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soi pig

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Everything posted by soi pig

  1. Cake is a very nice girl and lots of fun, she came to my Birthday party at The Drunken Duck. As to your above question, Cake was born with a candle but these days is candless.
  2. Sponser me and send me 20,000 bhts a week and you can say what you like to me I will then play the dirty little bar girl and say naughty shit back to you What you think ?
  3. Stayed at Areca Lodge for 14 nights in November and made The Drunken Duck our home piss base for a fortnight after meeting Bobby and TTT on previous trips through a brother who has been mates with them for a few years. Swallowed much piss at the duck and went on the BanChang tour twice, a tour not to be missed. Bobby in full flight in SpiderGirls bar is something that should be viewed by all visitors to Pattaya. A mate and i celebrated our birthdays on the same night at the Duck and had a total ball with all the girls and a few BM turning up as well. I havent stayed up stairs but
  4. Best part of the trip is wheels up out of Melbourne knowing all the fun and laughs to be had shortly. Worst part of the trip, seeing Mr Tooms driver waiting in reception to drag my ass back to the airport in BKK. Favourit part of the trip, all and everything between arriving and departing
  5. Fall on your sword Ricky, what a disgraceful display of sportsmanship you showed again today. If an under 12's Captain carried on like that you would kick his ass. At what age are we all taught that the umpires decision is final ? Way to good the pomms and when given out they march. Time for a good clean out starting with fukn Ponting and his love child Clarke. Give some Vics a go and fuk these NSW dogs off.
  6. Another great knock from the skipper ! Fall on your sword if we lose this test
  7. You really know your cricket hey ? Brad Hodge was and is a fantastic cricketer who should be in the side if it wern't for the fukn nancy selectors fucking his career. Not sure who and with whom Brad Hodges ever played with ?
  8. Hughes,Ponting and Clarke FUCK OFF you pathetic bunch of CUNTS If Langer,Hayden and Gilchrist couldnt make more runs than these fukn rats i'll go fukn he
  9. Thats what Mike Gatting said when Shane Warne came on to bowl
  10. Can we organise some kind of swap for at least 2 months ? We will be happy to look after 'old mate' in jail as long as Kevin Pietersen and Alistair fukn Cook replace him in jail in Thailand. Regards Prime Minister Ranga.
  11. A massive thankyou for giving us beautiful Australia whilst keeping that cold fuckhole you call England as your home ! What the fuck were you silly cunts thinking ? Any cunt with half a brain would have locked all our thieving fucking ancestors up in England and fled to Australia for the great free sunburnt country that it is. Hahahaha fukn idiots. Thanks again
  12. Stayed at Res Garden first 3 trips and Areca Lodge last 3 trips, cant knock either both fantastic but Areca Lodge for me from now on as a better location to the bars i drink at
  13. And what do you think your body will look like once your finished shoving this shit into your arms ? If you want that pumped up fuck wit look try shoving a bike pump up your ass. Fukn Swartzenager wanna bees
  14. Never drink tap beer, drink bottles San Mig Light , Singha or Tiger. Blackthorn Cider in a big glass full of ice hits the spot on a real hot Day. Johnny Walker Red if im on the Spirits. Shots - Cant beat Coffee Sambuca mmmmmmmmm 9 days till wheels up
  15. Booked with Singapore Airlines back in March for November 4. Paid $941 for Melbourne-Bangkok return but have got a 2 hour stop in Singapore, no real drama. The same flights now are over $1400. Always cheaper to book 3 months in advance i have found with Singapore Airlines and there service is second to none. You can get there cheaper with Jetstar but i wouldnt fly with those dogs if it were free.
  16. Was never ment to be a contest ! Im up for your challenge if your in LOS in November
  17. Thats the one Kev, like catching up with the cats and my second poppa, Canadian Bob
  18. Hahahahaha definately no problems, just interested if this amount of booze each day is the norm for short time stayers in LOS. Just wish i could stay for 6 months at a time.
  19. Interested in how much grog people drink daily in Pattaya. I understand it will differ between guys that live in LOS and tourists on binge junkets. My normal holiday is always 2-3 weeks, so normally go stupid for the whole trip. Here is an honest day on the piss for me and my mates. Sorry if this subject has been discussed before. Out of the rack around 10.00am. Breakfast at around 11.00am and 1 or 2 bloody marys just to get the blood flowing. 12.00 noon wonder around to a few bars (sportsman) and would have a round of singhs' (3 stubbies) 1.00pm find a new bar (happy bar) and have
  20. And for what its worth i wasnt taking the piss. I just said it cracks me up as most things in LOS do. I love everything about the Thais and that includes there rock bands singing english songs for us piss swilling knock abouts.
  21. The band plays it so i listen to it ! Pretty fukn simple i would have thought.
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