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Everything posted by InSpaceNoOneCanHearYouFart

  1. You could do some great thought balloons with some of those animal pics!
  2. I'm having my first trip this year and have already decided to use your service. All the best with the business!
  3. Thanks for that tip about the Calypso. Might do that for one night and the Joe Louis Puppet show for the other.
  4. Because it's considerate? Or looking at it from a more mercenary perspective, if she gets a good sleep she will give a better performance when she wakes up.
  5. I love in the comments: "How did they handcuff him?"
  6. OT, but you should submit that shot of you and the cat to "I Can Haz A Cheezburger".
  7. Some excellent suggestions there. How about laundry? Are there places you would recommend/avoid?
  8. I was wondering what clothes I should take on my trip. I don't want to be slouching around in a t-shirt, shorts and thongs. (Flip-flops for non aussies) I have read that you can't get into temples and such if you aren't neatly dressed, with enclosed shoes and such. Should add that my trip is last week in Oct, 1st week in Nov. Thanks!
  9. I can just see people trying to lick the girls nipples on the screen...
  10. So should I wear something if I go for a swim in a hotel pool? Are there earplugs for swimming?
  11. Umm, this may be a newbie question, but what's the problem with giving the ladyboys at the show 100 baht for a photo? That's less than $4 Australian. Jeeze, do you know how much it cost to have a pic taken with a stupid koala at Australia Zoo?
  12. Thanks everyone. Good to know about the rain covers, MM, I'd hoped there would be something like that around. Yes, Sinclair, I'd hoped my timing for the holiday would avoid the worst of it. I want to actually see a fair bit of the tourist attractions, not just of the two legged kind, and was hoping not to get too badly soaked. So it looks like having a collapsible umbrella and a rain cover in my bag would be the best idea then.
  13. Hi, I'm going to be in Pattaya from the last week in October, and I was wondering what wet weather gear I should have for those heavy downpours? Is a rain poncho enough? Thanks!
  14. I've just watched the Nicholas Cage film "Bangkok Dangerous". In it he takes the edge off a hot thai curry by chewing the leaves of a plant. What is this plant? I've never heard of it before.
  15. Thanks for the help everyone, I'll look into those. I had never heard of Air Asia for instance. I may end up having an overnight stay in Brunei; that way I get to see another country. Don't mind paying the extra night's hotel accomodation.
  16. Hi everyone, this is my first post on this forum. I'm making my first trip to Thailand later this year, (also my first OS trip anywhere). I was wondering what experiences people have had flying economy with the carriers I am considering: Royal Brunei and Thai airways. I've been reading reviews of the airlines online, Brunei seems to have problems with the onboard entertainment systems for example. But most reviews seem to be for the really long haul flights, whereas Brisbane to Bangkok is a lot shorter.
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