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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Gonzo

  1. And I almost forgot. Congratulations to England for retaining the Ashes. Great team and a great performance.
  2. Lam Morrison, one of the best guitarists ever.
  3. Now, here is a man, who makes a lot of sense. Well, the Ashes are gone again for Australia, but the sun comes up tomorrow, and with it perhaps a new era for Australian cricket. There certainly needs to be some changes, just how many will be the subject of much debate over the next couple of days. Well played England, worked for it hard and reaped the rewards, time for Australia to take a leaf out of your book again. Thanks everyone for the last few days, been a lot of fun with some spirited debate thrown in. We're doing it all again in Sydney from Monday, so join us for all the action. Ch
  4. And there was me with with a hangover, feeling sorry for myself and the state of Aussie cricket. You are in the horrors, mate. I reckon I would beat you at darts anytime and anywhere.
  5. My woman loves this song. She still won't tell me where she hid my wallet. True love .
  6. Think before the booze does too much damage to your body.
  7. Unfortunately, I cannot go on a bender. The missus hid my wallet.
  8. This totally blind guy comes from a well respected family from the Gove peninsula in the NT. He is very shy and has to be dragged before an audience to perform. I have met some of his family. Thank you for bringing him to the attention on this board.
  9. South Africa right now are is having a hard time in their test series against India, thanks to their best players representing England. This is not an excuse for Australia's poor performance against the Poms, just an observation.
  10. It is easy on this board, buddy. Select your song and play it on You Tube and embed. Then go and copy and minimize it. Go back to Pattayatalk and paste your song into your message. Scroll down until you find HTML off on the left side on the bottom. Change from HTML Off to HTML Line Break Paste your song. That should explain it to a dumb Yank, despite both of us having German mothers.
  11. I would sure like to suck on her tits. I would happily make her my woman forever. Fat chance.
  12. You know your cricket, mate. I could not agree less.
  13. Any Manchester City supporter is a mate and fuck cashed up Man U with their many imported players.
  14. Manchester? Well that explains it all. I just love it, when someone calls me sunshine. Take it easy on the piss, mate. I have not been sober for the last three days. It is an Australian tradition to get drunk at Christmas and for the rest of the year. Man U or Man C?
  15. Well said. This has to be Ponting's swan song. Nevertheless, there have been only been a couple of players in the world, who made more runs in test cricket than Ricky, the lad from Tasmania.
  16. Have any of you blokes done time?
  17. Did you learn English at school as a second language or are you just drunk?
  18. I am allowed to dream, aren't I? Crying is supposed to be good for you. Unfortunately, I have not been able to do so for a very long time. Come and make me cry or suck my dick, smart arse.
  19. Give me a Pukka pie (steak and mushroom) right now, to feel less depressed.
  20. Good on you Siddle for taking the wickets of the two Pommie openers. It's lunch time now and I think I will have a beer.
  21. A beautiful woman singing beautiful songs. Thanks for introducing me to this gorgeous singer..
  22. The Aussies you are talking to, must be phony ones. True blue Aussies will fight to the bitter end, no matter what happens. There is one thing for sure . We are not used to loosing at sporting events. Your country has been for a very long time.
  23. This a fantastic and much improved version of an old Christmas song. There is absolutely no need to have it performed in English. It would probably not sound as good, if it was sung in another language than Finnish.
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