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Siam Sam

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Everything posted by Siam Sam

  1. I didn't know he was a shit stabber?
  2. Yes Air Asia are a very reasonably priced airline if you book in advance. I flew one way from Bangkok to Surat Thani last year and it cost me 1500 baht.
  3. I'm not sure I agree with that but the more money dictates what happens in football I am beginning to lose my passion for it. Maybe one day I'll do the right thing and become a Saints fan. They will win it this year but I don't rate their chances of long term success, you only have to look at chelski to see that money doesn't guarantee it. Besides, it looks like FIFA are going to step in and regulate things by limiting what you can spend in a season or only allowing lots of large transfers if your club is running at a profit.
  4. Lord of the Rings (take your pick which one)
  5. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
  6. Well in that case - Black Swan
  7. You think I'm an AMERICAAAAN? The shame! Does the bit on my profile that states my location as Southampton not give it away?
  8. Gutted to hear that about the Areca, I have wanted to stay there for ages and was planning to on my next trip.......
  9. I've certainly noticed a lot more Spurs shirts around London now that they are in the top four.
  10. Losing my tolerance to alcohol, need training for next trip to Thailand.

    1. villayouth
    2. Rickster59


      good luck with that Sam!


    3. Siam Sam

      Siam Sam

      I'm working on it.....

  11. Yeah I'm sure that's what happened.
  12. You never know what is going on in someone's head. He was a good footballer too. RIP
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