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Everything posted by mykl

  1. So don't pay it. It drops to 600 after midnight and the regular girls are 400 anytime. Several places charge a 1000 bar fine for show girls, Secrets is not alone in this. I know a lot of people look at drink prices but I just can't see basing a decision on a 10 cent difference in the cost of a beer.
  2. I'll be there in spirit. This having to work for a living is really putting a crimp in my life style.
  3. You can and will be attacked for any post on PattayaTalk.
  4. Decent group of ladies. I see more than one that is doable. See ya in August/September. Mike, TheSimulatorGuy.
  5. Take eight or ten pictures and then put the card in a reader, or plug the camera into the computer using the usb cord. Find the average size of the pictures and divide 512 by that number and you should get a pretty close approximation of how may pictures will fit on the card. My Sony Cybershot 7.2 averages about 3 meg per picture on highest quality. I would recommend getting a one meg mem card and shooting at the highest quality the camera offers. There are many utilities that will resize a picture for posting but if you want to get a print made or crop a section of a picture you will nee
  6. Try pattayasecrets.com/forum lots of good info on Secrets. Be aware that the board is owned and operated by Secrets.
  7. With my midwestern accent it comes out pa tie uh. Most people I know say it pa tee ah.
  8. The Nana Hotel has a nice restaurant just off the lobby. Not fancy but the food is good and inexpensive. The breakfast buffet is excellent, all you can eat for what works out to be about US $3.00.
  9. Every girl I barfined from Secrets was able to operate the toilet seat with out any guidance from me.
  10. Spent 14 days from November 18 to December 2. Had a ball. Stayed in Secrets Room 306 the whole time and was, by and large happy wirh the room. First the nitpicks. The music from the pussy show next door is clearly audible in the room but after the first night it faded into the backround. It's not like a DJ or Karaoke as it is a constant beat like machinery. By day three I no longer noticed it. The a/c is good but it points right at the head of the bed. Turning the bed ninety degrees would solve the problem nicely. The stairs are a bitch and make up the most serious problem. If you have ba
  11. I'm stuck here in Korea. Give your lady my best. Happy Birthday and Happy New Year.
  12. Of course the girls set their own prices. The bar sets the bar fine, the rest is between you and her.
  13. Won't be able to take you up on your offer till later in the year but I'll be there.
  14. Had the same problem with a room on the sixth floor. The room itself was great but the bass from the disco was a bitch.
  15. The half dozen trips I made to the bathroom in The Blues Factory the caretaker did not make any attempt to molest me and in fact did not speak to me. He was making up trays of wash clothes for customers. The bathrooms were clean and well kept so I really didn't have a problem with the 10b "tip". From what you describe he probably deserves more.
  16. 11am to noon or there abouts. Boom sing then rest a bit. Boom sing a second time. Sleep then one more time before leaving. The clock starts when you pay bar, not when you get to the room.
  17. I personaly would not use Ghost for periodic backups, there are better options. Where Ghost shines is the ability to make a bit perfect copy of your disk. For example when you buy a new computer and get it set initially the way you want it with all your programs installed and settings as you want them. Ghost it and if your hard drive goes south you can bring the system back to it's pristine state in minimum time. A lot of people do this once a year anyway, even if everything is working. That way only your data files need to be backed up on a regular basis. If you keep them in a separate partit
  18. I beg to differ. I have used it (xcopy) for exactly this purpose. If you know what extensions you want copied it will move only files with those extension. It will even create the directory structure if you use the correct switches. It's a very handy command once you play with it a bit. Not sure about Ghost as I have not used it. I seem to remember it will back up only the files you tell it to.
  19. When you buy the laptop it will come with windows on it. Reinstalling your programs from scratch is probably better anyway so the only thing you need to worry about is your data files. Your website runs inside your browser. You will need any files (pictures, scripts, etc) that the site needs to run to be available on the hard drive which may entail some editing of the html code to make sure all your links lead to the correct location. Office files can be read by many different programs now so you may not even need to install Windows Office unless you have some macros installed that you just ca
  20. A keylogger will still read your keystrokes even using a thumb drive. On a secure computer, preferably your own, download and install a password reminder onto the thumbdrive. Visit all the sites you normally do that require passwords and when the password reminder asks to remember them click yes. Now when you visit your bank site for instance you will not have to type the password, the program will fill in the password line and cover it with asterisks. Click ok and you are in. This way even if they take a screen shot they cannot get the password. Still could be a problem if the screen shows an
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