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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by mykl

  1. No, that's Shhhh. They actually won't allow ANY goats.
  2. Penthouse used to get some nice reviews but the last few years I don't remember hearing anything good about them. Generally if a hotel charges for extra girls it is for non paying girls. IE, your bar fined ladies. You and your wife would not be included in that as you are both registered guests. I know Areca charges for anything more than one girl brought back. First girl no charge, two or more and there is a fee for the second girl, third girl etc. At least that's how it usually works most places. I would get this nailed down as the fees could add up to some serious money. A cover charge is a
  3. This directly contradicts every post I have seen regarding the Rajah in the last two or three years. I've walked past it and the place certainly looks like a dump from the outside. The Majestic Suites, Dynasty Inn or even the Nana would be better choices.
  4. A Firefox extension called Download Helper will download the video to any folder you designate and save it as an .flv file. VLC is a video player that will play just about any format known to man.
  5. Another vote for CDex. I've seen it rip cd's that eac choked on.
  6. Hef is in charge of what goes in the magazine. Without his ok it wouldn't be there.
  7. Given the salary they work for the hotel maids and staff will most likely be more than happy to take this stuff off your hands. In the US we have Goodwill Thrift Stores and Salvation Army that accepts donations of this sort. If you have similar charities near you it would save toting a suitcase half way around the world.
  8. I have never given them my home address or phone number. Use the link on the home page, request your dates, give an email addy where they can respond to and hit enter. You will get an email telling you what's available for those dates. You can then accept and confirm or walk away. No cc info is required ahead of time, or at all if you pay cash. 2000 baht deposit up front refundable upon checkout minus anything used from the mini bar. You pay on checkout and, again, no cc is required ahead of time so if you pay cash no worries. I used my visa card with no problems. I like this place obvious
  9. Available for a 1000bt bar fine at start of shift as of September 12 Either or, not both together 900 bt loom Either or, not both together
  10. Can't make it. Give my regards to the lady. Happy Birthday and many more.
  11. Her lawyer lied. He will get several dimes from her.
  12. I'm not Australian. Why would I be able to answer any of them?
  13. Wow. That explains so much.
  14. I am having the same problem with remembering my log in. The old software would remember me regardless of what computer or browser I used. Actually, I'm not certain I would call it a problem as several sites have the same behavior. If you log in with IE and then close IE you will have to log in again if you use a different browser, even on the same computer, with the same IP address. I believe this is normal behavior. Once I log in I don't have to log in again as long as I use the same computer and browser.
  15. If you use firefox you can add the "No Script" extension to block it. No Script is a neat little extension that will stop any script from running without explicit permission.
  16. Not at all. It's an excellent joke. It's just old.
  17. Old. The city varies but the punch line is always the same.
  18. Cute. Wait, do pythons thit? Feed her to the python and we'll find out.
  19. 1. Valid 2. 3. Valid, but she gets the award, not the snow shoveler. 4. 5. Nope again. He didn't die and didn't remove himself from the gene pool. No Darwin. 6. WTF? Nobody died and nobody removed from the gene pool. No Darwin. 7. Sigh x 1. Nobody died and nobody removed from the gene pool. No Darwin. 8. Sigh x 2. Nobody died and nobody removed from the gene pool. No Darwin. 9. Sigh x 3. Nobody died and nobody removed from the gene pool. No Darwin. 10. Sigh x 4. Nobody died and nobody removed from the gene pool. No Darwin.
  20. It's not that I disagree but it would be hard to do on a 15min midmorning break.
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