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losgrad last won the day on April 19 2017

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264 Excellent

About losgrad

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  1. Yes, places like Beergarden or Le Pub would be great.
  2. Sorry, i didn't realize it was a private conversation we were 'interjecting' ourselves. I'll stay out of it then....
  3. Yes, one-on-one tennis matches and thread fucks seem to be common... Ageing is inevitable, so we got older reading this... "Why so serious?" Agree to disagree
  4. Since my early school years, i began thinking of careers and retirement. Each day i'd enjoy, but each night i'd make plans. Yes, i saw some friends die while we were in school, some early in their careers, some in the peak of their professions and some as they neared retirement; but i also saw many senior citizens (including my parents) who seemed to have insufficient funds to enjoy their aged years. I partially agree with 'You Only Live Once,' so i have enjoyed a very active life of experiences, things and travel; but also partially agree one needs to save for the future. Fortunately, my
  5. Jacko, Sorry to hear about your significant loss. A faster surge protector or quality UPS may have helped, or sometimes a disconnection; otherwise sometimes, "Shit Happens!" That was a BIG lightening storm and sounded very close to us and we're near Big C Extra.. Thanks for the report. Now, I'll look into quality surge protectors and UPSes for my electronic stuff. .
  6. Thank you for this article. I found it interesting and got quotes from the top 2 companies recommended. Since my needs are a little different the quote indicates I need to call and talk with them as my travel dates are 364 days or 90-100 days 3 times a year. Allianz, the 3rd Company was the only one with an Annual plan which is what I have been using. It's also referred by California AAA Auto club which is my Auto and home insurance. I pay for USA health insurance coverage for my wife and I for our regular and sometimes extended visits to the USA as a hospital visit in the USA could
  7. Yes, for your next visit, please have "Travel Insurance" unless you have a significant balance attached to your ATM card. Some expats (a few in my condo building) have left Thailand due to "Health Care" costs. For visitors, Travel Insurance will at least take care of you for most medical issues until you get home. Health Care insurance is somewhat expensive here, especially for us senior citizens, but Travel Insurance is a relative bargain assuming you have some kind of coverage in your home country. P.S. My wife thinks it's better to get hospital care from the top private hospital
  8. Yes, a few years ago, it was 'affordable' within many westerner's credit card limits or savings (median US savings account balance of $5,200 in 2013), but in the last 5 years we have seen significant increases in hospital costs. Outpatient still seems to be a good deal, but Inpatient prices are approaching Western countries insurance reimbursement rates. As Thailand became promoted for medical tourism, they took advantage. I know one expat who had to sell one of his two Thai condos to pay his hospital bills after a 2nd motorcycle accident. It's more important than ever to be prepared with
  9. After a hiatus, last night i decided to skip Windmill or Bacarra as my first gogo stop and dropped in at "Sugarbaby," where some of the servers still remember me :). Although there were other customers, i was happy to have my 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th choices all join me for a drink :). It was good to meet you 'Patna.' You're a very cordial fellow and when i left you were again caught in the cashier's booth :). Take care and i'll be dropping by regularly.
  10. Yes, I had that condition for a few years and eventually kicked the addiction after some painful days and nights of headaches. A month later I started drinking coffee again, but have kept to small dosages so now when I miss a day or two, no problems.
  11. Yes, in moderation I think a little caffeine and the trace elements in coffee is healthy. Yes, agree it is the quantity of caffeine consumed (instant has less caffeine as do some cheaper coffees) and now that I consume less it's also more a habit than an addiction. Be aware and careful with all we do. Let's be around for awhile!!
  12. I also remember trying the Lek buffet breakfast about 10 years ago and Evil's report brought back the memory.... Earlier this year, i was In Beijing at a 4 star hotel (at least the rooms), where the food displayed in their buffet looked perfect. The deserts must have been made with a 3-D color printer using paper and cardboard, the fruits freshly painted in bright colors, the meats made of textured cotton or something. Anyway, the appearance of the foods were exceptionally deceiving. As many things in life, it's not always as they look. Enjoy.
  13. The original is off Soi Lengkee with large rooms. I've not used the newer one off Soi Buakow, but heard it's better.
  14. Happy 75th!! When in Hawaii, in the mornings after my gym workout, i love getting Spam Musubi wrapped in Nori (seaweed) from the nearby 7-11. Of course, the best ones are sold in the specialty shops where there is a line out the door. Not the healthiest, but moderation in all tasty things (donuts, frappes, steaks, fried fish, etc..). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spam_musubi#/media/File:Homemade_Spam_Musubi.jpg P.S. To make them a little healthier, I now prefer those made with brown rice .
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