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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Obsession

  1. Good game today . Man U v Fulham. Fair result. Telling game between Man Crappy and Liverpool tomorrow. I say, 2 - 0 Liverpool. What about Milner costing £24 million for the team Spurs were giving a lesson to last week!? That's twice what Ozil cost Real Madrid!!! Crazy.
  2. http://www.franchisedirect.co.uk/b2bfranch...ranchise-07539/ Just what you guys have been dreaming of. .......................Start your own pig farm in the land of smiles!!!!! I know this is a magnet for bad jokes from "they can't be as bad as Denny's barfines" to " can I change my Skyslop booking to your pig sty enclosure" Seriously though. Anyone heard of this? I am always suspicious of anything that the person could do alone. If you had a money spinner, why let others in? What's your thoughts?
  3. Show off But can you stick them in your pocket and take them on holiday to view your latest photos , vids on TV?
  4. You don't go to gogo's I din't think it was out of respect. The place tells us of a party we ain't invited to, posts a website that doesn't work and won't show us the staff. Good luck to the place, but I don't think they can complain about negative comments. I will wait for a " All FLB members invited" night, and " here's the staff" thread, before giving them custom.
  5. So right. They will probably be posted on the net naked with a dick in their mouths if they work long enough. And if they are all sponsored thenI don't want to waste time on them. I will be in no hurry to visit it unless there's staff pics I like.
  6. It's unions like that , that give unions a bad name. Many are taking pay cuts and pay freezes and they try to hold the public to ransom and ask 10%!!
  7. http://www.svp.co.uk/electronics/av-home-c...tail-boxed.html I just bought one these to watch avi files I had downloaded but couldn't burn to disk. You can use a memory stick or card and view the stuff on TV. It was only about £25 and comes with a remote control. I bought a 16g stick to go with it. One of the reviews said it wiped their portable HD, so don't risk connecting an external HD to it with stuff you haven't backed up.
  8. I would have thought that any wage increase is a result in the current recession.
  9. Your trying to wind us up. Played ok!!!!! City were given a football lesson in the first half. Their keeper had an amazing game, Spurs should have been out of sight . Tevez, Tevez, who the f*** is Tevez Yaya seemed a bit slow for £220k a week. Based on that performance, they won't finish in the top 4. WBA had a woeful defence. The wall was embarrasingly bad, as was the marking. WBAs poor show flattered Chelsea. We won't see the real Chelsea until they play a decent team.
  10. Man City eh I wonder if it will be Martinez or Mancini first out the management door. Probably Mancini.
  11. Are you all, avin a larf???? The NeverHaveBeens won't win. Roberto isn't up to managing in the premiership and I doubt he can instill a winning mentality into a squad of mercenaries. I think we should put our money where our mouths are and you can leave me some beers behind the bar The FLB bar, not the New Plaza bars. Chelski _ I wrongly thought they were too old last season, so am going to say it every season until I'm right!!! Terry is footballs Tiger Woods. He made a few clangers in that very very short world cup campaign and is basically a has been. With Cole gone as well, their
  12. According to "the moneysaving expert" ( Martin Lewis's website), it's Halifax clarity credit card. He recommends we all ditch our NW accounts, and he is probably right. If the public voted with their feet more often, we would get better deals.
  13. I have stayed in Jasmine mansion and the Hollanda on soi buakaow, and it can be noisy. These motorbikes screaming down the road at all hours, and obviously parties. Have stayed in 3 places on Lengkee and it was quieter.
  14. Hi mate. They took 50 bht a month from my Kasikorn account, maybe had something to do with it dropping below 1,000bht ( but it wouldn't have if they hadn't taken the first 250 bht ) . I asked two different times for an explanation, but it was vague and contradictory. I had just left 1,000bht in it and it was ok for ages. Then they just started taking the 50 a month for 7 months while I was in the UK and didn't know. I left more money last time, but don't know if they are taking any.
  15. Very shortsighted of the landlord. And the next door business sound like bas****s if they won't pay for what they use. Good luck in your next venture.
  16. American marketing men. The rest of the world doesn't care if America wants to hire has beens for big money. Up to them. I heard it's getting popular in the US. Doesn't matter to the rest of the world. You are very welcome to join in, or don't. Who cares.
  17. Why would a football hater read a Thierry Henry interview? Even knowing Henry, shows how much you follow the sport
  18. Poor tournament. The vuvuzelas ruined the atmosphere and made me stop listening to some games. Mant teams were lethargic. I guess the altitude, or genereal SA , was crap, or maybe the lack of audible support and just the drone. Might try to go to Brazil for the next tourney. It's a definate once in a lifetime experience to see the world cup in Brazil.
  19. Are you meaning of a similar age to a TG girlfriend? Or a similar age to you? I know that might seem a silly question. But I have a female friend of a similar age to me who would like to come to los and maybe stay with me. imho, that might be preferable to living with a young TG. I could butterfly, but still have female company of a similar age and have the same cultural references.
  20. I read that. From Cameroon and , I forget the other place. Totally fucked up. Now they can claim all the free stuff. It's just too easy for all assylum seekers to claim they are gay and get to stay in the UK
  21. Scottish, Welsh and Irish. That looks like a great brekkie deal.
  22. It's a sport. End of. Don't believe what the English media say about the England team. The Maradona incident didn't cost them the world cup. You would have to be in the final to say that. I did laugh the other day when they listed all the "things" that "cost them world cups", from sending offs to Maradona. It's delusion. They wouldn't have won any of those cups if they got a "by" through those games. Oh. And sports were invented before video replays. So your point is eh, ludicrous I'll have a Heiniken
  23. Spouting delusion, instead of answering the question! MLC It's usually started by Vic. I can't think of any negative American sports threads ever started by Brits. But if people people want to start knocking non American sports, you can't blame us for wiping the floor with your versions of our girls sports
  24. So. YOu are saying that the worlds most popular sport, isn't a sport! Now I know why you spout tosh on the politics thread.
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