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US Navy in Pattaya ?

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It is important to know (hotels etc) if the US Navy is in Pattaya.

Can anybody tell me, if they are in Pattaya in April or May ?


The US Navy doesn't stay in hotels....

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8) To Markmalt/Woody; whenever the joint military exercise Cobra Gold kicks in, Pattaya gets swamped by Gi's. most of the time is around may/June, but, due to the situation in the world now ( war on terrorism, etc), wouldn't be surprized if the dates are change a bit. as for the comment that the "NAVY DOESN"T USE HOTELS"  is stupid, where do you think the sailors take their girls???, to the ships???, not a fat chance. they might not make a lot of money, but, still have enough dough to get drunk, get a girl, and of course get a hotel room. Myself, if i'm in Thailand during Cobra Gold i tend to skip pattaya   or just make a short visit there. stay in Bangkok or Phuket most of the time./// 8) 8)  

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8) the dates are change a bit. as for the comment that the "NAVY DOESN"T USE HOTELS"  is stupid, where do you think the sailors take their girls???, to the ships???, not a fat chance. they might not make a lot of money, but, still have enough dough to get drunk, get a girl, and of course get a hotel room. /// 8) 8)  


They use short time rooms.

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Because of the current situation, the Navy might skip Pattaya.  Nobody knows for sure though.  They have been going to Phukett lately.  I still think they'll show up in Pattaya sometime this year.  Good buisness for Pattaya, not fun for the tourists.

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Here is the best gouge I can give you.   I have been in the last three Cobra Gold’s as a US Marine.  I am out now but plan on hitting Pattaya in April to mess with my buddies who are still in.


There will be a ton of Marines down between Utapoe (Old military airport 40 minutes south of Pattaya) and Satthip (the Thai Navy base). These poor bastards are living in Thai barracks or in GP Tents (large canvas tents).  They also get very little liberty so you will only see groups of fifty or so around Pattaya on any given day...  Most have a midnight curfew, so short time rooms will be used the most and every one of them will be trying to get as drunk as possible, so buy the poor underpaid lads a cold one!!!


There are a lucky group (about 200 of them) that stay in a hotel, this year it is in Jomtein I believe.  Last year it was the Montien in central Pattaya.  These guys are working 12 hour shifts in Sattahip, include the transportation time, 2hrs, and you have very little time to eat, drink and do Mary(or Nim or Pla)...  Oh, you need to sleep a little too!!!  


Some "advanced party" groups show up soon to get the facilities set up so you will begin to see a few start to show up with in the next few weeks.  These guys usually have been there before so they won't be completely hammered, but again, they are staying down south so many won't bother to make it up everyday...  ( I managed to suck it up and do it everyday!!!)


The actual exercise doesn't go until the middle weeks of May.  Most of the people are out of the country immediately following the exercise with some left behind to pack out...  So all in all, you won't notice that big of a rush like you do when a ship rolls into town...



The US Navy had put Thailand off of the port call list because of the Islamic presence in the country.  The last ship to hit Thailand that I know of was the Kitty Hawk Group back in December down in Phuket...  I may be wrong but I have a lot of friends still in the service so I usually hear about it when they go to the LOS.  Most of the ships are hitting Guam, Hawaii, and some are hitting Hong Kong...  I am not sure when they will start coming back, trust me, if it were up to the sailors, it would be tomorrow!!!   When they are in port, the young enlisted guys have a midnight curfew, so they have to get back to the ship so they use ST rooms.  The senior enlisted and officers get overnight liberty, so those guys can get hotel rooms...  The US Navy only partcipates in force in CG everyother year when they play with the Aussie (Tandem Thrust)...They did this last year.  So there shouldn't be any big US Navy presence in Pattaya.


So, long story short (Sorry ::)), you won't really notice a huge influx of business in the hotels, but you will see a few more short-haired drunk Americans wondering around with their eyes wide!!!  Like I said, shake these guys hands and buy them a beer, they are good kids who have a tough job and are just trying to enjoy themselves...





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  • 5 months later...
The US Navy had put TThailand off of the port call list because of the Islamic presence in the country.  The last ship to hit Thailand that I know of was the Kitty Hawk Group back in December down in Phuket...  Cheers





Strange... I read that Thailand is 90% Buddhist, 10% Muslim. Unlike the Philippines which is predominately Muslim.

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G'day guys


I'm not too sure where you are getting you stats from. But I think you'll find that the Philippines are actually predominately Catholic and only around 5% Muslim





Planning to be back in Pattaya and the Philppines in May

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  • 5 months later...

Hello all I have a few things to say.  I'm in the Navy and go to Pattaya with or with out my Ship.  I just got back as a matter of fact.  I do stay in hotels...nice ones I might add.  One thing that bothers me is people that are (or were) in the service talking about when their ship will be hear or there.  Even if it is a planned yearly deployment.  Stop I beg you.  Operational Security is of the up most importance.  I'm not trying to stall anyones conversation but just stop and think of the world today.  Thank you for your time and concederation.  Later all.  P.S.  Pattaya beach on New Years eve was Bonafide.

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This is what we call PARANOYA,

do you really think that your so called enemy does not no where all the ships and planes and troops are?

Wake up, this is 2003 and not Germany 1943 or Vietnam



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The last two years in May/June I have visit Pattaya when all these GI´s has been there.


Walking Street and up to Soi 7 and 8 are very busy

Only few of then  pass Central Pattaya Road, so if you want to have the girls by yourselves go north.

GI´s don't understand we "normal people" from Europe want to see the real Football in the bars, so this is one more good idea to go north.


Joop you talk about poor soldiers.

Last year one of them ask me about paying a trip in Bahtbus from Marine Hotel to Royal Garden. He want to pay 100 Bath for that trip. I look at him and told him 20 was too much. So I don't think they are so poor.


Best Regards



Back again this year at same time

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hey ERIKA I do what I'm told and believe in what I do.  Operational Security is not Paranoya. It's a solid defensive practice that through out the history you mentioned has saved an untold number of lives.  your right it's 2003 when information is real easy to get.  Why make it easyer?  

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being in the Navy, i am having the opportunity to participate in Cobra Gold this year.

It'll be in mid to end of May.

I hope, i hope, i hope, i hope, i hope to get some free time away from all the drilling and spilling to go to Pattaya.


I am not worried, nor should you all be worried about the amount of Navy Sailors out and about in Pattaya during this exercise.


We all have a job to do, unfortunately this job takes a lot of time and the hours are very long.

So the free time we will all have will be very short.

Expect a lot of ST rooms to be used.

Me myself i will try for a hotel and LT as i enjoy the GFE.


Now to convince my superior officers that i am "On a Goodwill Mission" and they should let me have more time in Pattaya.

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Hi watty wats,

This is exactly what i am trying to tell you,just a 50 years ago,in germany,every body did what he was told to do,here in europe we call it "befehl ist befehl" if you are not alowwed to form your own opinion,your are the same as a machine,and easely you can go down on the intelligence ladder,ask some body who is a bit older than you the story of My-Lay in Vietnam,also a case of I do as i'm told.Pls try to form your own opinion before you can not do it anymore,and be critical ,at least to your self.


erik(ret,capt of royal dutch navy airwing.

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Erikaya,  I am American.  I am a colege educated.  I am 29 years old.  Take no offence friend but, my country is and will stay on top.  Why?  You my ask am I so sure of this.  I'll tell you.  People like me, who would never tell anyone to do anything that I have not or would not do myself.  I know I'm not alone in this train of thought that steams around the world.  Hop on, we will get you to the place you want to be.  Thank you for the conversation.

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Hi Fellas

Every year the same questions pop up re CG.Personally I have found all the guys to be polite,well behaved and normally friendly to one and all.Yes,their presence is noticeable (i.e Bf'ing most of Charts girls from Classroom one night leaving him with 9 girls,going across the road to Penthouse and renting the Triplex and having generally good times,good work fellas but drop an invite thru the door next time eh?).

PTland 2 is heaving with servicemen,everywhere is busy and the place comes alot more "buzzing",with girls coming in from BKK to cash in.

Things in general step up a couple of gears,but if you venture up to Soi 6/7 or Naklua area you will find the solace you seek.Even the bar complexes along Second road opposite Made in Thailand are USM free.The nightclubs are often busy though.

All in all the guys are just letting off steam,enjoying Pattaya how it should be enjoyed.I've never had any problem with them,and if you are worried about the selection of girls being less,then don't,they are still there and often out after their first S/T,or back to work the next night,just take your turn fellas.




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In Cobra Gold last year I saw 6 marines renting a room

at Eastinny all together, having fun on Soi 8...  guess that's economical hunh  ;D


Cobra gold is April-May yearly....  

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I was there last year, for CG...we had no worries at all with the service personel.


we had a good laugh with a few of them, and I shouted a couple of rounds....just to show my appreciation for what they do.



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