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Thais calling all kind of spirits whiskey, even my french brandy was whiskey for them. When I explained is the difference they don't understood. Sang Som definetly NOT whiskey, as whiskey from grain. Maybe Rum, because rum made from sugar cane. More possible it is a mix of rum and distillated alcohol from rice. In europe many drink called vodka uses distilled alcohol from potato skin or even from petroleum. ( genuine vodka from wheat )

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I think Gabor is right, as Sang Som is made from sugar cane it is a rum. Its too sweet to be whisky. I had to laugh when my tilac called lao khao (a rice spirit drink) Thai Tequila !


I found a particularly lethal drink called - Ya Dong. I noticed some girls drinking it and asked what it was. They gave me a shot and I think they expected me to cough and splutter but I thought it was alright. It is STRONG stuff though !


You can't get it in 7/11 (although I did ask, much to their amusement in the shop) you need to hunt it out at some 'locals only' type place.


Enjoy !

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Guest Fatboyfat
  The Barbarian of Soi 2 said:
I found a particularly lethal drink called - Ya Dong. I noticed some girls drinking it and asked what it was. They gave me a shot and I think they expected me to cough and splutter but I thought it was alright. It is STRONG stuff though !


You can't get it in 7/11 (although I did ask, much to their amusement in the shop) you need to hunt it out at some 'locals only' type place.


Enjoy !

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That's the stuff they drink to "help" them through their "mens" periods ! No wonder they were laughing in the 7/11 <huh :beer

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Oh, right ! I thought it was some sort of moonshine. No wonder the security guard at my apartment was laughing when I staggered past him tapping a bottle wrapped in a plastic bag. Mumbling - Ya Dong !



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  • 2 weeks later...

i always go on the mekon or sang som when i'm falling asleep, it's better than wizz !! :rolleyes:

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Is it just me, or does anyone else have weird dreams after drinking Mekhong? Too much of any other booze (including Thai spirits) and the next thing I know I'm waking up with a hangover, but with Mekhong there's all sorts of strange stuff going on. :D

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From the BBC


Sang Thip & Mekhong Whiskey




Mass produced Thai whiskey, illegal in virtually every other country in the world. Very few things can be compared to a serious binge on Sang Thip. Impossible to drink with anything but Coke, when it is purchased in a bar in Thailand you buy it by the quarter bottle. Needless to say that it is rumoured to contain halucinogenic chemicals. Certainly once intoxicated, the drinker can reasonably expect a long period of black out that is directly proportional to the amount of quarter bottles consumed. The drinker can also reasonably expect to be told of his or her extrodinary exploits during these periods of blackouts by other, less inebriated individuals. The recounting of such shameful tales is normally concurrent with much laughter, and/or a Thai tourist police incident form, if not a nights free accomodation at the Thai police's convienience. Reported incidents include: running around outside a hotel four stories up on a two foot wide ledge, sudden and inexplicable bar fights with Thai Lady-boys (renowned for their muy-thai or kickboxing abilities) and awakening from black out on board a premature flight home. Sang Thip is, needless to say the bane of most hard working Thai hotelier's lives and ironically the main staple of Bar owners' revenues. Mekhong (named after the river that flows through Cambodia and Vietnam) is another brand of Thai whiskey with almost exactly the same properties as Sang Thip. It has one notable difference, however. If you upend a bottle of Mekhong in a glass of water in such a way that the pressure of the water does not allow the wiskey to escape the bottle, a clear liquid will be seen to dribble into the water. This is Glycerine, which artificially boosts the alcohol content and if consumed in large quantities can cause blindness. Happy drinking...



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gabor, that was interesting reading.


from now on i'm limiting myself to one bottle a night !! (who needs LSD ) :D

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