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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Ken and Lat's Thailand Homepage

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Ken and Lat's Thailand homepage

A giant improvement was made today that makes our homepage so much better than ever B4.

All the info within each topic heading is now in alphabetical order so all who access a particular topic will be able to easily find info they are actually interested in. I am so proud of Mike Newman who does all the work maintaining our homepage and ALL the improvements he has made to it since it's inception. Thanks Mike

Ken Bower

San Antonio Texas


P.S. Also check out our daily THIS AND THAT column:



P.P.S. I think y'all will agree that my homepage contains more info on Thailand than you can get from any other single source. Now, what I'd like to ask from all of you is that you send me URL's/Links on Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and other Asian areas so I can have as good a selection from the rest of Asia as I have for Thailand. You see, while I've been to all the places mentioned above, I have spent 35 vacations in Thailand. Please help me improve my homepage even more by having a wealth of info on the rest of Asia.

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Thanks for letting me know about the Pattaya Bar Hop URL being broken.


Right now, Mike Newman, who does ALL the work putting my homepage/Link up and making all the revisions has been working for many hours completing the Feb updates) we update and add newfound Links every month AND in alphabetizing all those already on the homepage.


As he works full time as the Manager for the Social Security Office in Saipan, his dancecard is already very full. Then he is an avid scuba diver to boot AND he is preparing to retire and move full time to Korat in less than two months.


I HAVE spent 14 hours locating all the broken/dead links within the website working on all the topic headings from 9/11 to Military and he said he will work on getting them deleted ASAP but he wouldn't have any time until at least next month to do any more than that.


So I plan to send him all the broken/dead links from the topic heading Misc. to White House (time permitting to do the work involved) sometime in Mar 2005 and the Pattaya Bar Hop and other link missed by our first revision will hopefully be eliminated at that time.


I am just so thankful that Mike finds the time just to do the updates/additions, it is a small wonder to me (as I am completely computer illiterate other than profecting Link surfing techniques) how we keep the homepage in any sort of order.


We both are SO grateful when people take the time to notice that there is a URL/Link broken and do notify us as it lessens our burden.


I use most of my allotted 3 hours online (yes I am married and do NOT want to take quality time with my wife online) creating and writing my daily THIS AND THAT column. http://kenandlat.diaryland.com

Have a look though today's column and visit Older Entries when you have time.


Thank you,


Ken Bower

http://homepage.mac.com/mgnewman/KenLat/ Homepage

http://kenandlat.diaryland.com daily THIS AND THAT column

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