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Everything posted by davethailand

  1. How did the Hammers win if it was nil nil?
  2. On Saturday 30th March the Blues Factory will be celebrating its 12th year anniversary so we will be holding a bit of a party in the club! There will of course be 2 live bands featuring - "The Engine Band" featuring Pop & Oy and "The Rock Machine" featuring Yo, Tokky & Tommy and of course our resident superstar The “Guitar King” of Thailand Lam Morrison. We also have a guest band "Slow Ride" who are a great 3 piece band made up by Tony Stevens, Bob Lamb and Brian Thomas. Also we hope to have more guest artists to maybe join the bands on stage including some well known Thai musicians
  3. Also I'm intrigued to know as Judi (Aussie chick) isn't here till March so is someone playing games?
  4. advertising on the door and walls for a week beforehand and website and Facebook.. :) Been interesting this month. I now know who isn't coming back to play again.
  5. CTRL + Q to Enable/Disable GoPhoto.it Couple of nights till the main event, should be a good night. Just heard that a couple of the Fryed Brothers band members won't be here but the Fryed Brothers themselves will be and they will be backed up by a couple of well known Pattaya musicians. Hope to see you there. :)
  6. The Fryed Brothers Band will once again join our Biker Night on Wednesday 13th February. They are coming to Thailand to headline the Burapa Bike Weekend on 15th & 16th February. Fryed Brothers Band Fryed Brothers Facebook (borrowed from their website) "Goes the song written by legendary biker-bandleader, Harry Fryed. He ain't kidding either. And twenty-five years later, the party is still going strong. The award-winning Fryed Brothers Band has been on the road, carving out a reputation as the best biker band in the world. Their energetic brand of American roots music is an
  7. For our Valentines Day Party the Beatles All stars band from BKK will be coming down from Bangkok to do a set for us on Thursday 14th February. They are a top quality Beatles tribute band and they had a good reception last time they played so we look forward to having them back again. Music starts at 9pm with Pop and The Engine Band with the Beatles All stars on stage at around 11pm. They will be followed by Lam Morrison and The Rock Machine. Hope to see you there.
  8. Power cuts were partly caused by idiots firing the massive party poppers up in the air causing the long strands of tinsel to hit the power lines. I saw 3 transformers blow. On the up side Blues Factory is fed by another power supply and was fine all night.
  9. He said the rooms there are available for long or short time rent but none have or are going to be leased out. If your mate wants a particular room he should book it.
  10. Christmas Eve we have our Jam Night with Pop and the Engine Band from 10pm. Jammers welcome and we have guest musicians including The Band of Smiles and The Guitar King Lam Morrison. Hope to see you there and Merry Xmas. :)
  11. Maybe, that's also Burapa on that weekend. I've got a meeting next month with Burapa about the Bike weekend so i'll post any info on whose playing. Maybe 2 bands for me as Pop is my new guitarist. :)
  12. As part of our Loy Khrathong Party the Beatles All stars band from BKK will be coming down from Bangkok to do a set for us this coming Wednesday 28th November, they are a top quality Beatles tribute band. Music starts at 9pm with Pop and The Engine Band with the Beatles Allstars on stage at around 11pm. They will be followed by Lam Morrison and The Rock Machine. Hope to see you there.
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