionally thereafter but was never more than an acquaintance. However I do know that Peter had a number of health issues through the years. Most recently, about two weeks ago I understand, he had abdominal surgery – possibly an appendectomy at (I believe) the government hospital in Siracha. He was released to recuperate and was apparently getting along OK until a few days ago when he collapsed while out. He was again hospitalized in Siracha and died there yesterday.


I learned the above from a phone call from a mate who had talked to a relative of Peter's wife. As is frequently the case here further details are rather sketchy.



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Thanks for the additional info redwood. Last time I talked to him was in early December. I believe he told me he was planning on selling SkyTop and moving back to Australia. Didn't know him well, but he seemed like decent guy.

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  VicVegas said:
Thanks for the additional info redwood. Last time I talked to him was in early December. I believe he told me he was planning on selling SkyTop and moving back to Australia. Didn't know him well, but he seemed like decent guy.
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Peter was a decent guy alright. I did not know he was an Australian, as he spoke with an English accent. There are more than a million English-born immigrants living in Australia and most of them are highly regarded. Australia only has a population of 22.5 million people, a lot less than California. My condolences to Peter's family and friends. R.I.P.

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I met him as I stayed at skytop once. I didn't like the accommodation but he was fine.


Surprised anyone would think he was English. He had an obvious Aussie accent [i'm English].


I'm always a bit knocked back when anyone I've met passes on.

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I'm told Peter's funeral will be tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. at St. Nikolaus Catholic Church on Sukhumvit Rd. in Pattaya.


Cremation will be Friday afternoon at a wat in Naklua - (no further specifics given).



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