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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by MrMango

  1. A good job of trying to bend the posts, but not that good. You must have been asleap when you forgot the posts before mine. wacmedia compared the 380 and the 787, not me - I simply destroyed his argument.
  2. Sure they are predictions, but they are a LOT better than Airbus facts - 30 months delivering 26 planes - that's not even ONE PER MONTH! Pathetic! As Harry Reid said " This war is lost!"
  3. Some on. They were over 2 years late with the first flight - Airbus was also late. Airbus almost 2 years later has delivered a few planes, has orders for a few more, and at the present delivery rate, they will complete their backlog in about 100 years. Boeing has orders north of 800 planes. Nuff said.
  4. You must be a little bit paranoid about this. While the source is very good, it is a misleading chart. The chances of a white heterosexual man that does not do drugs is about the same as getting hot by lighting. OK, you wackos can flame me now!
  5. Unlike Airbus, Boeing has a very good accounting staff, as they cannot build white elephants as they do not have the state in back to them. You guess, if the break even orders wre not there or expected to be there they would drop it.
  6. MrMango


    I do not remember that quote - Can you pls tell me where he said that? The Bible only condemns out of wedlock sex with a married women
  7. MrMango


    I disagree. They stood by, as all other Haitians did watching and doing nothing about the corruption.
  8. That is the worst joke I have ever seen...
  9. OK Fair enough, and I apologize for reading too much into your statement. I am pleased that you see the light in buying the best quality at the lowest price, even if they are made outside the US - That makes everybody in the US a little bit richer.
  10. I did not mean it to be a insult. You made a suggestion that you had to pay people a lot of money so they could "buy things" is just dumb, not insulting. Well, we had one of the most productive economic periods in the history of the world.
  11. Your statement above is unreadable. Please post the source to this incoherent gibberish. Now that is REALLY a crock of shit. Straight out of the wacko leftist handbook. Capitalism is the ONLY system that works over the long term.
  12. Maybe in your perverted opinion. IMHO, Governments are out to extract as much money as possible from EVERYBODY. Business (both Big and Small) try to maximize profits. Get it?
  13. Not the way I remember it, and I was in the mini-computer business at the time. This is my memory of the early days of the PC revolution. Digital Research was run by Gary Kendall with his wife being the bitch behind the throne. Microsoft was a small company, specializing in writing Basic language software. Both Companies’ software was written for the 8080 chip, which was the prevalent chip in the nerd type PC market. IBM at the time was the dominate Company (Think Intel and Microsoft combined) in the computer business, but they totally missed the start of the PC revolution of 9 bit pro
  14. You make my point. The Governments also are not for free markets, but regulation and taxes. I dont remember seeing any refunds that I have paid to Microsoft from the Government. Its regulation and taxes, period.
  15. Do you really think that a internet link validates any claim? From what history he posted seems to be right on with my schooling.
  16. Simply not true. Both companies are privately run, with no government funds required. You believe in Regulation, not free markets.
  17. It is my understanding, that taxi tests include rotation under full load (without liftoff)
  18. I am sure that that would be the case in the final taxi/rotation tests.
  19. Why pick on me? I don't give a rats ass if it gets off the ground.
  20. That would not surprise me. With a light fuel load and no passengers, it would be very light. I am sure that they would not want to rotate much later, in case of breaking problems, etc.
  21. Well, that's there out! I cannot remember seeing a sunny day in December in Seattle...
  22. I used to use them a LOT. Great service! Unfortunately, they stopped flying from Hawaii to Taipei so I cannot use them. Make sure that you sign up for their frequent flyer program. After 2-3 trips, you will qualify to be upgraded and have access to their lounge. Check out their schedule also. They used to have the only flights that left the US late at night, rather than the morning, which arrived in Bangkok at noon, rather than midnight.
  23. I actually remember reading about that. When they switched from wood wing spars to Aluminum, they were worried that the metal spar would not be as flexible as the wooden ones were.
  24. They have not sold 1 787, period. All the bookings are just that - Bookings. You sell something when you deliver something...
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