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Everything posted by grs90

  1. There is a watch repairer (in fact a couple of them) on the left hand side as you turn in to Soi Bukaow from Cental Road, just by where you queue for the baht buses. I've twice used the first one on the left with is the 2nd or 3rd shop unit and was very impressed with the speed, quality and low cost. Don't remember the cost but was only 2 or 3 hundred baht to have the winder replaced and watch serviced.
  2. I stayed there 5 or 6 times during 2005/2006. I abandoned it after my stay last XMAS/New Year because, like most places managed by Thais, they have let the place get a bit run down and are not that good at fixing the little problems. I only ever stayed in the apartments so all room related comments only apply to them and not to their bungalows. PROS ==== Very friendly staff, if a little dim and forgetful at times. Good sized rooms - but get one at the back of the apartment building so it overlooks the courtyard and pool. The rooms fronting on to Soi Buakhao can be noisy at time
  3. The rules (from www.dh.gov.uk). Seems the key, if you are living in Thailand, is to declare you intend to become a permanent UK resident if you need treatment when you are back in the UK. Or burn your passport and claim political asylum and it is bound to be free then!! Are you spending more than 3 months living outside the UK? What if I should need hospital treatment? Under the current Regulations, anyone who spends more than 3 months living outside the UK is no longer automatically entitled to free NHS hospital treatment in England. Whether you remain entitled depends
  4. If you click on RATES on the website he's provided you will see the price.
  5. Cheers Lads Couldn't beat the Opodo price but got one from WestEast for about £100 more as it gave me full mileage accrual. With my other planned trips this full mileage one will put me in to gold card land so its well worth the extra.
  6. Thanks Regyai, I thought that was a winner. WestEast website has it at 476 inc taxes.........................................until you try to book it when it jumps up to £497 because another £20.50 tax is added. Presumably the latest UK budget increase? It is so fucking annoying when you are comparing prices when all these sites don't give you the actual price you will pay up front. Louis - thanks for the link but I'm only really interested in Thai at the moment as I'll be flying over another 6 times this year and want to try ang get enough airmiles for the gold card. Che
  7. Hi I'm about to book a flight LHR-BKK outbound 1st March returning on 12th. Cheapest I can see at the moment is OPODO which is £485 when you use their £20 January sale voucher. Before I go for this has anyone found Thai flights for March any cheaper than this? Cheers
  8. Well, this was my suggestion so I'm obviously supportive of it, although I did suggest a graduated discount depending on the amount spent, resulting in a totally free bar fine if the bill hit 5000. From many of the comments on here you would think people are being forced to spend 5000. They are not. If you normally only spend a few hundred you are no worse off than you were before, but if you do run a big bill then you save the cost of the barfine. I can't see what the problem is - nobody loses and some people gain. Although I normally only spend an hour or so in a bar before movi
  9. What I'd like to see is a discount on the barfine depending on how much I have spent on drinks in the bar. Say if I spent 1000baht in the bar then knock 100 off the barfine If I spent 2500baht then knock 300 off If I have run up a bill of 5000 then give me the bf for free!!!
  10. Checked again and it looks like I messed up the first time. Its only coming up as 150,000 miles to redeem for a return flight from London to Bangkok. So thats 12 paid for flights to earn a free flight although presumably taxes are still payable for the free one. Still doesn't seem like that much of an offer, rather like most of the others I've looked at. I'm doing 6 or 7 trips to S.E Asia per year at the moment, mainly bangkok but also occasionly Jakarta and Manilla. I prefer flights to be as direct as possible and, so far, I find the best thing to do is wait for the seat sales and o
  11. I've just had a look at the mileage accrual and the cost of flights. Using London to Bangkok as an example a return flight earns under 13,000 miles. It costs 300,000 miles to buy that journey so, thats around 23 flights paid for to earn a freebie. I assume I must be doing something wrong to get these numbers because if its correct it must be one of the shittiest award schemes going.
  12. I stayed there just over a year ago. Average hotel and a 500b joiner fee. Avoid it if you can get something else.
  13. Official policy at UK airports. From BAA.co.uk Security control Following the Government’s reduction in security levels from critical to severe, passengers are reminded that strict security remains in place at all UK airports. This easing of restrictions is not a return to normal. The revised regulations will continue to have an impact on our airport's operations. All passengers will be subject to hand baggage restrictions and are asked to be patient while these additional security measures are in place as delays are likely. Passengers are asked to allow extra time for their journey a
  14. Jambo Apart from flights from the UK to US, at all UK airports you can buy what you want in the departure lounge and take it on to the plane with you. The logic to this is that all the stuff in the departure lounge has already been given the OK by the security people. Its all a load of bollocks though in my view.
  15. Ben/Jambo After you have cleared the security check you are in the departure lounge and can buy what you need at the Boots Chemist in there.
  16. They are being very tight with bag sizes. I've been through Gatwick and Heahthrow since the change to allowed size and both times had to put my bag in to a frame to prove it was within the limit. From what I observed anyone with a bag that looked anywhere near the limit was being asked to do this. It probably isn't worth trying to get away with anything over the limit.
  17. I don't know how often this place gets booked solid in May as its usually a dead quiet time of the year but, IMHO, asking for a 4000 deposit is taking the piss. I expect there will be lots of places in May that will have rooms with some fantastic deals available. I wouldn't pay a deposit up front at this time of the year unless I was desperate to stay there.
  18. Thanks for the feedback I'll get on and book it now I think. Cheers
  19. If you want to be sure, try the BA website - and type RECONFIRM in the search box http://www.britishairways.com/travel/askba...e=TOP_contactus Reconfirming Flights Question Do I need to reconfirm my return flight with British Airways? Answer Having made a booking on British Airways flights, regardless of where it was booked, you do not need to reconfirm these flights prior to travel. In addition you do not need to reconfirm British Airways return flights at your destination **except** for those services listed below. **On the services below, reconfirmation
  20. Hi I'm currently thinking of coming over for xmas after many low season trips. Fuck me the flights are expensive. So far the best price I can see for direct flights is £792 on Thai. (out from LHR on 22nd December, returning on 2nd January). I don't want indirect flights, even though I can get Turkish for about £250 less so, before I book it, does anyone know of a better deal at the moment? Or would it be worth waiting in the hope some cheaper seats come up later? Advice appreciated Cheers
  21. Just tell the travel agent the flight details and your bookinfg ref. and they will be able to take care of it - they probably have a list of all the correct telephone numbers. If its the Ba e-ticket, or qantas or thai come to that, then you do not need to reconfirm.
  22. Never had a problem with them in over 30 flights to and from BKK. I only ever take carry-on and my record weight for the bag was over 14KG and they didn't weigh it - in fact I don't recall it ever being weighed on the return leg. On the outbound from LHR, if you use self-service check in then they never even see the bag until you are boarding and, unless it is way oversize, they will not stop you. If you have a paper ticket and use the check-in desk then, in my experience, they don't normally mind unless its over 10KG. If it is then just start stuffing things in your pockets and
  23. Well, good news for me and possibly others flying on qantas. According to the qantas website, this week the QF002 is only stopping to refuel on Monday to Wednesday departures. Thursday to Sunday departures are now going direct. An extra 90 minutes in LOS, now what can I do with that time.............?
  24. I'm due to fly LHR to BKK in a couple of weeks time on Qantas. Ever since the big fire at Hemmel Hempstead, BAA have been rationing fuel so some of the Qantas flights, including the one I'm flying on, do not get a full load of fuel at Heathrow and have to stop for refueling en-route. Now I can understand the need for this, although I had hoped that they would have sorted out a deal to buy fuel off, say, British Airways by now. But what seems crazy to me is that they are filling up a 747 with passengers at Heathrow, flying it fifty miles, and landing to refuel at Stanstead. I can
  25. "if you check in online how do you get the boarding card?" For some flights you can print it at home and take it with you. For others you get it from the self service machines at the airport (this was the case last September when I used BA to Thailand). The BA website has a full interactive demo which will explain it better than I can. Even if you can't print the boarding card at home its still worth doing the check in online as this makes things quicker at the airport.
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