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Partnership/Joint Venture in Club

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Anyone interested in going in on a club? Looking for someone with

$200,000 or so to invest (I would invest the same). Not looking for

beer bar or small operation. Must be interested in actually living in Pattaya and

participating in active management. Would obviously use top flight

Thai law firm for drafting agreement & acquisition.

Please pm me if interested.


p.s. I've owned & run 4 different clubs over the years for a total of 10+ years.

All made a good profit and all were sold for a nice profit. Would be better if

you also had experience.

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With 400,000 you should be able to buy any bar or gogo.


Ive been thinking the same as you but decided not to unstable, bent cops, bent econemy, local mafia boys, early closing, chances of losing business through re-development or other to high risk.

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"All brought to you by the team at www.thinkofanumberanddoubleitortripleit.com otherwise known as http://www.sunbeltasia.com/


Their calculations make Laurel and Hardy seem impressive."


Did you see this week's special? A guy selling a bar for 50% of annual profit. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. :crying



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Selling 50% of an annual profit! :eyecrazy 2guns

bent cops, bent econemy, local mafia boys, early closing, chances of losing business through re-development or other to high risk.


I would'nt worry too much about this. (depending on location and bar type of course)

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I particularly love the 'business has been open for two months but is already predicting profits of 400 gazillion baht'.


I suppose the point is that adverts in cyberspace cost virtually nought and their MIGHT be someone stupid enough to fall for it.


I'd get your bars on there if I was you Mr. T.

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