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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

PB Chris

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About PB Chris

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  • Birthday 06/23/1975

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    United States

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  1. If that were the case, he'd be the gossip of the building even without the BG's If he didn't bring any girls back they'd probably start thinking he's gay. Not sure which one is worse.
  2. And 2 TV's from the looks of it.
  3. Online sites like drugstore.com sell them. If you've something similar in the UK I'm sure they stock them.
  4. The laser whitening isn't permanent. You need to follow up with bleaching or more laser sessions to keep them white.
  5. Wow...my dick just moved after looking at some of those pics!
  6. There's a lot of reasons someone might choose a higher priced hotel. Better surroundings, better facilities and competent staff are just a few that come to mind. By no means are any of those guaranteed, but you do often get what you pay for.
  7. Alternatively, you can get a pair of fakes for about 300 baht. I had a pair of low top knockoffs that I got in MBK. Compared them to an old pair of originals and honestly couldn't find any difference. Just retired them after 2 years of hard use.
  8. Well I've decided to try the BJ Holiday lodge. I stayed at the BVP earlier this year and found the north Pattaya area to be fairly quiet, and that was probably the biggest factor in my decision. Being in walking distance to BigC and 3 different soapies doesn't hurt either . I'll probably check out the Areca on my next trip.
  9. If you had to choose between the 3, where do you stay? I'm leaning towards the BJ at the moment, with the Areca a close second. Had preferred to try out Metro Apartments or Jasmine Mansion in LK Metro, but both are booked and not available. My previous stay was at the BVP in soi 4. Very nice, but also not available for the dates I'm there. Any other suggestions are more than welcome! Looking for something clean and fairly quiet in the B1500 per night range. Sea view room and a pool would be a plus!!
  10. Stayed at the Grand Business Inn earlier this year. Fairly nice room, but everything from the furniture to the floor was showing some major wear. Lots of contruction noise next door too, which of course they 'forgot' to mention during booking. It may be complete by now. The Manhattan used to be my favourite budget spot, but I've avoided it lately due to more construction noise. Basic rooms, but they're all clean, you get a free breakfast and the place has a pool. Not bad for 1k a night.
  11. Does anyone happen to know the room rates for this hotel on Soi LK Metro? Saw some pictures in another post and it looks quite nice. I can't find a website for them anywhere, and a couple emails that I sent (not even sure I have the right address) have yet to receive a reply. Any info would be appreciated. Chris
  12. Scalawag Just caught the reference to the Winchester Mystery house. Do you live in San Jose by chance?
  13. Nice report Snake Man. If it really does stay open till 6am, that's great news. It wont be long till its flooded with freelancers, it's still in Pattaya after all.
  14. That pic brings back some memories! Spent about 5 days with her on my last trip. Nice girl and her dad makes a mean cha yen too
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