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Everything posted by Gonzo

  1. Will the Rolling Stones be regarded as the best band of the 20th century and beyond or will it be the Beatles? I cannot think of any other contenders remotely close to them.
  2. I never had any hassles at Pattaya Pete's joint and I have had quite a few meals there. There is no need to complain about his place on this forum. Pattaya Pete started this message board, before he handed it over to MM. If you have a complaint, don't start a thread before sending him a PM first. Pattaya Beer garden is the best and most affordable eating place on Walking Street
  3. Australia made an unimpressive start by beating Zimbabwe.
  4. I don't mind gristly steak and a bit of chewing as long as the steak tastes nice. I still have all of my own teeth. I also dislike HP sauce. It was invented by the English and was gobbled up by the American Heinz company. Heinz took over Australian Vegemite as well. They are now manufacturing Vegemite Lite, probably because they cannot handle the real stuff. I have seen Americans eat steak covered in tomato sauce and marmalade. To all the restaurant owners. Feed the men beef and lamb from Australia or Kiwi land.
  5. I am sure Jomtien is the ideal place for wind surfing in Thailand. The wind surfing guys opposite Soi 5 In Jomtien, next to the police box, on Jomtien Beach Road will help you. It does not matter, if you are a beginner. I am not a wind surfer, so I cannot tell you, how much it will cost. Wind surfing is big in Jomtien, as there is no natural surf in Pattaya, Jomtien and most of Thailand. They have several International wind surfing events on Jomtien beach each year and they are worth watching.
  6. I had my service done at Toyota yesterday. They do a free car wash with a service at Toyota. When I left the service centre, it started to drizzle and I sought shelter in the underground car park at Carrfour. Everybody else must have had the same idea and it took me about 15 minutes to find a place to park. Then the rain stopped and we left for home, only to get caught in another downpour. Now the car is covered in shit again. Right now, in Jomtien, it looks like it will be pissing down again this afternoon and I we will have to stay in the condo. It can be tough living in Thailand. The missus
  7. I always thought only Americans and Australians were dedicated steak eaters and the Brits and Irish preferred grilled mutton with HP sauce and spuds.
  8. Glad to hear you are recovering from boredom. Two fingers up your missus arse is pretty good. Try a third one and she might agree to take it up the arse.
  9. Watch your dog when you are flaked out drunk. Don't sleep with no clothes on. I believe dogs can be randy bastards and once you are knotted you are at their mercy.
  10. I guess I would give it a try, if it was not for the painful hemorrhoids. I could have a wank with the other hand simultaneously.
  11. When I was a lad at your young age, I was still fucking every day, surfing and playing footy. Pull your finger out from your arse (ass) and stop feeling sorry for yourself.
  12. No, unless you are holed up in solitary confinement. Explain your situation.
  13. Heavy rains or storms in Thailand? In Australia we call that a drizzle.
  14. A couple of large 420 g Red Alaskan Sockeye Salmon tins, bought in Oz for about 240 baht each, in your hand carry would not be too much of a hassle and no problems with Oz customs or Oz immigration. You would be in MM's good books for the lengths of your trip. Oz immigration and customs in Australia are alright with food taken out of the country, but are very strict when it comes to bringing food stuff back into Oz. Up to you. The tins of red salmon he buys at Friendship taste not even half as good.
  15. You won't get a grilling from me . I am an old timer. When I first went to primary school, Harry Belafonte was a super hero and I always wanted to go to Kingston Town, Jamaica. I still want to visit before the girls get any older. Has anyone ever been there? U 2 has super cover version of one of his songs.
  16. Great lyrics. At times the lyrics are better than the music a band is trying to perform, especially when it comes to cover versions of great originals songs.
  17. Double post? Where is the original post?
  18. " Every me and every you " fantastic song and video. ou", fantastic song and video.
  19. You started to talk about Thais NOT needing a visa. I though it might be of interest to some people to elaborate. Post when you are sober and get yourself checked for the early signs of Alzheimer's disease.
  20. Peter was a decent guy alright. I did not know he was an Australian, as he spoke with an English accent. There are more than a million English-born immigrants living in Australia and most of them are highly regarded. Australia only has a population of 22.5 million people, a lot less than California. My condolences to Peter's family and friends. R.I.P.
  21. I never stayed there, but I met Peter when I visited, trying to meet Big D a couple of years ago. I met Jack Corbett, a board member and Peter, the owner of the guest house and bar. Peter was all bandaged up, like he had been in an accident or a fight. He was an articulate and nice middle aged guy. He looked fit and healthy, despite his black eye and other injuries. RIP.
  22. You are a liar. Eat tinned red salmon to get your brain functioning. The correct translation is:" Will have intercourse with condom only".
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