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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Gonzo

  1. Thanks for that great Alex Harvey video. A lot of Aussies are of Scot descent. My mate from the Gorbals, Jock (James) and I took redundancy from the shipping industry at the same time. Jock was one of the best toilers and tough guys I have ever met. He is now trying to do his best to drink himself to death in the Philippines.
  2. No need to rub it in. Aussies have always been able take it on the chin when the chips are down.
  3. Fuck you Ricky Ponting. Four wickets down for a lousy 50 runs. I am out of here and going to Soi 6 to steady my nerves. It's a bit early, but I can wait for a couple of hours to wait for my favourite tilac cocksucker. I just gave her a ring and she said she will be there in no time. I will have a couple of Heineken before she arrives. My cock is throbbing just thinking about her and fuck cricket.
  4. What a start. The Poms took three wicket for a paltry 37 runs. I might go home and get on the piss.
  5. Peter Garrett, the lead singer from Midnight Oil, is now a frontbencher in the Australian Government. http://www.aph.gov.au/house/members/member.asp?id=HV4
  6. Having lived in the Northern Territory for most of my life, I learned to appreciate the musical talent of our dark brothers a long time ago.
  7. Good news. Ponting will definitely be playing at the Melbourne test starting in about 14 hours. After a dismal spell of batting in this series, he is due for a big score. Your bowlers can attack his broken little finger as much as they like. Naturally he won't be fielding in the slips, more likely at cover or mid wicket. Good luck to you Poms. You will need lots of it to retain the Ashes.
  8. Mate, good song and close to my heart. Here is another one for the Aussies on this board and others to share.
  9. A bit of a sentimental song, but it makes you think at times. Where will we end up next?
  10. How many superstars would dedicate one of their songs to their favourite football teams? He was not a bad soccer player himself.
  11. This should make Herbie wag his tail (her, its?). I hope the English batting lineup won't wag its tail in Melbourne in a couple of days from now.
  12. For the lovelorn unable to spend Christmas with their Tilac in Pattaya.
  13. Another oldie from a time when a lot of the board members here were still wearing nappies or still inside their father's balls.
  14. This video clip is to give Nidnoyham some Christmas cheer and hope. I don't want to see the old fella suffer from depression.
  15. My Boxing day will be a good one no matter what happens. Should you Poms fluke another good performance by the end of the day, with a big lead and a good chance to win the series, yes, I will probably have a little cry in the arms of the best-looking girl I can find in the bar, where I will be watching the cricket. It will be dark by then and I will ask her to come for a walk down Jomtien Beach and bring a few cans of Heineken. If I spot a nice-looking stray dog, I will buy him a couple of sausages and call him Herbie, as a gesture of respect to your Herbie. Our Herbie can help us find a secl
  16. Great movie, great soundtrack.
  17. Here is a clip for all the English fans, who could not bear to watch their team's demise at the WACA in Perth late last Sunday afternoon.
  18. Swatting funnel web or red back spiders, swimming in croc-infested waters full with box jellyfish, surfing or diving with beady-eyed sharks, walking barefoot through itchy 2 metre high spear grass full with brown snakes, taipans and other similar nasties in a tropical climate with icy-cold bottles of VB is a lot more fun than living in a boring European country, where it either rains most of the time or one freezes his arse off, where the majority of women are fat, spoiled rotten, demanding and ugly. I would rather fight bush fires and put up with frequent cyclones, than shovel snow in the mor
  19. I can be a bit of a bastard at times, I must admit. I don't know about being rich, but I hope to have enough dosh to last me another 20 years or so. Thanks for the well wishes.
  20. Is Lam Morrison still performing in the Blue's Factory on Walking Street, not far from the FLB? If so, on what days of the week? I have visitors coming and they want to have a look at him, after I told them he is as good as Jimmy Hendrix.
  21. So you are just crying into your beer. Good on you and enjoy the festive season.
  22. Here is something for you poor bastards in the old country to cheer you up, freezing your arse off back home and crying into your beer.
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