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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by MrMango

  1. Not using a map as I have walked it many times. During the day it is a bitch when it is hot, and after a lot of beers it is a bitch to remember how to get back.
  2. Please don’t be surprised. After a night of drinking with a BF in hand, it was a big drama to get back to the room - Who needs it. IMHO, of course.
  3. First I have no mobility problems, and you just made my point. Who needs all the drama of trying to catch a bus and transferring. Try to walk it in the heat - you will be dripping wet when you get to walking street.
  4. I dident like the area. I stayed there, and the guest house was O.K., but the bars were not as good as Jomtiem. The biggest problem is that the area is not as you described - easy to get anywhere. To go anywhere, you need to wait for a bahtbus go to the end, and then transfer to another bus. I moved after 3 days.
  5. Not sure who you mean "the 3 stooges". The last post was a month ago, so EVERYBODYS quiet.
  6. I loaded the not so new explorer when I reformatted my hard drive, and I can load a lot of forums, but not PT! I log in, enter my password, and get the message "You will be loading your request" or (something like that), and I am back to the log on page! I use Mozilla and everything’s fine. Anybody know what I am doing wrong?
  7. Thanks for the site. Most of these sites will allow you to download flash videos already, and the new site that I am trying to download is http://www.empflix.com/ it is all Hi res stuff, but i cannot download it.
  8. I have been using Real Player to download video porn and it used to work fine in the past. Now, sometimes certain sites will not let me open the recorder (maybe Digital rights???) Does anybody know of a good free flash recorder that captures video from all of the porn sites?
  9. I have also stayed there in the past - O.K., but netter places around there for about the same price, IMHO, of course.
  10. The way that I read the press accounts, I believe that whoever evaluated the bids used the wrong criteria.
  11. I was not talking about 2003, but the latest one, which was rigged the other way.
  12. After it was discovered that the winning bid was rigged? - Shurly you jest...
  13. My all time favorite is Jimmy Buffet's classic "Lets all get drunk and screw"
  14. I am waiting for the outrage from some of our members about all this illegal activity - I thought that Airbus was above such despicable activity after reading their posts...
  15. Your wrong, he was the worst president that the U.S. EVER had, IMHO Kinda funny - The libs will not allow the U.S. to drill for oil in the U.S. where there is a ton of it, so he has to ask the Saudis for more - Go figure...
  16. This can be a bit dodgy, as it is against the spirit of the law - Remembert he crackdown on houses a while back using this?
  17. Please remember that it is illegal for a foreigner to own land.
  18. Come on, It's not quite that bad. Since ONLY U.S. airlines can fly between U.S. city's, there must be at least one in existence in 12 months. Please don't ask how much they will charge though... Maybe, maybe not - IMHO, it depends if they are making money on these routes, and what the competition does. Remember, they paid big bucks and invested a ton of political capital just to get the these routes
  19. Great judgment Paul - If ever their was a bird who needed a cage, it is that one - Hope that you have a good lock for the cage.
  20. Who says that I put out "bad info"? I simply provided information from a reliable source (777 Caption) that is widely available to insiders. Please make available your source, but I do not think that is in basic conflict to my original statement. One engine went to idle, and it sounds like the computer ordered the other one to do the same. Besides, it looks like a clear cut "Pilot Error". the pilot in charge should have immediately lowered the nose to keep airspeed up, rather than allowing the bird to stall.
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