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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Owning a powerboat in Thailand

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Moving to Thailand on a semi permanent basis later this year,and would like to have my own power boat.I've heard you need to be registered and no doubt there are other issues I'm not aware of.Anyone have any information?Particularly about the use of the storage/launching area near the new pier in Pattaya.

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I kinda looked into this once.


The basic cost of the boat and engine (the same as the ones they use between the islands etc) was about £3000 GBP including the engine and trailer. I understand that you can launch from pretty much anywhere without any type of licence, well you could in 1990!


The reason I didn't buy one was because I moved back to the UK full time, and You can hire a boat and driver for about £50 per day, which would include a trip to Bamboo, two cases of beer, ice water fishing rods etc, so getting one didn't seem worthwhile.


Not much help I know but still, there ya go.


If you approach the beach fro walking street, you could ask the boat guys about buying one. A chap called Tip works just there on a boat called 'Pepsi' I have got to know him over the years and I have paid for his kids school stuff etc so I trust him. Just make yourself known and mention my name (its Tufton BTW!) and he will answer your questions. Maybe hire him for the day? You can get the trip described above for about 3000 baht, I might be paying over the odds but it seems pretty reasonable to me!


Best regards

pattaya happy :D

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