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Everything posted by rightsaid

  1. Apologies mate, I had to pickup Elle, Pamela, the Sweedish Bikini Team and by the time I picked up the entire female cast of Hustlers Asian Fever series 1 - 30, I'm afraid there was no room left on the jet. Rest assured mate you didn't miss much. A hundred girl orgy with a gallon of baby oil is over rated.
  2. After a four week break in Sydney, this Wednesday 13th December, will be my first night back behind the wheel of TQ2 so if you are in town come on over for a few drinks and say hello. Seeing as it's Wicked Wednesday our girls will once again attempt to put on a sexy show or two, who knows this might be the historic night where they get it right. At around 9pm Bob is going to put on a nice spread of food for us. We'll also have a couple of our popular lucky draws throughout the night. Finally, we have our TQ2 Privilege Cards available for issue/pickup. So if you
  3. Hi Steve, Glad you had a good time. Must admit Stan has a way of winning that bottle of Vodka. Must be all those drinks he buys. When are we going to see you back in Pattaya? Hope it's soon. Cheers, Alf.
  4. Hi RWB, Apologies mate, not really sure what you're referring to. I replied to The Wah on this thread who dissed Shane's (aka Alan Lad) bar LD1 when it was obviously not LD1. Did I say something on another thread? Cheers, Alf.
  5. Hi Shane, Did I get this right? He slags you're bar and you offer him a free drink. We defend your bar and we get nothing? Don't take it personal mate, just some good old fashioned shit stirring. Cheers, Alf. ps. 10 days and I'm back in Patters, can't wait.
  6. Hi jm49er1, You're welcome. I hope you are right and it is a sales pitch as I'd planned to join myself on my return on the 10th December. Cheers, Alf.
  7. Don't know which bar you went to but it obviously wasn't LD1. If you had been in there you'd know that as you enter LD1, the stage is to your front. In fact it takes up the middle area of the room. Also the bar is on your right near the entrance to the door. So if you are going to slag off a business, how about making sure you've got the right one. Huh? I think you owe Shane an apology.
  8. Hi Shane, Welcome to the board. You'll find a lot of familiar names on this board, mine included. They're a good bunch of people. Cheers, Alf.
  9. I believe the offer was discontinued. http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/index.ph...st&p=386461
  10. I believe Tony's Tennis Club and Fitness Centre have a special of 6000B for twelve months membership. I believe that membership of TCFC allows you to use Tony's other gyms.
  11. Try reading your previous posts. They seem to do the trick for the rest of us.
  12. I was in Chang Mai for Interhash 2006, 27 - 29 Oct 2006. The sponsor was Singha and I was led to believe we were being served Singha light. What ever it was, the consensus amongst most of the hashers there was that it was crap.
  13. Mark, They will be. Don't forget our Sydney Boardies Meeting at Convent Garden Hotel on Sunday 19th November 2006. Let's make it a 12 noon meet then down to Yum Cha at around 12.30pm then back to the Hotel for more beers. Alf. Hi Sparkydave, It'll be nice to see you in during our Wicked Wednesday sessions. BTW, if you come in on Saturday your TQ2 Privilege Card will waiting for you. Cheers, Alf.
  14. Hi All, After 7 days of running up and down the hills of Chang Mai with the Hash House Harriers and drinking nothing but Singha Light I will be back in TQ2 tomorrow night just in time for our TQ2 Wicked Wednesday session. To celebrate, our dancers will do their very best to attempt to do a sexy show or two. We'll do our very best to have our beers as cold as humanly (or humanely) possible without give you frost bite. We'll also have a number of lucky door prizes throughout the night. And if that's not enough our TQ2 Privilege Cards will be available for issue
  15. This is not intended to be a flame. Here is a secret full proof way of answering your question and any others who have such questions. Ask the airline you've booked with, you will find they know more about what airport they are using than anyone else here on this or any other board.
  16. I can't belive I am doing this... My first ever holiday (a real holiday without visiting family), first ever overseas holiday and first time to Thailand/Pattaya. First off welcome to the board you'll find this and other boards a great resource of information. Also congratulations on what will hopefully be a memorable holiday. At the moment I have booked the flights and hotels. Staying in Bangkok for 3 nights before traveling down to Pattaya, arriving in Nov 10th. A question was asked previously if you've booked your accommodation in Bangkok was booked by you or as part of a packag
  17. Party pencilled in. I will make a point of coming over (working TQ2) for a few beers. RightSaid.
  18. Hi Archie, Every Thursday night there's a pub crawl hosted by Hammer (aka Adam), and starting from FLB bar which looks like great fun. So if you are in town that's a great way to meet some of the board members. Cheers, RightSaid.
  19. Flights are also available to Bangkok. I just booked my flight with Jetstar for the period 26 Mar 2007 - 28 Jun 2007. Prices came to a total of $861.00 Australian Dollars. Here is a break down of the prices. Jetstar Base Fares 460.00 (outgoing leg was only 32.00) 1 X Comfort Pack 14.00 1 X Video on Demand: 20.00 1 X Credit & Charge 16.00 Surcharges, Fees, and Taxes 301.00 Other Fees 100.00 Subtotal 861.00 Total Price 861.00 In comparison I booked my Qantas/BA flight for period 10 Dec 2006 - 28 Feb 2007 Prices came to a total of $154
  20. If you are giving a girl money for "EXTRAS" then that is not a tip.
  21. Yeah, or are you part of the Bouche Group
  22. IMHO, I wouldn't TAKE any money with you. If you have to access money use an ATM they are everywhere. Next I would budget approximately 6000 per day. Some days you'll use more some days you'll use less. If you are going for a month I suggest you plan to take a day off each week just to recover a little. Believe me it is very very easy to burn the candle at both ends.
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