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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by MrMango

  1. As I remember, 747's had a upstairs area in the back for crew to lay down in,
  2. I did not know it was equipped with an afterburner. When I flew in it is was like a fighter jet - They went down the runway, and the next thing you know, the nose is pointed almost straight up and you were pinned to the back of your seat from the accelaration.
  3. Pray tell us how it was such a great bird, but Boeing and the US caused it's demise? Have you ever flown it? I have more than once, and it is a small bird as my head almost hit the ceiling upon boarding and as I remember, it held about 100 passengers, smaller than a commuter jet and very narrow. And if it was such a great bird, why did they not use it on the UK-HK-Syd route? It had limited capacity, limited legs, and drank jet fuel like a Thai gogo dancer.
  4. From what I have been told, it is cargo that is the big money maker. And the problem with first class (and Business class) is a lot don't pay a dime. Employees, family, and high mileage customers are given a free upgrade so there is no revenue there. I remember seeing the head of Cathey on the news a while back where he said first class is the most expensive employee cafeteria there is.
  5. I quite agree that US based carriers suck. There are several reasons, one is that they use the seniority system for flight crews where they are so old they carry a crutch and are paid big bucks. Asian carriers can hire and fire at will, and I cannot remember seeing a flight attendant over 30 years old.
  6. What the hell are you taking about? pray tell us unwashed exactly how the US fucked it? Did they stop it flying from the UK to Canada? India? South America? etc? Actually, I have flown it between Washington DC and Dallas Tx in the past, so your prejudged post is factually wrong. The reason it failed is a simple one, it had no legs!! It was a stretch to make it across the Atlantic.
  7. How can it be "begging" when several of us have offered to donate? All I asked for is a place that takes paypal and I am willing to send a few baut once in a while.
  8. That's why I always do a physical inspection first. Worst case, it is a post op.
  9. It also might help to tell us your gender.....
  10. Why not do something like when mule was sick? Set up a donation fund and let members donate as they please.
  11. I disagree. ANY fire in a airplane is a potentially fatal incident. Get the bird on the ground NOW.
  12. I read somewhere that informants is the reason for the US to seize 90% of drugs. The Airport search is just a kubiki dance.
  13. No need to think. Look at the red tops. Yuo could take away half of the material and it would still be more conservitive than a lot of the gogos.
  14. I haave a question - It has been several years sine i was in your place,and I remember the girls having see thourhg tops - Sexy! Also the one in the gold top is sexy as hell becase the top is so skimpy. But all the new pics have the red tops with way too much material, and some wear skirts over bikini bottoms. Why?
  15. The last 2 days, everytime I try to logon to this forum, I get a message taht spyware is detected. http://www.stopbadware.org/firefox?hl=en-US&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pattayatalk.com%2Fforums%2Findex.php%3Fact%3DSearch%26nav%3Dlv%26CODE%3Dshow%26searchid%3D144adb059f3849f77543eec0499fcb06%26search_in%3Dtopics%26result_type%3Dtopics%26lastdate%3D0 Anybody have any ideas why?
  16. I shall try that right now... Thanx.
  17. Allow me to hyjack this topic since he solved his problem. Does anybody know of avideo capture program that lets me record videos taht I am playing? I ahve watched a few great porn vids, but I cannot captrue them...
  18. Are you sure? it is my understanding that a establishment cannot charge "services" until the service is completed. purchasing a product however, the 60 day clock immediately
  19. Is it legit? If you use your Credit Card when paying for any ticket, and the airline (or booking compay) goes out of business, you simply reverse the charges. Pretty difficult to scam nowdays.
  20. You forgot the time of day in the date...
  21. I knew one in Angleles. She was a stunner (and a 3 holer). She would tell me many days she would go to the club, only to find after 3-4 hours that there wre no players or it stated to rain - Guess how much she made? Zip. The Golf course was her version of Beach Road.
  22. He did not help himself when he hit a customer over the head with a beer bottle - Bad PR!
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