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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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  pac_redwood said:

I plan on bringing a sex toy with me that runs on USA 110v household current.


Will this work in Pattaya? Or do I need to bring along a converter?


Will Customs allow me to bring this into Thailand? Has anyone ever passed through Customs with an obvious sex toy in their baggage?



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why, can't satisfy with your own tool?

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  pac_redwood said:
Has anyone ever passed through Customs with an obvious sex toy in their baggage?
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Um, when you think about it, they're all pretty obvious really, aren't they?


I don't know of anyone who's had a problem with this. I think I'd be more worried about a voltage surge, knowing Thailand's electricity supply. :rolleyes:

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I can imagine the look of absolute horror on the face of some TGs as you plug the thing into the wall and then want to stick it .......... where??? :crying


Do yourself a favour and invest in some battery driven models.





Boots already sell clit stimulators. Personally, I found them a little bit tight until my TG pointed out they were meant to be worn on your finger! ch)



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  pac_redwood said:
Will Customs allow me to bring this into Thailand? Has anyone ever passed through Customs with an obvious sex toy in their baggage?
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.... the other day brought in a cruise missile type sex toy inclusive nuke warhead :beer :D ...very much pretty obvious B) ... randomly checked at customs i kept :D :P :D and pointed at my ... mouth ... he :D "uu laik stee Bangkok ... IEELTHOON ? :cussing :cussing " me :D :unsure: <huh ... he closes bag ... looks me :livid in the eye ... then "no plomblem welcum to taijlaand" adding :beer :D <grin " .... yeah bro no shit :nod

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  • 4 weeks later...

I dont know about the sex toy thing but i bought a power convertor at radioshack here in the states ,when I got to the residence garden I plugged it in and it seemed okay then I plugged in my surge protector and the shit hit the fan there was sparks a loub pop and flames . it popped the circuit breakers in my bedroom luckly i was holding it by the sides of the surge protector as i am positve i would have been fucked.I am glad I plugged my surge protector in first or I would had 3000 dollars worth of burnt laptop.If you are fly flying EVA air I saw them advertising power convertors in there duty free catolog .also there is a stand in bangkok i think it is called the patpong night market they have sex toys for sale .I saw a catolog with pictures in it ,I dont think they can sell this stuff out in the open though

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I brought a Rampant rabbit? from Ann Summers for a "friend" of mine


She had seen it on Sex in the City


When i opened my case it had been unwrapped and the batteries fitted.


Had it been tested by customs? :D


On the way back my Teddy bear went missing :crying


Rampant Rabbit

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Your gasoline powered toys I'm sure are to be admired by most. Unparalleled performance would be one way to describe them.


Having had a hotel room next to yours before, I must say it was hell trying to sleep when you kick started those things at night!




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  • 4 weeks later...

:beer Well G'day mates, You've a FNB here to the board...FNB for all you others is Friggen New Guy... Thou I've set foot in many lands this will be my first trip to your neck of the woods. Where in the area would one purchase toys to play with and have fun with the Ladies at..? :beer

thanks in advance....Daddy Paul

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[b]"I can imagine the look of absolute horror on the face of some TGs as you plug the thing into the wall and then want to stick it .......... where??? "[/b]



One of your best quotes ever, Tom!!!!!! :banghead 2guns :grin


Not sure we are supposed to be talking about this here, but then I guess small appliances might sneak thru the cracks!


Think small, quiet, single "AA" battery models.


The foot 'n a half King Kong models are just going to scare the ba-jebbers out of the poor girl! :o :o


Several servicable models in the $6-9 price range that will be well recieved on Amazon .com.





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Be carefull they show up on the airport scanners, years back we had the BA girls in titters when they did a random check on three of uses luggage. We were heading for Cairo and the rugby lads wanted some aids for a dinner sketch. We bought the whole Ann Summers range between us. Invited the BA girls but they didn't take up the offer.


I take a supply of battery powered 'tools' to Thailand each trip but they all go missing, still trying to work out how the girls get out of my room cos I always check thier bags?????


Great fun can be had by slipping one into a bar girls hand as she is carrying a tray of drinks, especialy if it's turned way up on high.



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  Drexal said:
U have your own 'toy', why bring a mechanical one? This is YOUR vacation, have it your way!
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I was in a market down in Hat Yai and found two battery operated models, only about five inches long, problem with them was they seemed to be dirty and had scratches in them :rolleyes: . I guess they were used goods!

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