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Everything posted by MrMango

  1. i never had one in Nevada as I only use my condo a few weeks a year. I use Nevada mosty for filing my tax returns.
  2. Here in Hawaii, we only have 2 choices for private health insurance, Kaiser and HMSA (Blue Cross), and I had MRI's with both
  3. As I remember, the cost was about $1,000, which is not that much. it costs about $3,000 a night in a hospitable so the amount seems ok to me.
  4. From my experience in the US, I have had maybe 6 MRI and all were covered.
  5. Guy goes into a bar and orders a beer, and sees the bartenders dog in the corner licking his dick. He tells the barkeep, I wish I Could do that! The barkeep says, you can!!! But you have to pet him first....
  6. I disagree to a point. The Comet was a fine ship when they fixed the wings that would fall off, but they lost so much momentum, the 707 simply made them redundant. And the same thing may happen to the Max
  7. I had one in Hawaii and the cost was about 1,000 US$ and the result was available in a few hours
  8. I am starting to think that the max is going to go the same path of the Brit Comet. Finished and all scrapped
  9. as I remember a few years ago, a bunch of wackos did shut down the airport for a few days.
  10. I disagreee. All of the evidence I have seen is they ONLY have computer models that show that if we do nothing, it will be disastrous. The problem that the models have proven to be false, but they want to spend trillions of US$ a year based on their models. 40 years ago the models said we had global cooling, theni changed to global warming, now its changed to change. Total bullshit
  11. A horse walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender gets it and asks why the long face?
  12. To me, it's not hindsight, but learning from past mistakes. I fault Boeing from what I know, for not making clear the limits and training what action pilots should take if a malfunction is shown on the screens
  13. Yes but the Max version is a new bird.
  14. From memory,t he reason Boeing sourced the wings to Japan is becase they partnered with boeing and took some of the financial risks, so cutting them off and bringing them home could be a violation of their contract. And is anybody surprised that the 380 is shutting down? They don't have any new orders, thats why!
  15. Ok, but why are they leaving? If they are hanging up their pilots licence and retiring, then they are lost, but if they are going to another carrier, then somethings wrong with the pay scale or employment structure and environment. Pilots are no different than any skilled profession, you pay above average and provide an outstanding work environment, then skilled people will want to work for you.
  16. I disagree. There are plenty of pilots to fly the planes, all they have to do is pay more than anybody else and they will flock to them. Econ 101, supply and demand.
  17. Two blondes walk into a building - You would have thought that one would have noticed.
  18. They are illegal, that says it all. It was their parents who were the ringleaders and forced their children to be criminals. Don't put them in jail, but send them back and stand in line with the others who are doing it legally.
  19. Come on, they broke the law! People have been waiting years to emigrate to the US, but you seem to think that is is fine to just slip in illegally and we should put them in the front of the line. Let them go home and emigrate legally like the people waiting in line are doing
  20. The problem with that argument is that the cell phone towers will probably have lost power, so your phone is useless.
  21. This is what you posted: Your original contention was the A380 must be 'unreliable' Which is not what I said.
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