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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Alfred

  1. Airline tickets at the moment are outrageous to LOS from Oz east coast as its high season you won’t get much change from A$1600/1800.if you can find availability For any Aussies out there thinking of a trip consider this Jetstar fly to KL from Sydney and prices are available for around A$800 return inc all taxes, Air Asia fly to Bangkok for around A$150 return inc all taxes, about half that if you go early/late in the day, bit of inconvenience to get to LOS but consider your savings. A 1 day overnight stay in Kula Lumpur is actually quite good IMO Jetstar also fly to Phuket from S
  2. I got upgraded on Emirates from Dubai to BKK. Wasn’t expecting it, got on the plane and another guy had my seat, same number on boarding card, was an absolute prick about it with both me and the crew members kept saying he was a frequent flyer with Emirates etc and I could go to hell etc, another woman was also complaining about her seat so I said to the flight attendant I would wait by the galley as I'm sure things would work out once they had everyone settled as I could see they were flat out with people still boarding. Waited about 5 mins then got taken to a business class seat, tur
  3. I’m going to be in KL in January with work, not the most exciting place so looking for a flight up to Bangkok or even Pattaya for a 2 or 3 day stay. Any recommendations of Budget Airlines who fly either route?
  4. After every flight, Qantas pilots fill out a form called a gripe sheet, which conveys to the mechanics problems encountered with the aircraft during the flight which need repair or correction. The mechanics read and correct the problem, and then respond in writing on the lower half of the form what remedial action was taken, and the pilot reviews the gripe sheets before the next flight. Never let it be said that ground crews and engineers lack a sense of humour. Here are some actual logged maintenance complaints and problems as submitted by Qantas pilots and the solution reco
  5. I stayed there on my first ever trip, big mistake as its not girl friendly and security watch like hawks so trying to sneak a girl in is almost impossible, back then it cost an extra 750 baht on your room rate if you want your lady to stay, they look down there noses as you pay, only did it the once. Rooms are very nice though as is the pool area, one of the best in Pattaya, food and the restaurants are also good but very expensive compared to what you can get within a few minuets walk, grounds are nice as well and there are good facilities. I pre paid for 4 nights but would not stay a
  6. A man boarded a plane at Sydney airport. As he was taking his seat and settling in, then noticed a very beautiful woman boarding the aircraft. He realized she was heading straight towards his seat, and bingo! She took the seat right beside him. Eager to strike up a conversation, he blurted out: 'Business trip or holiday?' She turned, smiled enchantingly and said, 'Business. I'm going to the Annual Nymphomaniac Convention in the United States .' The man swallowed hard. Here was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen sitting next to him, and she was going to a meeting for nymphomaniacs!
  7. 9 WORDS WOMEN USE 1. Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up. 2. Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house. 3. Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine. 4. Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It! 5. Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, bu
  8. take off of Australias most famous modern day criminal, stand over man Mark"chopper" Reid. Funny but with strong language.
  9. Arriving 4-30pm on TG994, anyone want to share a Taxi ?
  10. In January I was a regular at the Sportsman on soi 13, one day I went in and could not see any seats and didn’t fancy sitting at the bar, didnt feel like walking too far as was still a tad hungover, was right off the haven (that place has gone downhill IMO), so I tried Das Berliner in the same building and had a German brekkie, never went back to the Sportsman. Selection of salamis and cheese etc and eggs cooked how you like, fresh bread, juice and coffee, highly recommended and a few baht cheaper, not that that was a consideration. cheers Alf
  11. Anyone knows how much a Bangkok to London Return fare is in July with a Pattaya Travel agent, any decent airline (EVA, BA, Thai, and Emirates etc). Here in Oz, July to Asia return is pretty cheap and there are good specials, but Australia to UK/Europe is peak season and prices are high, so just want to check to see if it’s cheaper to buy Oz to Bangkok return then buy a Bangkok to LHR return when in LOS. From looking at various Airline website looks like i may be able to say a few $$$, but agents often have lower fares. Would love to spend all my time in LOS but for Family reasons I
  12. Sounds like Andy who was the landlord there and a very good host has gone ?. Was a nice place to stay, clean rooms, friendly and welcoming. Must have changed hands as thats a very different Pub to the one i know, Graham must be the new Owner/Landlord ?.
  13. Had a report from a friend who flew Jetstar to LOS, said it was very noticable you were with a budget airline, maybe a cheap flight but no frills, you want anything and he said anything (food,Drink, Entertainment system, blanket and pillow) , food was only just edable and entertainment system was as basic as they come. Looked at there pricing again and by the time you have added food, entertainment system etc, not worth it IMO. Pay an extra $50 and fly with SQ or Thai and get whatever you want. Cheers Alf
  14. I use Amex TC,s in Australian dollars, i estimate how much for my trip but also take my Amex Card to pay the Hotel bill and for back up if i spend more than i think i can withdraw cash with my card. Commision when buying the TC,s is a few dollars as im an Amex cardholder, last time i got some it was a set fee of A$10 for however many TC,s i want, when i cash them its a few baht and the rate is always better than cash which the Credit Card is charged at plus bank fees. My advise TC,s everytime with a CC as back up. Cheers Alf
  15. Only ever been to the one just down from Mike Shopping Mall, always busy but not worth it IMO. Cant comment on the other. Cheers Alf
  16. Many say Kiss on 2nd road is good for cheap eats, maybe cheap but service and attitude of the waiting staff is pretty bad. Food IMO is nothing to right home about, cheap maybe but I don’t visit too often anymore. The Haven on soi 13 used to be good but last trip it had gone backwards, 1 night I ordered the fresh prawns from the tank after waiting 30 minutes and all I had received was some fries and a not too chilled beer, I asked how long for my BBQ prawns, the waitress shuffled off looking bored out of her skull and then a cook appeared and headed for the prawn tank, I stood up smi
  17. Jetstar have sparked a bit of competition and maybe some cheap tickets from Oz, Singapore Airlines currently have a special in January for around A$680 plus taxes from Sydney, so well under a A$1000, which for January (peak season in Oz as well as LOS) is bloody cheap. Also good departure (lunchtime in Syd) and arrival times(9pm), only downer is a stop for just over an hour at Changi. Think the special ends very soon, but im booked and confirmed Most Agents have the special although Travel.com.au is my choice. cheers Alf
  18. Flew with them to the UK from Australia (Economy), nothing to write home about, not as good as Thai, Qantas or BA and no were near as good as both Emirates or Singapore which IMO are a cut above the rest. Food on Malaysian was the worst ive ever had, trying to get a beer was hard work as well, only plus’s were, cost, very cheap when I booked and on time but apart from that, wouldn’t recommend them. Cheers Alf
  19. I tried to get a reservation for January, but they were fully booked, good luck with trying to get a room there. Not the cheapest and starting to age, but its my first choice every trip. IMO a great place and great location Cheers Alf
  20. Subway and Burger King ??????????????????????, good restaurants . YOU HAVE GOT TO BE HAVING A LAUGH
  21. If your mate still has no joy, try Erik from the Scandi bar, he has a booking service for most Hotels on Soi 13 plus a few others, you also get a free beer everyday if you book through him. Can reccomend him. Here is the link to his service. http://www.scandibar.com/hotel/ Cheers Alf
  22. Dont think its a case of being bothered to look There are more than a few Hotels/Guest houses/condos in Pattaya, things change quickly, a place that was great 2 or 3 years ago could be an absolute dive now, all there Websites portray them as the best place in town. Thought this part of the forum was about asking questions about Hotels etc You seem to be a man who knows Pattaya ranger, were would you suggest ?
  23. So whats it like ?, anyone have a report. Cheers Alf
  24. Any suggestions around Soi 13, my regular(Sandy Springs) is fully booked, have stayed at Dynasty and reviews of the new whitehouse arnt too good, so what else is reccomended ?. Whats the Hotel/appartment opposite Sandy ?, dont know its name, pool at the bottom, is it worth a look ?. Cheers Alf
  25. I would steer clear of index funds that’s are a personal opinion, they generate good returns from fees and performance fees for the banks and brokers who run them but the investor may get a decent return some years but compared to a well designed direct stock portfolio taking into account you individual needs and risk profile they fall well behind. Best way is to use a decent Stockbroker, and buy stocks with good dividend yields and have a history of increasing those dividends each year if you want a good steadily increasing income, some brokers also run portfolios tailored to either incom
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