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Usa Luggage Check in

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As of 1-1-2003, most Usa airports will have to "scan" all luggage at your originating city.  These machines give alot of "false" readings, so I would expect your luggage may be opened in a bagroom . IF YOU LOCK THE LUGGAGE , YOUR LOCK MAY BE CUTOFF...!  The machine does appear to give of about 33% "false " readings.  Get to the airport with plenty of time, this is going to slow you down and will be a real MESS at the start of 2003..... ::)

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All checked luggage at all USA airports after Jan 1, 2003 should not be locked and it is stated that you should use zip ties, garbage bag ties, to secure baggage from opening as if luggage locked inspectors will cut lock and not be held liable. Also, they want you to pack objects in clear containers, medicines, etc. And, to pack shoes at top of suitcase. If your luggage is hand inspected, they will place a note inside so informing you. In the future, the airports will provide customers with their own luggage ties.


Unfortunately, any claims for missing items will have to be presented to your particular airline carrier. It appears that we all now will be subjected to a lot of missing articles from our luggage! Just a zip tie to secure luggage is going to make it awfully easy for theft at airports.


I guess coming back from Thailand it will be OK to lock the luggage? Hope so as I intend to place lock upon my return trip home to USA. If they cut it; they cut it!


Rockin' Jerry

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What happens if your flight departs from outwith the US but you have to change planes in the US to travel on to another country? Is it scanned in the US?


This seems to be a case of overkill. If they want to scan it, do what they do in Thailand, scan it in front of you though as they no longer put a "tie" round your case, there is nothing to stop you adding things to your case afterwards. Also my case has a number of outer compartments into which i could put things after it has been scanned.


If they really want to open your case, they can simply request that you go to a dedicated desk in the terminal where the case can be opened in front of you. If you don't go to the desk, your case won't go on the plane!Simple! Or is that too obvious?



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As I understand it, some of the screening will take place when the luggage is already checked and out side your possession.


As far as what you suggest, I have only had one experience at Los Angeles, on Northwest Airlines this summer. When I made my reservation the agent instructed me to check my luggage at curbside check in. I thouhgt this strange but didn't question it. This was a domestic flight in USA. I did as instructed. I was way early as I wanted to check my bag and hit the bar for a drink before they closed at midnite.


The curbside agent placed my bag on the luggage rack and it was the first bag placed there. I waited about 15-minutes until the dolly was totally stacked then it was rolled inside at the far end of a large x-ray machine. I was instructed to stay in the area until my bag went through X-ray as they might need to hand search and I would have to open the lock. The handles seperated the bags and those people with earlier flights were put through X-ray first. My bag was set aside and I asked the handle if he couln't place my bag through machine and he said he had to handle others with earlier flight.I waited another 30-minutes until it was placed through X-ray and then placed on another hand dolly to make it's way to my plane.


Needless to say, I missed the bar closing and went without drink. I was pissed!


I don't know the answer to all your questions, but hopefully this new process will let the checked luggage flow in a fairly normal way. I know the ordeal I just described was very time consuming and I don't see how it could work with a full intercontinental flight I suggest you contact your travel agent as they should be up on all the requirements.


My very biggest concern is theft as I have read that since BKK airport quit putting band around the luggage, theft is way up there. Now we will no doubt have the same problem here in the USA.


Rockin' Jerry

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Okay...Sorry for the confusion...These are the NEW machines that Congress wanted...Not just an X-Ray Machine, these are the ones that screen for bombs. They are 3 times as big as an X-Ray machine and will be out of public sight.  Most will be located in the bagroom of the carrier you are flying on. This is done at your originating city in the USA. It's NOT done on luggage that will transfer from airplane to airplane in a connecting city..YES they will cut your lock off because the machine will get a false reading from that lock..Locking your bag FROM Thailand is not an issue and by all means go ahead, but your might have to re-open it for the Customs people anyway..? I expect they will be searching alot of bags the first month {Jan}, you've got new people doing a new job...And thinking that we all have explosives in our bags.. :o


By the way, this will be done by TSA Employees and I really don't think you have to worry about someone "stealing"... I've been with the Airlines for 18 yrs..I could careless what you have in your bag as far as "stealing"...I like my job, I want to keep it, as do most Ailine employees....But..we do have some "bad" ones...a sad fact of life ::) ::) ::)

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Hi Greg:


I am not worried about TSA doing the stealing; I am concerned with the airport employees that handle the luggage as there will be no locks on luggage. The individual airline baggage handlers. As I have mentioned, theft is up at BKK airport now that they have discontinued placing the plastic strap around luggage.


I agree that the first month is going to be a mess and unfortunately in that respect I am going to LOS in Jan. But, what the Hell, for the rewards when I am there, if a little delay, No Problem! I am a patient man for the delights of LOS!


Not the TSA, but the airline handlers that already steal. So much easier for them now to pilfer through luggage. I hope that I am wrong, but I think theft is going to go way up! Garbage plastic ties! Give me a break! Undo the one on the suitcase, pilfer and then reach in their pocket and relace with a new Glad garbage bag plastic tie? How long will that take? Seconds!


My 2-baht worth.


Rockin' Jerry

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My main concern is that my bags will leave SFO and arrive in BKK unlocked.  I spoke to the TSA helpline and they said my carrier (EVA) may allow me to lock my bag after screening in SFO.

My LOS trip is in February and hopefully by then this new TSA rule will not put a damper on it!  Now I probably need to carry all my condoms with me on the plane because I think maybe the new screening machine will give them too much of a zap.

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I'm worried about people stealing my stuff.  Just because a person is now employed by the US Government doesn't mean they're less likely to steal from you.   I'll continue to carry my really valuable items on with me.


FYI I found this link on another site  this is the TSA site It has all the new regulations on it.  

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question? what is paranoia?or shall we call it usa disease.

Have a look at colombo airport,and they know what it is to live under a everyday thread for being bombed.

Arrival on airport:car screening under the watchfulleye from 4 .50ths and a whole family of kalashnikofs

takes about 10min.

entering departure:1/ scanner at the entrance ,also guarded by the military.after that 10 min.walk to the departure lounge.again heavy lined by spec.forces

and some german shepards ,forgot to mention have to show your ticket at every checkpoint,

after entering the dep.lounge your luggage will be handsearched  and if they are satisfied you get a few stickers over the locks of your suitcase.luggage check-

in  and on the conveyorbelt.Passing immigrationcheck

your  handluggage will be X-rayd and than its up to the dep lounge .durig the time that you are doing your things they again x-ray your suitcases before they are loaded in the onboardcontainers ,by going to the gate for departure again your handluggage will be checked,

and finaly you are thru.but it takes all in all about 1/2

hour,have to be 3 hours before dep on the airport.

You see! this is real checking and yhey don't demolish your suitcases, if somebody is missing during boarding

all the luggage is offloaded and all pax have to indentify  their own baggage. so you see everything is possible without damaging in the name of uncle sam

greetings from amsterdam        erik ;D

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I recall coming back home from Turkey a few years ago when all the passengers had to identify their case before it went onto the plane. Fine if it's dry but not much fun when it's freezing cold and pissing with rain as is often the case here in edinburgh at this time of year.



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Hi All:


Well, times are a changing!


I for one, and I suspect most all others do not mind the extra time involved if it keeps flying the friendly skies safer and keeps the terror jeks off the planes and keeps them from planting explosives on the aircraft.


Is it more inconvenient? Hell Yes! Does it help? I hope in the long run, Yes! But, time will tell.


I personally don't mind the extra time involved, if all flows smoothly, as I am one that always goes to the airport early as I enjoy the cocktail lounges and "people watching" and reading a good book. Relaxing for me.


What pissed me off this summer was new x-ray, bomb screening process that was not very well organized as it was a new process, and in my opinion, some of us had to wait an urealistic long time. It cost me my cocktail time! But, as in everything else, I trust the kinks have been worked out with that process by now.


And, this new screening process will no doubt have bugs as well. I just hope that they are solved by the time I fly to LOS later in January. I would hate to be leaving on Jan.1, 2003 as I did Jan 1, 2002! They will have 3-weeks to tinker with it before I leave on Jan. 23.


Happy New Year!


Rockin' Jerry

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To all who are worried about theft from their baggage by airline staff. As someone who has worked in Airline baggage handling for more years than I would like to admit, may I assure you that the largest majority of Baggage Handlers are honest, decent people who are not willing to risk their job for a few easy pounds/dollars, however I can only speak as I find in the U.K. In the far east and other places the risk is more balanced with reward for goods stolen having more value.

You will have to rethink your baggage packing in future.

I have said in this forum before, if you wouldnt post it dont pack it! get a maximum sized carry on bag for all items such as cameras/ video and any gifts you are taking for your TG, choose small gifts that can be kept with you, no matter how embarrising they may be!

 You could also try using a decoy item, such as a jewellry type box, taped up to prevent inspection, with a few small pebbles in to rattle, and give wheight,this may convince the thief that he has hit the jackpot and leave everything else alone, I know it sounds a bit naff, but if it works once it would be worth packing it for every trip, and you might get a bit of a grin out of it !


Many of my workmates who travell to LOS reguarly, just take a small carry-on bag for everything and buy Tshrts and stuff there, when they finish with them they give them to GF or hotel staff for familly- could be the answer.


Gentlemen, this is never going to go away, people checking in for the moon will have the same problem!


Cheers, GC  ;)

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Not sure where most of you guys in the US fly from.  As you've read, don't lock your bags.  If the machine rings, off with your lock.  Word has it at my local airport you can get a "red" plastic-type lock at the airport.  If the machine rings, they'll take it off and check your bag.  They'll then put on a "blue" plastic-type lock to let you know they searched your bag.  Theft claims will be up in the air as neither the TSA or the airlines wants to be liable for any thefts.  If anyone has something swiped, please post how you went about getting it resolved!


I really hate dealing with airline security now.  So, to really piss 'em off, I'm putting my shoes on bottom - where they belong!  No way do I want my clothes wrinkled.  Secondly, all dirty clothes near the top with "special" DIRTY & CRUSTY undies reserved for the top of the heap!   ;D  All the sex toys and condoms will be in plain site, as well!


This is gonna be a clusterfuck-type of operation!   ;)


Good to see the US government getting involved in the airline security business.  Hopefully it runs as smooth as other government programs.   ::)

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