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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Finder's Fee! Urgent help needed

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Just lost the house I'd booked for four months, from November 24th. Landlord needs it for his family, flood refugees.


If any local expat can help out by finding me a place to live, preferably LK Metro area where other place was located, minimum 2 but preferably 3 bedrooms, maximum 25,000 rent, I would be delighted to pay a finder's fee!

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I'm hoping this guy takes my house. I'd like to be in the same house when I get back from the states :)

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Just a small edit there :whistling:

Rocky is going to the farm with mama, until we get back.

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Really sorry, another offer came along, not much in it but I have to go with the condo :(

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