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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by MrMango

  1. I don't have a clue - Pray tell us uninformed souls.....
  2. Come on Tommy, stop being picky. We ALL know that both Airbust and Boeing started their production line before the first flight. As I remember,t he number of birds partially completed was about the same when both of them ran into trouble. There is no issue here - Why try to pick a fight?
  3. One of us is crazy. Are you telling me that Airbust did not have a a bunch of airframes under construction when the delays hit? I remember reading how that they would have to extensively rework he wiring harness of these before they could fly them. I'll put up a few bob on who's right.
  4. Thats why they have a test program. No different than airbust. As I remember, they had scores of ships built, but had to extensively rework the wiring harnesses.
  5. As usual, you play fast and loose with words. His post said nothing about delivery's - Here it is: QUOTE (Samsonite @ Jun 16 2010, 11:18 PM) The a350 is still a paper airplane, isn't it or have they finally started actual production? Still just on paper - No planes yet built, unlike the 787 which has several flying. Stop trying to deceive us.
  6. What have you been smoking? orders are just that - Orders. Nothing hypothetical about them. When you start delivering orders you get paid though - Thats the best part..
  7. Can't you recognize Sarcasm when you read it? My point is that they deliver so few ships, each one is a newsworthy event. Well, it's about the same size of a 747, and Boeing has built more than one a month. Stop drinking the kool aid, and wake up - Airbus is finally managing to deliver a trickle of ships, which is OK, because they have such a small backlog. The program was NEVER going to be profitable when conceived, and certainly is not now.
  8. You are right, of course. I posted that my estimate was a guess,as I was too lazy to look up the actual numbers. As for keeping up with the news, I guess that they are delivering so few ships, each timet hey do, makes the news. Who wouda thunk that they would be up to one ship a month 5 years or so after the first scheduled delivery...
  9. Fair enough. A couple of years ago, the number of sales of the 380 was 0000 also. How many have they delivered since then? Maybe 25? in 2 years or so? (I did not bother to lookup the numbers, bu they are dismal) at the delivery rate, they probably will finish their order backlog in about 50 years or so. If I had a dog in this hunt, it would not be betting on the 380 to win.
  10. Sorry??? You just confirmed his point. They received a large order which greatly increases the odds of them staying in business and one would expect the stock price to increase.
  11. Wrong. Most people who dislike him is for his dishonesty and his far left politics.
  12. All very good questions, and I am sure the brass thought of them. The fallacy of your argument is today, every airframe is international. Parts are sourced from all over the world by all company's. Do you think that Boeing only uses American parts?
  13. Again, why? Assuming the quality is OK and it meets the specs, They owe the taxpayers to buy the best value, no matter who the Suppler is.
  14. Why? We need the best plane at the lowest price....
  15. Actually I was not completely joking. I confess I have never heard of Mr Whittle - Only his work. On this side of the pond we call them a Jet engine. A turbo is just that here - A compressor.
  16. Total Bullox! They need no excuses to outsorce any jobs. Quit drinking your union Koolaid.
  17. Frankly, I really don't give a damn if they make or loose money - I have no financial interest in them. Wrong, assuming you do not have a financial interest in them. It is none of your business what somebody pays someone else if you have no direct interest.
  18. Have you seen the books? Have you seen their Business Plan? How do you know that they are losing money? If they really losing money as you said, maybe his business plan is to grow the team and then sell it for a huge Capital Gain. Goggle started by giving away its search fro free, butt hey are now one of the highest capital stock company's in the world. Sounds like you would criticize them also. I really don't care why anyone that owns a business pays its employees. If they want to shower them with money, fine - It THEIR money for Gods sake! Stop the class envy please.
  19. Why? The numbers seem fair to me. You have a willing employer, willing to pay a employee the market value - Something wrong with that? I suppose we all could be in North Korea, where everybody is equal - Equally poor. (Except the Despots who run the country, of course) No thanx, I'll take freedom.
  20. I did not see in the posts where anybody said the 18 were "ready to go" Do not put words in other posters mouths please
  21. I am a little bit skeptical. He has had many locations that have closed and many different partners over the years. That is not a description of a very successful business.
  22. Come on, put down the Kool-Aid. Defending the Airbust dinosaur by saying it is not quite as big as the 747 is stupid. One does not justify bad decisions by blaming other company’s bad decisions.
  23. OK that adds up to an average of 1 per month. at that rate how long will it take to complete the backlog? Face it - The 380 is a joke - Almost nobody is buying it and it will never make money,
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