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Everything posted by PigBoy#1

  1. Gentlemen, In another post, some one had mentioned the Vault hotel. The website looks interesting, and they responded to my e-mail that there is no limit on the number of guests that can be brought back at one time. But I can't find any reviews. If anybody has stayed there, please let me know if it is a decent place, fairly close, etc. Thanks. Ty_ Back in March......
  2. Any idea if you can bring back more than 2 girls at a time? The Flipper has always looked like a nice hotel and I enjoy staying in suites as they are a nice place to party with 3 or more ladies. Also, besides the Penthouse, does anyone know of other hotels that don't limit the number of guests you can bring back? Thanks Ty_ Back in March
  3. Hello, I have been thinking about staying at the Queen Vic on my next trip, however, in reading a review, it states something to the effect the the doors are locked at midnight, but you can use the fire escape to get to your room. What the heck does this mean? Everything elese sounds great about the room. Also, besides the QV and Penthouse hotel, does anyone know of any other hotel that has in room DVD players? Thanks in advance. Ty_
  4. I paid $825. That is for a departure date of May 26 and a return date of June 7. This will be the first time in a while that I have not flown in EVA Evergreen Deluxe, I hope it will be ok. But to save $800 it will be worth it. Ty_
  5. Has any body flown or had any other experience with PAL? I am planning a SFO-MNL-BKK-SFO trip in May and they are about $800 cheaper than any one else. Any experiences? Thanks Ty_
  6. I always look up prices on the internet and then call my travel agent and she has always been able to meet the prices. It costs and extra $20 0r $25 to go thru the agent, but the extra work that is done for me is worth it. I usually fly NW or United from Minneapolis to SFO and the EVA to BKK. I have flown out of Seattle twice on EVA and both times have missed the connection. My holiday dates are are pretty fixed, i.e. I want to go over a holiday in order to get an extra day off, so I don't have the luxury of having a flexible schedule. I like EVA departure time from the west coast due the fact
  7. The only problem I have with NWA is the 6:00 am departure. If it had the noon departure like EVA it would be perfect as I live in Minneapolis. Ty_ Many months left.............
  8. Of all the times I have left Pattaya for the airport, it has always been on a Sunday. This time it is going to be on a Tuesday morning. I have previously allowed 2 hours. Should I allow more time because it is a work day? My flight leaves at 12:30. Thanks for the help. Ty_ 2 days until the adventure begins. Any one up for a beer or 2, I usually hang out at the Joy Beer bar on soi 8 in the afternoon and start out at FLB at around 7:30 PM. First beer on me. I will be wearing a purple baseball cap with an "M" on it.
  9. ......or go to an Irish or English pub, eat falang food, hang around with other falang, etc., etc. When I go on holiday, I want to do things that I can not do at home. There may be no Russian chicks were this guy lives. I know there are none where I live, so if I would get the chance I may go for it. Ty_ 42 days...........
  10. I would only drink bottled water. A tip that my parents gave me was that to take 2 gulps of pepto-bismol 3-4 times per day and you wouldn't have any problems. I do this on every trip and I haven't had any problems. I don't drink tap water, but I do use it to wash out my mouth after brushing my teeth though. No problems in 5 trips. Ty_ 42 days...........
  11. I am looking for a map of all of Pattaya, not just the Beach Road, Second Road and Walking Street areas. I would like a map that show wats, markets, etc., similar to a map of BKK. Any ideas? Thanks Ty_
  12. That what it is. But I always try to get rows 20 thru 22 as it is ony 2-2 (due the the narrowing of the plane). There is a lot of aisle room, enough to get up and do some stretching execises during the flight. Ty_
  13. I have stayed there twice and have never seen a bug. I love the place, nice and sleazy. They do have a problem though with reconfirming reservations, but everything has always worked our for me. I will be staying there again in late May and eary June. Ty_
  14. I just purchased EVA Evergreen Deluxe, SFO-BKK, May 28 to June 8, for $1075, which includes a 17:30 departure from BKK, arrival in SFO at 8 PM, which gives only a 4 hour layover. Like you I saw the high prices on the website and called my agent and they got the lower price. Ty
  15. I was in room 205. I don't remember what is was called, but I paid $39 per night. It had all the bells and whistles in it. It faced out towards the little soi between the hotel and Beach Road. The room was absolutely dead quiet. Ty_
  16. Has anyone who has flown NWA, which leaves BKK at 6 am, stayed the previous night in PTYA? I am debating wheather or not to fly NWA this time. I could gain an extra night, but I would prefer to only stay the first night in BKK. I am thinking that you would have to leave PTYA at 2:00 am. Any thoughts? Thanks Ty_
  17. Having just returned and added up my costs, I realized it actually cost me more while I was in Pattaya than while in BKK. Basically it came down to 1 reason. For me, in BKK, there was enough non-TG things to keep me busy from 10 am to 6 pm. I never saw the inside of a bar in BKK until 7 pm, while in Pattaya, I ran out of things to do, and found myself in the bars at noon, ST at 3 PM and a LT later in evening. If I was the type of guy who slept all day Pattaya would be cheaper, but I am not, so I spent about 25% more per day than while in BKK. Ty_
  18. Do the honourable thing and tell one of them ASAP. If you don't like it, move on. You only have to be burned 1 time, even with a confirmed reservation and you will start doing the same thing. I would prefer paying up front as it would give a little more security. Ty_
  19. Yes I booked thru the airline. EVA's minimum is 40 minutes. Ty_
  20. I need some help. I am flying EVA out of Seattle on November 20, scheduled to arrive in TPE at 7:45 with a connection to BKK leaving at 8:30. Every morning I check EVA website for flight status, and it seems that about 1 out every 4 flights arrive early enough for me to catch the connecting flight. I have to be in BKK before 5 PM. The airline says they will put me on another flight of thiers or a competitors to get me to BKK on time. My stupid question is, say for example, they send me thru Hong Kong on EVA, and then I switch to say Thai to BKK, do I have to retrieve my luggage, go thru custom
  21. I have reservations at both hotels. At Sabai Lodge I have reserved a mini suite and at Pattaya Center I have reserved the junior suite. I am looking for opinions from anybody who may have stayed in either one of these suites. Thanks Ty_ 8 more days
  22. I will be leaving from the Nana Hotel about 10 AM. Anybody want to share a ride? Ty
  23. I always make reservations at 2 different hotels just in case. Then I reconfirm my first choice 1 or 2 days before arrival and then cancel the backup. However, I have never had a hotel in LOS screw up my reservation. Ty
  24. You bet. I fly EVA out of the west coast and save a day of vacation. I figure 10 days is better than none at all. Only 10 weeks left I until I leave. Ty
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