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Everything posted by Patna

  1. off It's just too funny blaming Rudy Giuliani alone for the changing face of New York from the 70's to present times. It's a little more complex. on
  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Evil! (pics 2-3-4 were taken at work by the control tower via Samsung Galaxy. No holiday here...)
  3. Seems like Starbucks bashing is the hip thing since 2010 or so. True, they have silly prices but their stuff sells and always crowded. I personally only drink Starbucks Sumatra that I buy in the local PX which is about $1 cheaper than if I would buy it at Starbucks but the good thing about buying it there is that they ground it for you there at a grade per your request. It is expensive as opposed to Jacobs, which is $6 but I like Sumatra and one bag lasts me for almost a month. I don't buy their brew but if it happens, it is usually much better than any cat-piss like coffee you get serve at an
  4. This is so pathetic I cannot find the words. I am amazed that MM can still reply to you in a civilized manner, I cannot. You're a total idiot, Gabor.
  5. Because lime and lemon greatly differ in taste. I'm a serious fish eater but need to have lemon with it. In Thailand you always have to ask them to bring some and learned to live with the fact that to the Thais lemon=lime. I can live with that but would much prefer yellow lemon. Now, in drinks like lemonade or tea the difference between lemon and lime is day and night. I was also much surprised that there are hardly any lemon trees in the South of France while in Greece and Spain they're are plentyful. I don't like the smell of kaffir lemon because it reminds me to the urinals in Thailand wher
  6. I vote for Gaborings. It gets a bit boring that soon the whole board seems to be about him - precisely what his bloated ego desires.
  7. Anna Paquin (has come a long way from The Piano...)
  8. Ah, how did I miss this little gem? FYI I don't have such. I hope that makes us - different?
  9. Today I only gave positives, even for Gabor, except for one negaitve to Baht for his #16 here.
  10. I don't know where Gabor buys his stuff but when I was in Budapest last time, everything was more expensive than is the US except of course some food items. They also have a habit to put a nice % of tax on everything, I believe their sales tax is 20 %. Don't know about deodorant but brand names like Nike, Adidas, Reebok and the likes are nearly double as in the US. Defo not a cheap place only if you buy counterfeit at the market.
  11. A nasty piece of culinary art for sure but what scares me most is that Hunt's bottle in the background
  12. I'm confused. Where's the threadfuck?
  13. Good enough for me., thanks Ooops. Will drop by on the 9th, hopefully way before midnight depending on the jetleg and how fast I'll take care of official business.
  14. I'm in a bit of a shock to see that you're promoting an American franchise... Even myself, I favor any street stall with Thai food over an American fast food chain.
  15. Smoking is an unhealthy addiction of mostly ignorant people who have no consideration for others and take every opportunity to call those "fascists" who refuse to support their disgusting habit. :)
  16. I bought green once and loved it though quite pricey for everyday use on my budget. Not a great fan of black either however Double Black I like. Good taste and value for your bucks.
  17. Happy belated to you! I bought a bottle of Glenlivet and also a bottle of Highland Park because all my cool and hip friends drink single malt but honestly wasn't that impressed. Still like the oh' so popular Glenfiddish the best but normally just drink blended scotch. Guess I am far from being a hardcore connoisseur on the field...
  18. Booze has always been ungodly expensive in Canada so it could hardly serve as an example for average pricing...
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