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Everything posted by Obsession

  1. I went with chrome after it was recommended on here. It's good. Better than the Firefox that I was using.
  2. And to think the tourist board were chasing those tourists and wanting rid of us
  3. You have been trying to bully old unfit BMs by asking them into the boxing ring. I think it's to make up for your homosexuality. You have now had PL mods to close all your gay threads. Up to you. But if your such a tough guy wanting to take old guys into the boxing ring, then why do you hide? Because you called me a sex case online. So I retalliated online. Why didn't you wait to call me a sex case in Pattaya? Now you are in a GayRage because I talked about the worst kept secret in Patts.........That your gay. If you had never called me a sex case, then I wouldn't have had to retal
  4. Good luck to your mate There must be a market for it. Brits are addicted to cheese lol.
  5. Most have lost their femininity and are fat, foul mouther and tattoed. But I am working class. Upper classes have less tattoes, are still fat, and have a huge legal knowledge of divorce financials. And, won't let you cum on their faces! Imho, access to their pussy isn't worth half your lifetime earnings. It's a mugs game.
  6. He will never declare where he stays He's a blowhard.
  7. Such is the vast tapestry of life
  8. Hotels have maid service and clean sheets every day and maybe 24 hour security to check IDs and mostly wi fi internet. Imho, there isn't much of a saving in staying in a condo.
  9. So you still reckon he threw his job away at , say, £20,000 a week , just for Man U? Todays games.......birmingham must have thrown the game for Man U Man City lost in an ultra dull game to relegation strugglers Villa. Man U must have bribed the City team to play shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. But, is it contempt if they leave the car in neutral to let you gently push it out the way? Or do they do so and leave the brake on? And BTW, the UK is just as bad for parking with no thought for others. Drives me mental in my old muttering man way!
  11. Or, don't want to have to keep repeating yourself because nobody can understand you. FFS, your a cynical negative guy!
  12. Glaswegian accents are a problem. People don't understand and we talk too fast for them. I would love to change my accent for travelling.
  13. They seem to manage to outfox many a farang and are left with the moolah, while the farang heads back to the west. And many are bi, and multi lingual despite very little education.
  14. Don't know the incidents you mean, but just proves that it's swings and roundabouts, just like for every other team. They get some dodgy decisions for and against. Come on mate. You have said that Big Sam threw the Blackburn game and that the refs are bent! Man U have the best manager and some of the best players. That's why they win mate Anyway, moving on. Who do you think will win the premiership?
  15. No. Try using a dating site as you can talk to them on there, but it costs you, and their English is poor. Or some guys use facebook.
  16. But are they as good at sucking cock! Are they lookers, and what's the P4P scene like? Thanks.
  17. Thanks guys, I didn't think it was done in the west. The Thais are such good natured people at heart , and I think many miss it at times because us tourists mix with mainly Thais hardened by obnoxious tourists!
  18. I thought it was just a TG that I went about with that sometimes left the handbrake off to let others move her car. But the taxi driver last trip moved about 4 cars in the car park that had jammed her in , by pushing them. I was amazed. In the UK, vandals would push your car into a wall for a laugh, but in los, they can trust others not to damage their car. So. Do you do that in your home country, or is it just in los?
  19. There's no way that was a 2nd yellow card for Rafael. So much for claims that Man U get preferential treatment from refs!
  20. I was surprised by how many Aussies there were in Cambo, compared to Pattaya, and the Cambo forums have a lot more Aussies than Pattaya forums. I wondered why they seem to prefer Cambo.
  21. You PMd the pics because you seem to be on a pro NP mission and hate anyone disagreeing. FFS mate, let me have an opinion! The pics were of a an older TG you DIDN'T meet on NP. End of. I haven't posted any innacuracies. I thought I asked you not to quote me , so I didn't need to answer I don't want to discuss the swamp again until someone posts some pics! Lets disagree. You hang out with Winnie and Vic, and I eh, won't!!!!!
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