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Everything posted by Fondles

  1. Nobody is piling anything onto the GBO's, The licensing of the world cup has little to do with Thailand or any other shitty 3rd world country, The GBO's have to choice to pay the licensing fee's or not ....... no one is holding a gun to their heads, if the silly fucks choose to pay the fee's and raise their prices excessively to cover them no one will sit there and drink anyways !!!
  2. ChaCha, nobody is ripping anyone off, well except the barowners ofcourse as for years they have been illegally displaying content that needs to be licenced for public broadcasting..... now that its being "enforced" all the GBO's are crying into theirs beers.............. Paying licencing fee's comes part and parcel of owning a bar, if your not prepared to pay them either get out of the business or expect to be fined.
  3. When does this WogBall malarky end anyways, fuckin stupid game.
  4. What is the fine for ??? Maybe you have heard about this http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/index.ph...c=49147&hl=
  5. 3-2 with the victory going to the USA.
  6. A bottle of san mig will cost me what, 80b, 4 pints of carlsburg is gunna cost me somewhere around 700quid........moot point really, certainly makes that 80b san mig look like a bargain though !!!!
  7. You sold a secondhand lappy and walked away with a $10.00 profit, I reckon thats a result !!!!
  8. Exactly, I agree 100%. What I don't agree with is the fact the OP wants the same coin for a secondhand Lappy as to what it can be purchased new, infact its priced secondhand nearly $50.00 USD more than a new one, that $50.00 would nearly cover shipping so add 20% import tax and you can have a new one delivered from the states for an extra 4000b.
  9. Fascino Pharmacy on Pattaya Nua about 800m from suk road sells walking aids, its on the left as your heading towards dolphin circle.
  10. Everything east of the railway line is classed as the darkside.
  11. Englishinsiam, You need to be in posession of a 5yr Thai licence to be able to obtain a Thai IDP, the 1yr licence is classed as a tempory one and as such they will not issue and IDP on it.
  12. 7 hours prior to you posting this thread FLB posted their revised opening hours ................ http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/index.ph...c=48673&hl=
  13. For what cheese ??? Did you even read the thread ???
  14. Awesome cheese, Ive just devoured some of the lushest grilled cheese/tomato/bacon sandwiches ive had for a long tme...... yummy yummy yummy.
  15. Offer to hire them a live in/housemaid/driver/shopper, should be able to find someone suitable for less than 5k a month.
  16. Is you TGF the parents gravy train ?? If so the only way your going to gain their blessing is to start forking over the coin, you have plenty, jing jing.
  17. Thanks LY, I tired to read lovedogs post but gave up, it was giving me a headache.
  18. Is Kamagra a prescription drug these days in OZ ??
  19. They were purchased with Australian currency.
  20. erm, what does the CFIA & CMDL to do with Australian customs ??? Im only relaying my experiences entering Australia, Customs at Brisbane have stopped me and asked about the 3 boxes of them, I told em I have erectile issues, they put them back in my luggage and sent me on my way, if the importation of them were in any way illegal I would have been fined and had them confiscated. Cigarettes on the otherhand, Those customs cunts have pinged me a few times for them !!!
  21. Fuck all, Kamagra gel is not on the controlled prescibed list nor is it an illegal drug..... any idiot can import it, I just got in and made some coin before hand.... I used to sell to a sex shop on the gold coast, they now import it for half the price i was selling it for.... I still make some coin though, if I get a request from mates to bring some along.
  22. meh, its easy money, Pays for the expensive trips home.
  23. Ahhh gotcha, was wondering like. All good though !!
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