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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by zaphodbeeblebrox

  1. The shuttle busses are frequent, free and easy to use. Give yourself more time for customs, at least 90 minutes. I've had them go through everyone of my bags, including testing cans of shaving cream and anti-perspirant. I've never flown through customs at LAX in the past twenty years, but my average time has been around 30-40 minutes.
  2. The incontestability clause would only come into play if the insurance company had some proof that the insured knew at the time the policy was purchased, that he was going to commit suicide. I think the only way this would work, is if the insured had a psychological history which included suicidal ideations (proved by records from prior psych treatment, or police reports of prior suicide attempts). If that is the case, once the insured had held the policy for two years, the insurer would be barred from contesting that the insured concealed his suicidal history. Normally, the concealment wou
  3. I prefer EVA, but the seats are pretty much comparable on all 3 carriers, although I haven't flown China in some time. I am flying EVA deluxe next month at $840 base price round-trip. It's only about $200 more than coach.
  4. I was also told in January that the Jacuzzi Room at Swiss Food was booked for April 24-30. I decided to go with Bella Villa Prima rather than the offer on the Lido Suite. I was also considering the penthouse at the Vault, but both the Lido Suite and Vault penthouse seemed a little too much for a single traveler. Please post a review on the Lido Suite after your trip. P.S. great screenname and avatar Who's that riding in the sun? Who's the man with the itchy gun? Who's the man who kills for fun? Psycho Dad, Psycho Dad, Dad. He sleeps with a gun but he loves his son Killed
  5. That's an incorrect statement of the law. Each policy differs and insurers may write policies which totally exclude coverage for suicide, or, they may write policies that pay benefits for suicides, subject to a suicide clause requiring the policy be in place for a set period of time (i.e. 2 years). However, even if there is a total exclusion for suicide, the insurer still bears the burden of proving the insured acted with suicidal intent (knowing that his conduct would result in self-inflicted death) in order to defeat coverage.
  6. "Suicide Clause – A policy provision which reduces or eliminates the amount to be paid if the insured dies from suicide within the first two policy years." (this definition comes from the California Insurance Commissioner's Office). UK policies are similar to US policies. In any event, policies can either have a total exclusion, or reduced death benefit, should the policy holder commit suicide within 2 years of obtaining the life insurance policy. So, buyer beware ... if you're going to off yourself, read the fine language contained within your life insurance policy.
  7. There's some helpful hints in this search result: http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/index.ph...highlite=avatar
  8. I wish I could make their cell phones give them a shock when they pick it up while on a BF.
  9. Did you know that over 50% of the incoming freshman to UCLA are Asian or Asian-Americans? The same goes for Cal-Berkeley. That may explain these results.
  10. Check out http://www.swissfood.net/HotelSuite.htm and the penthouse suite at http://www.thevaultpattaya.com/photos.html Both of these are located in South Pattaya. Good luck to you, as these get booked up way in advance. (I tried to book for late April, and couldn't get in).
  11. It's pretty standard to have to give out credit card information to book a reservation at a hotel. I did this with BVP and have not even received a charge. I do not use credit cards for this purpose. I get a debit card for a little over the amount I will be charged for the room. That way, my only risk is the cost of the room. See http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/index.ph...topic=21539&hl= for my response to a reservation request at BVP.
  12. http://www.bestbeachpattaya.com It does look very nice and new. In room internet and safe. I just booked Bella Villa Prima, and might have booked this instead, had I known about it. Note: it is more expensive than Bella Villa Prima (the promotion ends April 6, 2006), and their website states they require a 50% deposit at least two weeks prior to your reserved dates.
  13. First off, realize that Cheney is the most powerful man in the world. He is pretty much running the Bush administration. Cheney admitted to drinking a beer at lunch. Hunting accidents are a normal part of the sport. More than 10 people are shot to death in Texas alone in hunting accidents each year. From all accounts, Harry Whittington failed to announce his movement properly. Despite this fact, Cheney accepted total responsibility for the shooting, because he fired the gun. Look, I don't like this administration either, but even if Cheney was drunk as a skunk, his inebriation did no
  14. 3 cute ones: "squeeze" "spank" "finger" or "suck"
  15. It is very, very guest-friendly(they don't even collect ID's). It used to be a first-class accomodation, but the hotel has slipped some, as it has aged. The reception area is still very impressive. My next trip, I'm spending a couple of days at the Grand President Bangkok, and will post my review thereafter.
  16. I just booked Bella Villa Prima based upon all the great reviews. It was my second choice because this suite was already booked. http://www.swissfood.net/HotelSuite.htm I might have booked the penthouse room at the vault (http://www.thevaultpattaya.com/photos.html), but the chrome pole is a little over the top for this trip. See http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/index.ph...=ST&f=4&t=17444. I will post my review after my stay at the Bella Villa Prima.
  17. Flight #BR0011 departures on Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday - returns on Flight #BR0012. Thru 5/20/06 fare is $550 economy and $840 evergreen deluxe. There are some sell outs in economy in April. I'm taking a birthday flight and economy is sold out. I think I'll opt for evergreen deluxe. 85 days, 6 hours, 39 minutes, until wheels up! Go to http://ffp.evaair.com/online/html/english/plan/eibsa003.asp
  18. Thank you Captain - I did check out Eva before, but got $640, as I was trying to avoid Songkran. I will continue to search for $550, and may have to adjust my vacation. However, I really do want to avoid Songkran.
  19. Let us know where you got this quote for $520. I've only been able to find $640 fares for LAX-BKK on Eva in April.
  20. The most famous golddigger in the states - Anna Nicole Smith http://www.lnho.net/celebre/anna_nicole_Smith/anna.htm
  21. Thanks for all the contributions on this topic, which has been confusing in the past. Tony, if the 3 million baht requirement is true for persons under the age of 50, then all I need to do is have $75K US in a Thai bank account each year when I apply and then renew, and I can get and maintain a retirement visa. That means I can retire in Pattaya about 3 years earlier than I expected (age 47). Am I missing something?
  22. Great pic below ... all Stanford provos should be depicted in compromising positions. Actually, Condi won't run for president. She has never held an elected office, and could not withstand the scrutiny of the electoral process, as your picture clearly demonstrates. I mean sex with a midget. Next, we'll have a president stuffing cigars up the twats of interns! Unfortunately, unless the Republicans can come up with someone better than McCain, the next president will be the wife of a cigar stuffer.
  23. I haven't flown Thai non-stop yet. I have been deterred by the extremely high cost. The cheapest I've seen LAX-BKK is $1400, double the cost of an EVA flight. I've always had good luck with EVA.
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