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Everything posted by Obsession

  1. You are comparing wrong sports. Let me advize you........... Rugby v American Nancyball Rounders v Baseball Netball v Easier netball ( also known as basketball ) Football v ..........has nothing comparable as it's so out front.
  2. Just explaining to MLC that I didn't think he was gay.
  3. No. But using the term "soccer" sounds gay to UK folk. In fact in Scotland, you have to say "fitba" , or your considered an ass bandit
  4. I think he means resizing them to make his knob look bigger
  5. I don't think we do mind. It's up to you if you want to sound gay I just found out this week that it's only in Scotland that a "throw in" is called a "shy". Feck knows why.
  6. When will they learn The English are nowt, without the Scots backing them up
  7. Loads of people appear with umbrellas for sale. I was offered one for something like 100/ 200 bht while the thais that walked up were offered them at a lot less
  8. I wanted the soft morris dancers to do well. UNTIL. Talksport went on and on after the Slovenia game. After beating that dire team by a single goal, the media had England winning the world cup. Be honest now. The crap talked about how superior England was to Germany was utter tosh and irritating to anyone not brainwashed by it. People talking shit, irritates. Look at Denny But, up to then,I wanted the Faggot eaters to win. I was even sharing in their humiliation as the Krauts taught them a lesson ....But yes. The Scottish team is shit. Why do Urugauy do well on a population of 2.5 million?
  9. Vic. Your posts are becoming depressing. You sound very negative.
  10. I think that's true of some of them. Why would Capello, not bring on Joe Cole? Or as Nid said. Crouch, for Heskey. Why put SWP on for Lennon, to play the same, in a system that isn't working? Why wait until 5 minutes before getting on the bus to the stadium, to tell the goalkeepers who is playing? And the FA have just given him another 2 year contract
  11. Ok, I was only trying to help. I wanted to know if you really meant a quality place as you always stay in a shithole in Patts. I won't bother trying to help you. Bye Dumbo.
  12. Obsession


    FAF Loved the line." you know me. I'm a reasonable man"
  13. I will run it by the Scottish Executive
  14. Are you looking for a hostel. Like you stay in Pattaya, or a guesthouse?
  15. You said the British weren't making much noise since drawing with Algeria. Why would we? The team is called England. It's elementary, my dear Vegas. When a team is named "England", it doesn't have any other Brits Remember that handy hint, I give you. That will be two of your most expensive beers Martin.......on Vics tab And I hope the English notice the restraint from us Scots for that lacklustre display
  16. Even during the abysmal borefest against Algeria. The English commentator was saying that it was possible to draw the first two games and win the competition He was in denial that the inept squad couldn't lace Argetinas or Brazils boots. It's probably better they go home before being humiliated by the first good team they meet. Let's hope they pick a decent manager next time. And maybe cap hungrier players.
  17. Oh dear You just can't grasp this UK thing. Let me explain. But it will cost you a beer. "Britain" didn't play Algeria. England did. In football,rugby etc, we have our own teams. There is a rugby "four nations" team ..............I bet you can't guess what it's called???? Yes. The world cup has got off to a poor start. The only games I've enjoyed were the Argies games and Brazil and Germanys first game. I think some of the teams are unhappy in South Africa. And the pressure is showing and maybe that feckin vuvuzela racket is annoying them. As I said. Some rules, and immigration
  18. Muslim exremists in Somalia are telling people not to watch the world cup and are threatening to publicly flog anyone who watches it. Seems like a safe haven for you, Vic, until the tournament is finished
  19. Great player, that Ozil. While watching the game, I was thinking that the Germans were all ,eh, German, as opposed to France or even England. Then, the commentator said " Germany are bringing on their Brazilian striker" I think staying for 5 years in Germany, made him eligible to play for them.
  20. Yes. They are lighter than usual. But even in the seventies, Peter Lorimer of Leeds ( a Scotsman ), had a shot of around 100 mph. Vic, had earlier stated that he din't beleive me
  21. I've lost the gist of this thread. But I have been telling everyone this since I found out last week..........Sky TV charge bars i the UK £10,000+ a month for SkySports Anf d that's throughout the year. Thankfully, the world cup is on terrestial channels.
  22. Something like 50 pages in his petulant thread, and he still doesn't understand draws, leagues or groups Vic Boxing doesn't end in a knockout every time. Much to my disappointment, when I was 9 years old. As you get older, you appreciate the skill etc, rather than expect a couple of windmills to run out, trying to land a haymaker. Same football. Other things you haven't understood is that some teams are playing at high altitudes. And that losing the first game is really bad in a group competition. They are therefore playing a bit cautiously. Running about like a bunch of schoolboys, wi
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