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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by zaphodbeeblebrox

  1. If you want to teach the Thais, you better be able to turn anything into a game. You lose Touristman.
  2. I am attending classes near TukCom, and make lunch my main meal in that area. While most of my classmates eat at the food court on the ground floor of TukCom, I like to explore (and get away from my classmates for an hour). Week 1 On the first day, I didn’t want to venture far from class, as I had spent some time shopping. Based on a review I saw in the Bangkok Post, I decided to go to S&P, which is located on the second floor (the entry floor) of TukCom. S&P is relatively inexpensive. It has an excellent bakery. I have had the custard eclairs and an almond
  3. I had some extra time today and ate a well-deserved feast at Ahaar, which is located on Soi 13/2 (Soi Post Office), very close to Second Road. The restaurant itself is located upstairs. I believe they use the downstairs as a waiting area (not sure if the restaurant gets crowded, as I was the only lunchtime customer today). The menu, most of which is set forth in pictures below, is deep. There’s plenty of dishes to satisfy many different tastes: kababs, samosas, vindoolay, curries, tandoori, several types of naan and rice, etc. The restaurant is very nice inside, with
  4. Thanks for the review in pics. I prefer LAN to wi-fi, and also prefer an in-room safe. I would have to say that the room is well-appointed for that part of Pattaya. Looks like a good rate as well. I would consider it for my secret 2nd room.
  5. While it is true that the Thailand Ministry of Education does not require a degree in order to hold a work permit for teaching, some of the province governments do have such a requirement. So, you are correct that it will reduce your options, as you cannot legally work in some provinces as a teacher without a degree or certificate. .
  6. Big Al's taco stand: 2 locations (2nd Road/Soi 2, across from Big C and Soi Lengkee (Soi Dianna Inn)/Soi Buakhow). There's another restaurant on Soi 13 near the Sportman, called Taste of Thailand, which serves up a pretty good fajitas. I had the shrimp fajitas there, and it was delicious. When the time is right, I am going to open a proper Mexican restaurant in Pattaya, if Chipotle Mexican Grill doesn't beat me to the punch.
  7. Thanks for the info. The best Thai I have had in L.A. is Vim at 8th and Vermont, which predates the designation of "Thai Town" and is about 2-3 miles west of Thai Town. It's also a terrible location, but great food. I think Vim opened a branch in Thai Town recently, but I haven't been there. Saladang in Pasadena is a close second to Vim, but more expensive/fancy. If I ever see another soccer game at Home Depot Stadium in Carson, I will check out Tom Yung Goong, which is close by. BTW: I think the best Thai restaurant in the U.S. is Keo's in Honolulu. Keo has a cookbook out, and h
  8. This isn't outer Bangkok, but if you want to give the family an unparalleled shopping experience, try a hotel next to Centralworld. Centralworld fact sheet You can try the Arnoma Hotel - it's next to a huge Big C and across the street from Central World. Arnoma location page
  9. I can't speak for the UK, but for the US, I have a post office box that I maintain for a US address. I have a brokerage account with E*Trade. I can wire money directly from that account to my Thai bank. I also have ATM access with no ATM fees (daily withdrawal limit is currently THB 34,000). The money in my account, that is not invested in stocks or bonds, I hold in a savings account and earns 5.05% interest. I can freely transfer money within in my E*Trade accounts online instantaneously. I maintain a separate debit card ATM account, just for emergencies, but have never used that accoun
  10. I'll be sure to drop by tonight to wish you congratulations and a job well done.
  11. Thanks BigD. I am looking for a second room to use for ST while my TG is with me here. Skytop looks like the ticket, and, oh so close to the Soi 6 action. I'm at Soi 4/2nd Road now, but I'm going to move down to Soi 13 tomorrow. Nice to have a more northerly option available to me, and away from my TG.
  12. I have to agree that Mr. Toom is a pretty good value and provides comfortable taxi service. I've done the bus and vanpools, but Mr. Toom wins out.
  13. The humidity must make pastry baking difficult in Pattaya. I will have to experiment when I return in a few weeks.
  14. You can also try ISP (International School of Pattaya). You might want to contact Text and Talk, which has an office in Pattaya, as to which schools are best, the relevant cost and other info.
  15. Pasties? I thought those are tassels strippers wear over their nipples. Just kidding. Truly two countries separated by a common language. We love you Brits.
  16. I have been reading recent reports, and have learned that the ex-pat population in Cambodia is growing quite fast. If you get booted from LOS, it's nice to know there's an alternative next door. There is no doubt that Cambodia is ass-backwards, but it has a very liberal immigration policy. Check out this link to Stickman's website: Alternatives to LOS
  17. That might be some government-planted propaganda or real estate agent marketing . Recent reports indicate that more expats are now retiring to Cambodia rather than Thailand, because of Thailand's new immigration policies. The article's conclusion that Thailand is attracting more expat retirees, is based on property sales data for 7 months of 2006 and visas issued on that basis. That's before Thailand's new immigration policies went into effect. Moreover, I'm not sure property sales data is a good indicator. Why not state the actual number of retirement visas processed in Thailand vs. othe
  18. Regyai: the United States has laws against discrimination with respect to public transportation. It has to do with the days in which African-Americans were forced to sit in the back of city buses. A physician was on board this flight who determined that the 16 year old student was not ill, and did not pose a threat to others, but merely had a coughing fit. What was the pilot thinking? In defending this case, Continental will have to prove both that the girl was interfering with the flight and that Continental could not make a "reasonable accomodation" for her medical condition. Fat chance
  19. Apparently, Continental Airlines feels it is immune from U.S. anti-discrimination laws (i.e., the Americans with Disabilities Act). These events are going to spark a big lawsuit which Continental will have to settle. I've only flown Continental to Guam, but I can tell you, that I will never fly them again.
  20. Jenson Button, Team Honda, from Sommerset. Team Honda came on strong last year. Now that the ghost of Michael Schumacher is out of the way, it's time to see some of the up and coming talent win. I should have picked Mark Webber, as we have the same name (spelled a little different).
  21. A lot of criticism is coming from employers who provide high benefit medical insurance. Bush's plan provides that employer's group health insurance premium payments are taxed if they exceed $4,000 annually for each employee. This may actually discourage employers from funding more comprehensive health coverage benefits for their employees. Does Bush, or should I say his feeble advisors, really think through anything they propose?
  22. Sorry for my cynicism, but isn't this just a handout for the insurance industry? The insurance industry has done nothing but increase the cost and inefficiency of the US healthcare system. It's better than socialized medicine, but I don't think this is a real solution, as it only serves to add more bureaucracy to the overbloated healthcare system. I would agree that the Bolsheviks (I mean Democrats) will certainly push for some substantial modifications of this proposal. It will be interesting what emerges from this debate, if anything. Bear in mind that, other than tax cuts, Bush has
  23. For the most part, I would agree with you vegasdave. The one problem which is about to be unleashed is that most of the counties and cities in the U.S. are going to go bankrupt with the payment of pension and medical benefits. Police men, fire fighters, judges, city department heads, etc. have been given tremendous retirement packages, which the cities and counties cannot afford. Government workers who put in about 20 years of service, can retire at age 50, and collect almost their full salary for the remainder of their life, plus have health insurance benefits. Moreover, many of them cont
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