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Urgent Help Required about visa

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Hi there everyone, my friend will be arriving in LOS on Sunday and returning home on the 22nd January. A total stay of 36 days. I have informed him that the tourist visa is for 30 days only although if I remember rightly immigration will give you a couple of days grace on top of that.

Is there any way of extending the tourist visa while in Pattaya, as he does't really want to go down to Cambodia or anywhere else for that matter to renew it.

Although he will be travelling to Samui & Phuket.

Its a bit late in the day to go to the Embassy in London to get an extended visa so what would be his options. Maybe I'm wrong but isn't there somewhere on soi 7 to extend the visa. What would happen if he just did nothing ie turned up at the airport to come home. Always thought you are fined 200 baht for each day over minus the two of course. Would this have any implications on future visits?

Your help will be appreciated.



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before your 30 days is up just go down to imigration fill out the form pay 1900 Baht and they will give you another 10 or 15 days I forget which one. Where ever you go just ask around about where the Imigration office is located, shouldn't be too hard to find. Don't overstay your visa not because of the 200 Baht a day thing but if you are caught before you reach the airport they will throw your ass in jail and believe me you won't like it. I wouldn't even let my visa expire by one day if I were you, even if it cost 1900Baht for one day extra. If you get to the airport it is no problen and they will even waive the fine if you are over only one day, but not for 2 or more days.

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What dates has your mate booked the flights for? If the outbound & return flights are more than 30 days apart then he could have a big problem. The airline should not let him board unless he has an onward/return flight within 30 days OR a visa valid for over 30 days.


I've seen this happen before. One way around it is to buy a fully refundable ticket from BKK to somewhere else, say Singapore, before he leaves for Thailand and then cancel the booking and cash it in.

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  sinbinjack said:
He can of course apply for a longer(60/90days) visa at the Thai embassy before he leaves
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That will be the royal thai consulate he needs to contact in birmingham- for a tourist visa(60/90 days)

Edited by farman
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  grs90 said:
What dates has your mate booked the flights for?  If the outbound & return flights are more than 30 days apart then he could have a big problem.  The airline should not let him board unless he has an onward/return flight within 30 days OR a visa valid for over 30 days. 


I've seen this happen before.  One way around it is to buy a fully refundable ticket from BKK to somewhere else, say Singapore, before he leaves for Thailand and then cancel the booking and cash it in.

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I tried to come here with a one way tickett and no visa, and they wouldn't let me board the plane until I purchased an onward tickett, I lost about a hundred bucks because of the refund fee.


I was sittin in a bar and this one guy that knows just about everything there is to know told me I could come here with a one way tickett with no visa in hand. He told me he had done it many times before with no problem at all, he went on to say just show them you intend to spend lots of money and they will just wave you through. when the fact of the matter is they will not even let you board the plane in the first place. If you have a visa before you leave then it is no problem to board with a one way tickett.....


Heres another story I read on a board (not this one of coarse) to make it short this guy was telling everyone it is illeagle for officials to search your luggage at the airport if you refuse to let them do so. This guy even quoted paragraphs and sections of some international law book. He then started telling everyone how easy it really is to smuggle narcotics if you know the law, he said you simply state what he has just said on the board and officials can't do a thing. I guess that one guy they executed in Singaphore should have refused to let them search his stuff.....

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OK thanks for all the input...my mate is going out on saturday 17th December with Aeroflot from Heathrow, don't think this will allow him to get his 60 day visa in time.

His ticket has 36 days between departure dates.

Just had a chat with him and he's decided to go down the road of booking a return flight out of the country for a few days and then cancel when over there and get his extended visa in Pattaya.

Thanks for all your help on this matter

Edited by Kleyshay
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  Kleyshay said:
OK thanks for all the input...my mate is going out on saturday 17th December with Aeroflot from Heathrow, don't think this will allow him to get his 60 day visa in time.

His ticket has 36 days between departure dates.

Just had a chat with him and he's decided to go down the road of booking a return flight out of the country for a few days and then cancel when over there and get his extended visa in Pattaya.

Thanks for all your help on this matter

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If he was to apply for a tourist visa tomorrow by special delivery in the post office(two passport photo, passport, application form printed online and £25 are needed) he may get visa in time.


Long shot i know but ive heard that you get your passport back in 72 hours


Have a good one!!



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I arrived October 30 and was given 30 days exactly till November 28. I did have a ticket on return which was not asked about since it was an e-ticket anyway. My return date was on December 2. I asked around about visa extensions and all the sound advice I heard was, do not overstay even for one day, regardless of the cost being only 200Baht. This can prevent you from ever coming into the kingdom again...Aghast~!!!


Now, go to Soi 8. almost to the end of SOI 8 (if you are coming from 2nd road towards Beach road) is the Thai embassy visa extension branch. It costs 1900Baht now and requires you to bring a photocopy, black and white and 1 passport picture. You fill out a visa extension, they do an informal interview and right then and there, an embassy official will decide how many days you may be given. If you do need a photocopy and passport picture, there is a small shack just before the visa office. I bet the Embassy official owns and runs this business...LOL...IT costs 250 baht for a photocopy and two passport pictures in black and white.

You need to fill out your form for visa extension with information that is pertinent. Address where you are staying in Pattaya, why you are staying past 30 days, Passport number, etc. YOu will need to leave your passport and you will be given a number and time to pick it up, the same day. If you bring it in by noon, usually by 3:00-3:30 PM return.

Be respectful and courteous, it always helps and not to mention at least bring a smile to their dreary workday...Hope this helps.

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Now that the Immigration office has moved to Jomtien photographs in colour are permitted i.e. the scam re black and white colour pics has terminated. I had a long term dalliance with a fairly senior immigration police officer ( no details provide to protect the guilty) who told me that the police owned the shack on the corner.


Anybody who refuses a personal or baggage search at an airport SHOULD forget any notion of travelling, especially if his head is in bandages or he has not been recently acquainted with a razor. Similarly with ladies wearing a shroud. My take is that such a person would be ushered into a secure office (or worse) and kept there until he/she is thoroughly searched for weapons, explosive devices, drugs, porn material, flora and fauna ect ect. Recently the Aussies insisted on searching a guy who claimed diplomatic immunity (and had papers to prove it) but the authorities said that they didn't give a rat's arse. Search or else, they said.


I would advise anybody NOT to use local shops that say they will attend to extending visas on your behalf. Do it yourself, go throught the correct procedures. About two years ago there was a crack down at Don Muang and some fifty guys were arrested as the stamps and visa extensions in their passports proved to be forgeries. They were locked up for about three or four days and it cost big money to get them out on bail. Their passports were retained and they had to stay in LOS until the whole matter was cleared up, about three months I think. One guy (probably more) ran out of money and this particular guy had to sell his UK business just to survive. As you might expect the embassies of the guy's countries sat on their hands and did nothing productive.


Quoting this law or that, or UN resolutions will not do a lot of good in Thailand. The various polices agencies are a law unto themselves and it is held by many Thais that most of the crime is committed by police persons themselves.

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