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Airline Fares-just a rant

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Am I the only boardie who daily surfs numerous web sites when planning another LOS foray only to get pissed off when fares are so fucking high as to defy logic?????


I am currently looking for a ticket for this September coming. Accordingly, I look at Northwest Airlines(the only carrier who can get me from my home to BKK), mobissimo, kayak, travelocity, expedia, orbitz, sidestep, angel travel in Chicago, not to mention web sites of specific airlines that service Don Muang as well.


Don't get me wrong-I have no problem with airlines making a profit. Hell, I want a qualified, sober, competent guy in the cockpit that can get the big aluminum tube from point A to point B and back again.


I am also keenly aware of the current prices of jet fuel and take into account this huge factor in pricing airfares.


Now, considering that this site alone has almost 7,000 members of whom, one would surmise, maybe 20% have been or would seriously consider a trip to LOS, is this next question pure folly?


Would it be remotely possible for a large group of punters to be able to coordinate their LOS holiday to make viable the idea of chartering an airplane from either coast in the US with BKK being the destination?????(I am sure most reading this will flatly say "no way," but the question, IMHO, begs asking)


Why not?


I will admit that I know squat about how airlines price their seats, but one thing of which I am keenly aware is the daily variance of seat costs throughout this industry. The airline industry I would assume would love to have a full 747 wisking away happy punters to BKK.


Are there any boardies who have inside knowledge of how the industry works charters, and if so, could you please impart such knowledge in this forum?


If this idea has merit, my fellow boardies from England, I would assume, have an even greater chance for success then us Yanks.


I would like to hear from those who would be interested in investigating this idea further.


Rgds, Jimmy

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having been a Divisional Transportation Officer (DTO) and having chartered 747's for troop movements I can tell you that it costed the Army $680,000 per flight to Saudia from Dover. (IN 1990)

My ex is a exec at NWA and says it really does cost in excess $2500 per person, that is why bus-1st class seats are esentioal and why the airlines are lossing billions every quarter.

there in a catch twenty-two, if they discount tickets, they loss money and if they don't they don't fill the plane and loose money.

if you remeber when we were growing up , before deregulation how much a airline ticket was when the airlines were making a nice profit.

from the midwest to the coasts was 3-400 bucks and cross-counrty was about 600.

International arirfare was higher yet.


I too got spoiled with post 9-11 international airfares getting flights as low as 440USD from msp-bkk.

don't think I get those fairs again

really sucks having to spend "HOURS" checking prices!!

maybe those finding reasonal prices could alart the boadys as to sales and good prices they find.

best of luck

one of the realities of living in the US



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Am I the only boardie who daily surfs numerous web sites when planning another LOS foray only to get pissed off when fares are so fucking high as to defy logic



Yes but you are a fucking Garbage Man so we understand :banghead :banghead

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Why has Southwest Air been a consistent money maker up until this last quarter?

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I just sent you a PM before reading this post. The worst time to find cheap fares is during the summer as the Asian students fly home to visit their families. For the past 3 years this is when I use my FF miles for a flight.




The military usually gets lower fares from the airlines because they provide them with money for cases of emergencies and they have contracts with certain airlines. I remeber flying from Sacramento to Dayton, Ohio 25 years ago on a TDY trip for the Air Force and the ticket was around $700, in todays dollars that would be close to $2,000.


Southwest makes money because they realized along time ago that the only way for a plane to make money is for it to be full of passangers and flying and not sitting at the gate. Every time I've flown with them, they land passangers are quickly off the plane and a few minutes later they are boarding and out of the gate.

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