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Everything posted by Idefix

  1. Ramster, Rolland, If I was you I will walk until Soi 11, not far from Soi 13 of S.S. You will then take on the left the very big free alley linking 2nd road to beach road. At the start of this alley, on the rigth, are a few shops. The last one, with black window and door is THE place: Adsl 512, 1 baht/minute, Air cond, Small private cabines, Lcd display, and a very helpfull lady managing this :) I made all my connexions from there last 2 weeks. Good place Oukiva
  2. Hi, I use to stop 1 or 2 nights in BKK before going Pattaya. Last time was end of September and at NANA they asked me to pay my night when I arrive ! They told me that now you have to pay before but only if you stay for only 1 night... Oukiva
  3. rooms are really getting old.... ??? Hello, I think you are making a mix between the "AA Hotel" (cross of beach-road and Soi 13) and the "AA Residence Hotel" (middle of Soi 13) The AA Residence must be 2 years old and I would be surprised if the rooms were already getting old... I was there in September of 2002 and it was a good place. Nothing exceptionnal but good room. What I prefer here is Location: just in the middle between Walking Street and Bear Bars of Soi 9-8-7... Enjoy, Oukiva
  4. Hi Rob, They have a small site : http://www.timbarbeer.com/ and the mail is tims@timbarbeer.com They have big rooms 400 to 500 bahts Hope it can help Oukiva
  5. Technicien du son ? Tu travailles au FLB ?? Le rêve... Rdv bien noté, 20h samedi probablement en polo blanc, la quarantaine, cheveux frisés Thierry J-1 pour le départ ::)
  6. Salut Fader, J'arrive moi aussi le 03 may à Pattaya 8) après 2 nuits "d'acclimatation" à Bangkok ;D Un premier verre du 1er soir vers 20h au FLB ? Pas toujours simple sinon de détecter qu'un francophone est dans la salle, surtout après 21h avec la musique... A très bientôt Thierry PS: J'ai eu un contact d'un autre ami du Canada, qui lui arrivera le 8 avec d'autres français
  7. Hello, I am french and will arrive BKK the 1st of May for a 3 weeks stay in Pattaya My school english level is just enough to read this great board or to discuss with TG ::) Then if there are FLB members who speak french I will be pleased to meet you one night at FLB bar See you soon Oukiva A très bientôt au FLB Bar
  8. Hi dthomasssn You can contact SandySpringHotel with this mail: info@sandyspringhotel.com Oukiva
  9. Hello Jimmybcool, I cant say for the refridgerator in this hotel but I would be very very surprised I they don't have it ! ??? Even cheap rooms like APEX-Hotel (450 bahts) or TIMS (400 bahts) have BIG refrigerators Only problem is I heard that some hotels do not like you put your own bottles in it... and sometimes they have excessive prices for their bottles... Only tried 5 hotels in Pattaya, but never had problem to fill the fridge with drinks from Big C ou 7/11. I just push all their bottles in a corner of the fridge and do not touch them during my stay :) Regard
  10. Hello, I contacted sandyspringhotel last week, here is their answer: " Thank again for your e-mail. I would like you to join " our member of the hotel and you will get special " discount. The fee for the member is 350 baht and " last for 1 year. " " Standard room rate " standard room 1200 baht/room/night " Deluxe room 1500 baht/room/night " Suite room 2500 baht/room/night " Standard room on 2nd and 3rd at the front view " are 850 baht/room/night. " " Member room rate " Standard room 990 baht/room/night " Deluxe room 1200
  11. Hi, If as I think this is the Honey Inn Hotel in soi Diana Inn, you must know that there is no more pool... :-/ In fact the garden, the small bars and all what was accros the street has now be destroyed and they are now lot of works for new buildings in the all area... PS: It's crazy to see the number of new buildings in works everywhere in Pattaya. I recommand everybody to verify before booking somewhere for a long period. Hope it will help, Oukiva
  12. Hello Butch, Thanks for your answer but the question was realy for Mirrors ! Certainly you do not know me, because I do not write a lot on the forum, but I am not really a "newbye" : I came 5 times these 3 last years... ::) Penthouse was the one I had in mind, but I prefer hotel in quiter place. I already tried Apex (2 times), Tim's, The Heaven and Sabai Lodge but like changing... I read in the (good) Hotel reviews of this site that Honey Lodge has too rooms with mirrors and then I'm interested to know which other hotels have such rooms, maybe for my next stay in October
  13. Hello, Last year I stayed a few days in Tim's Bar in a room with mirrors on walls and ceiling. I admit I enjoyed that. Can be funny... ;D Do you know other hotels that have such rooms ? Regards, Oukiva
  14. Thank you guys for that. I hope I come back Pattaya in Novemeber... Oukiva
  15. Hi, I think it is in November, but do not know the exact date for 2002. Regards Oukiva
  16. Bonjour, Ce sera avec plaisir que je discuterai un peu francais. Je serai au FLB Vendredi au moins entre 20h et 20h30 Demandez Thierry a Ben ou Peter A+ Thierry
  17. Hello, I will be back in Pattaya next Sunday and, even whether I like all english speaking guys , I would value some french conversations ... Rendez-vous au FLB :) Oukiva Ci-dessous un souvenir de 2001 ::)
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