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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by mykl

  1. How extreemly interesting. :lol: Just pulling your chain. Sounds like a good deal.
  2. If you use Firefox there is an add-in called NoScript that stops java from running any scripts without your explicit permission. You can give one time permission for a site or permanently allow them to run. You can also be selective and only allow some scripts to run. That means you can allow the video but disallow the advert scripts. You can allow scripts in your main browser pref/options and then NoScript will block any that you have not told it to allow. There is a bit of a learning curve but nothing the average used can't figure out with a bit of trial and error.
  3. I've often wondered what a tire having air in it signifies regarding a car's worth, or lack of same?
  4. Interesting. I know several Filipinas from there.
  5. Good idea but you may need to filter out the non-scams. Or not. Could lead to some interesting discussions.
  6. I'm not sure. I downloaded it but I haven't had time to actually check it out yet.
  7. Good luck. Wandered through there last week and the place was packed. Hope it works for you
  8. Any body remember Captan Kangaroo and Mr green Jeans from little kid time? It was an American show for pre schoolers. Not that I expecially want to see it again but good memories. Right up there with Romper Room and all the good little " do bees".
  9. 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
  10. Met her at Secrets one night a while back. It was late at night and I suspect she was a bit mao but a pleasant, giggly mao. Happy Birthday
  11. Interesting. Ya learn something new every day.
  12. Your signature is rediculous. Do you really need a two inch blurb at the end of every post?
  13. So do both. Post the video and under that give directions. I very rarely click on videos and I know many people who feel the same. Too many good bars in Pattaya to bother with silly games.
  14. Easier to just give directions to the bar. A map would be nice too.
  15. Just out of curiosity, since I don't drink alcohol, how much is a can/bottle (which ever you serve) of Sprite
  16. OK, I'll bite. Secrets has a Villa that has three bedrooms. Check their site for details. I don't know of anyone who has actually stayed there that didn't absolutely love it. Can't remember the price right off hand but it ain't cheap.
  17. If they tell you up front it's not a rip off. If they waited until you were checking out and then presented you with the bill, as some do, then it would be a rip off. Knowing about it ahead of time allows you to vote with your feet.
  18. Old news. Business as usual.
  19. You were there, I was here. Nice pics, thanks.
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