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There are actually quite a lot but most will involve Export/Import and having someone back in the UK to handle stuff.


I actually found quite a good opportunity whilst on my last trip, which would probably show a 100% return on investment and involves furniture but would need substantial storage space.


But as for making a qucik buck I dount there is much thats hasnt already been thought of

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Crackpot, Thanks for your reply.

Furniture could be interesting.

I'm looking for ways of enabling me to spend more time in LOS, this could be a good opportunity to research when i'm there next month.

Are you talking about the traditional Thai style or something more modern ?

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Go to markets with a digital camera, take pics of crappy souveniers.  Put the pics on ebay.  After some idiot buys, go to the market, pick up whatever crappy knick-knack they just paid $25 for and send it to them.  :o



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Crackpot, Thanks for your reply.

Furniture could be interesting.

I'm looking for ways of enabling me to spend more time in LOS, this could be a good opportunity to research when i'm there next month.

Are you talking about the traditional Thai style or something more modern ?


The European style of stuff

Just take a walk up to the top floor of MBK where all the furniture shops are and check out the prices. The UK prices are 50-100% more than that and French prices even higher, and they are retail shops, its simply a matter of finding the manufacturers

and doing a deal with them.

Problem is you are going to need good dry storage facilities back in the UK

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How about filling your suitcase full of toothpicks?

The one's I bought there are made of bamboo and are nicely carved.They also came in a pleasant dispenser with a pink lid. 12Bht a pot of 200.(Tokyu dept store,BKK.Next to the joss-sticks).

Perhaps you could sell them to your local restaurants.

If you make your millions,remember me  ;D

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The European style of stuff

Just take a walk up to the top floor of MBK where all the furniture shops are and check out the prices. The UK prices are 50-100% more than that and French prices even higher, and they are retail shops, its simply a matter of finding the manufacturers

and doing a deal with them.

Problem is you are going to need good dry storage facilities back in the UK

Not only that but you have a whole world of hurt trying to prove that it has been bug sprayed, and no risk to the UK. Then it is likely not kiln dried and will thus split / contract in the UK's dry atmosphere.


I know some who do bring it in from asia but not from LOS, rather from Indonesia.

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Not only that but you have a whole world of hurt trying to prove that it has been bug sprayed, and no risk to the UK. Then it is likely not kiln dried and will thus split / contract in the UK's dry atmosphere.


I know some who do bring it in from asia but not from LOS, rather from Indonesia.

What part of 'Good dry storage facilities' didnt you understand ?

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Isn't there a difference between kiln-dried and dry storage?

By the way,my imported tooth-picks haven't split yet. ;D


Well he also missed the part about 'the European type of stuff'

By that I meant the cushioned type of Sofas and chairs not the Hard arsed Tekk suff (which I cant stand) and which for the UK would be pretty useless anyway

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What about getting soiled knickers off the girls and selling them on Ebay ?

Heyyyyyy cool idea


In some cases it would just be a matter of addressing them and putting a stamp on there wouldnt be any need to wrap them

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Roland is on the right track with the knickers. But how about a polaroid picture of a TG with them on included in the deal, could be same girl for each pair, or a few different ones, give 'em a couple of hundred baht to pose. 15 quid a go, the world will beat a path to your P.O Box. No shipping problems, no storage, one casefull will set you up for the year. I might do it ! Dont worry, I'll wear protective clothing.  :o

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Then agaiiinn

Think of all the sperm ejaculated in Pattaya, if you could collect it then set up as a sperm donor clinic.


Can I volunteer to give some samples though??


Ill need a hand, of course ;D

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Then agaiiinn

Think of all the sperm ejaculated in Pattaya, if you could collect it then set up as a sperm donor clinic.


So do you have to use the withdrawal method to get it back from them?

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