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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by mykl

  1. There isn't any point in this thread where anybody is slagging Secrets. That's why you aren't seeing it. Duh.
  2. What? You think I live in a vacuum and never talk or chat with anybody. I said many of us, and that is exactly what I meant. What part of that simple phrase are you unable to comprehend? There are a lot of ASM's out there who will jump on any hint that there might be a problem at Secrets and assume, with no proof, that it must be true simply because they hate Secrets and look for any possible opportunity to slag it. And no, I don't think the OP is one of them. I don't doubt he saw what he described. I simply think he has mis-interpreted what he saw.
  3. I never said I'd been to school, only that I've been to Secrets. Got a spare comma I can borrow? I seem to have lost mine.
  4. I call bullshit. Based on personal first hand experience. Did you complain to the management?
  5. Merry Christmas to you also. With any luck I'll get to see what all the fuss is about in March.
  6. I thought that was black roses.
  7. That is an option but a place with both lots of Filapinas and Pattaya infrastructure and prices would be ideal. It was only a wish. Besides, you mixed your tenses. Where I live there are lots of Filapinas and an ok infrastructure but the prices are horrible.
  8. Sometimes a place like PBG just takes on a life of it's own. FLB stands for Free Lancer Bar and look where that went? Pete is probably just crying his heart out. Two failures in a row. Yerp, I'll just bet he is crying all the way to the bank.
  9. i meant en masse, not one at a time. If I wanted a girl friend I could stay home.
  10. True, people who are executed don't commit further crimes, but, they are often, later, found to be innocent of the crime they were executed for. I vote no. Now that Harris Black, him I'd vote to execute just to clean up the gene pool. But that's a special case.
  11. I prefer Filipina ladies but Thailand beats the Philippine as a place to party hands down. Too bad there isn't some way to import Filipinas to Thailand.
  12. And when he leaves he tells her he hopes to see her again. Her response. Again, wait for it. "OK, I'll keep an eye out for you".
  13. Trust me. 210% profit will not keep the doors open. Pour cost is usually more like 5x - 7x wholesale .
  14. A cook or chef can only cook so many dishes in an hour. If they really are trying their best then the carrot and stick method of management is not the answer. That's a truism that holds in any business, not just restaurants.
  15. 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
  16. Q: Name a major disease associated with cigarettes. A: Premature death. Love it.
  17. You're certainly doing something right or you wouldn't be having these kinds of problems. I suspect Pim was aware of her own short coming in management but, due to face, couldn't admit it.
  18. You can grab a daytime, or night time hostess for 400bt as soon as she walks in the door. I will never, probably, pay 1000bt for a bar fine. Lots of guys do though. Some guys pay the fine for a particular girl before hand and tell the mamasan to let the girl know not to bother changing clothes. Ain't success a bitch? The owners have to hire enough girls to make sure at least some of them are still there more than a half hour past starting time. OK, I'm exaggerating, but I have seen guys pay the bar fine for a girl before she shows up. I'm sure that happens in FLB with their hostesses
  19. I have taken two FLB ladies to my room at Secrets with not a raised eye brow. They collect the girls ID, and it is a requirement, but as long as she has it, no problems.
  20. Microangelo At US $70 it's expensive Icon Workshop US $50 Google Search for Free Icon Creation Software
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