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playing golf - easy to walk on?

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Pattaya Golfer you wont go far wrong than to go along to The Haven on Soi 13 and join the IPGC (International Pattaya Golf Club).  It cost only about 300 to 500 Baht (cant remember exact figure but peanuts) a year and they play friendly matches out of there 3 or 4 times a week at different but great  courses with transport provided very cheaply.  Ask the owner Stephen Beard as he organises it all.  Website at http://www.thehaven-hotel.com/html/golf.html


Not a bad place to stay at The Haven either, especially if you are a golfer. Nice rooms with good facilities and not expensive either.  Oh and they are guest friendly too, though just clear it with the owner (Stephen) when you first check in to be polite.

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I stayed at haven on my first trip for the reasons ray emtnioned. Not a bad idea, but somteimes steven is unappraochable and cops an attitude (accused me of not paying for my rental clubs after staying with hm several days).  Rooms are also small and tatty here compared to what you can get for the sameprice at several other hotel (flipper, eastinny, sabai, etc).


Another option, which I recommend, is to join pattaya sports club, pays for itself in one to two rounds via discounts:




See their schedule, also in local paper (pattaya mail) there s a handy matrix every week with outings from each bar/resteraunt. I have never had a problem joining up  and have met some good guys also.


You can alwys hire a taxi to nearby courses for around 500 baht RT, but joining group is better option IMHO.  Also, there is a daily AC shuttle that hits many hotels to one of the nicer courses in the are, Nicklaus's laem Chabang:




look under location guide for shuttle service.


Good luck!


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I agree with Hub about the Pattaya Sports Club. Good value and you also get discounts at some hotels as well as golf courses. I joined last year and took the 5 year option. Spent April and May as well as October and November in Pattaya playing a few rounds of golf with friends and also the bar groups. I like the Sugar Shack bunch who go out M.W.F. to a different course each time. That's often enough for me. Others go every day if you wish.

There are usually all levels of golfers but everyone has fun.

I will be back April and May this year doing the same.

Have Fun


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Hub yes I cannot entirely disagree with you about the Haven though I enjoyed my stay there.  Stephen can indeed be a little difficult to deal with at times but overall he was okay and yes the rooms are a little tatty though not that bad.  The guys that play out of there were mainly a great bunch of guys plus many visiting tourist type members.  It was Richard Livingstone the golf pro up at the driving range near to the PSC building that recommended me to the Haven.  BTW Hub I am also a PSC member as well as IPGC and indeed it does get you a lot of discount on meals, goods etc. so well worth it.


Rooms there do have good AC, TV and Video Disc player (NB NOT DVD), big double bed and the usual shower and inroom safe etc.  Never stayed at the other hotels there so I cannot comment on those but I take your word that they are less tatty. Big advantage of Haven is that you are there with your clubs and golf gear where the Golf days start from, I found this a big plus.  I believe the Diana Inn is similar but more expensive.  All pros and cons liek everything in life.

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I hear what you're saying Ray, and also should add that haven has the best Bfast deal I found and open very early (around 6:30-7) with eggs, coffee, toast and I think pototoes for 50 baht and also 50 baht omelletes.  But the rooms are just too small and I don't need the attitude when I'm a client. I also had some missing cash one night after coming home drunk and passing out ( I was alone and friend checked how much baht i had when he poured me off at my room specifically because he wanted to make sure security guard didn't nab it.)  Some other places (eg Cafe Kronburg)will also store your clubs.

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I also found Sugar Sack user friendly and a great lady that runs the bar .Another plus is that you can leave your clubs at the bar quiet safely.

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Have played with Lewinskeys; Haven; Bunker bar; Sugar Shack and Kronenburg and had a great day out on each occassion. I only change bars to play a specific golf course. Just introduce yourself at the bar and put your name down on the sheet and please turn up at the specific time requested as it makes it far easier for the organiser to arrange lifts or book buses depending on numbers. Take a copy of youre handicap certificate and join which ever club the first bar you play with is affiliated to. Happy swinging in the sun.

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  • 4 months later...

Quote "Have played with Lewinskeys; Haven; Bunker bar; Sugar Shack and Kronenburg and had a great day out on each occassion"


I'm am a newbie and going to Pattaya this month for golf. What you guys talked about above is very interesting to me.  So, I don't necessarily have to stay in above mentioned hotel, but just need to sign up to the respective bars?  What is the usual cost for a round of field trip organized by those bars? Are all those bars close together?  Do those bars sell membership cards off hand or do I physically have to go somewhere to get it?


Thanks in advance.

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Pattaya Sports Club     http://www.pattayasports.org/golf/Golf%20Home.htm


International Pattaya Golf Club     http://www.ipgolfclub.com/home.htm


And a lot of info about golf and the courses here     http://www.thaigolfer.com/


And, by the way, if you haven't already voted and left a comment there is a poll about golf on the first page of the Members board.

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  • 1 month later...

JHK - you buy the cards from the appropriate club. You arrange the golf with the bars by calling in beforehand. The cards will simply get you a discount at come of the courses. Different people find they fit in with different groups - a matter of trial and error. Me I'm with the sugarshack, have been for years

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Pattaya-golfer,


Having read thro the thread I'll try and answer your ques ;-)


I normally try and stay most of Febuary and play golf, I've never tried a walk on but keep in mind a couple of points


1. Febuary is high season


2. Most of Korea is in Pattaya trying to play golf with 6 on every tee


3. I normally play with Suger Shack, and friends monday to friday but any of the above bars would be good to play with as they tend to know which course is free of Koreans :-) It's just a matter of choice


4. If you join PSC you will find they also run regular comp's


Whichever you you go for enjoy your golf.


I hope to be back next Febuary if you need any more info


Be nice



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Moby, funny you mentioned the 6 golfers per hole. Was playing the Thai Navy Course last fall and noticed they were 6 or 7 golfers heading up the fairway. With their caddies and friends, it looked like Arnie's Army was approaching me group.  Sure glad I wasn't behind them.  I imagine that with the shortage of courses in Japan and Korea, they really must have to pack em in.  SB

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