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Which seat to choose on plane

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One seat I always try and get when I fly Narita to BKK is closest to the door on the left side. This way I can hustle my butt to immigration ;D ;D ;D

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Flying coach, I try to get an aisle seat behind one of the partions or in the emergency exit row.  This way no one in front of you is reclining in your lap and provides you with maximum leg room.  



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I always like the seats right at the back of the plane. Nearer to the tail as one can go. As a kid someone told me that it is safest in the event of an aircraft crash.


old joke. ever here of a plane backing into a mountain ;D

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I always like the seats right at the back of the plane. Nearer to the tail as one can go. As a kid someone told me that it is safest in the event of an aircraft crash.


Actually, it's not factually true.  There is no "safe" place to sit on an airplane.  Ever notice that many plane crashes in history usually kill everyone on board?   ;)


When deciding where to sit, you have to ask yourself what you want in a ride, what times you'll be flying, and what is your general flight route.


If you want a smoother flight and will be flying at night, you want to be in the middle as that is the most structurally sound part of the aircraft.  This is because there is generally more turbulence over the oceans at night (during most US-BKK-US flights).  You'll barely notice most turbulence.


If you like a wilder ride - especially at takeoff - you've got to sit up front!  Even better is the upper deck of a 747.  This is my favorite place!


As far as the back of an aircraft, Henry Kissinger once said, "There are only two reasons to sit in the back row of an airplane:  Either you have diarrhea, or you're anxious to meet people who do."


Anyways, just my 2 baht.

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Definitely no window seat in economy section on a Boeing 747. Especially when you have kids in the row ahead of you jumping up and down, while you're trying to get some shut eye. >;)

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