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Scary Subject of Protection

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This is kind of a scary subject, but needs to be faced anyway.

The US CDC (Centers for Disease Control) recommended earlier this year that if someone has unprotected sex they should be given HIV medicines the following morning. Many countries were already doing this (with rape victims for instance) - the US was not recommending it, and it was suggested this was because of political reasons. I remember I asked my own doctor once if I could do something in this scenario, and he said emphatically that nothing could be done. Then the CDC comes out with this recommendation.

Now, I asked my doctor again after the CDC's recommendation, and he said I would have to go to the HIV clinic for it. That scared me - I dodn't want to go there.

When I was in Pattaya a few weeks ago I consulted a doctor, but the doctor did not know what medicines could be prescribed the next morning.

This long intro was a lead in to the question: has anyone followed up on this? Is there some place in Pattaya where I can go to pick up a few pills to use in case of an 'accident'?

The CDC does not recommend frequent use - but broken condoms do not happen all that often, so it seems to me that keeping a small supply may be extremely useful for the one or two times a year that a person may end up having unprotected sex.

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  ting_tong said:
A topic like this should be adressed in the members section, you should join and become a member if this concerns you.
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What was wrong with what he was saying?


There was nothing wrong with it at all!!!


Bars, bar girls maybe...... but that????



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That is so funny! The Catholic church probably will not apreciate the comment however!


However, since I dont see any answers, I am guessing no one has investigated the subject much, important though it is.


Phantom, thanks for the suggestion. I am familiar with WebMD. However, my question was aimed at getting an answer in Pattaya - where in Pattaya I would go to get whatever is recommended.

If no one has any experience of this matter then I suppose I should start with another doctor next time I am there.

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hell no i wouldnt take any medicines that were not necessary , you will create yourself more problems that you do not currently have. Who cares what the cdc says , who has paid them to say that? Perhaps the manufacturers of this latest drug? The current drugs used for hiv are deadly and have terrible side effects. Personelly i wouldnt worry about HIV unless i was having some of the known symptoms. Perhaps ask your doctor to arrange an HIV test if you feel you had an accident. YOur doctor doesnt want to recommend it because he is not putting his license on the line for something the centres of disease control is pushing . He knows the corruption that happens in the drug industry because he's contstantly getting marketted to prescribe certain drugs by drug companies. I wouldnt bother looking for this drug, you should not take a drug unless you have a problem. Un protected sex does not mean you have HIV. It takes 1000 contacts with an HIV infected person to transmit the virus. So the chances become even slimmer if your sleeping with random hiv and non hiv people and your wear a condom that breaks somewhere in the session. My answer dont even look for that drug because if you get in the habit of taking that drug after an accident , me not even being a doctor can use common sense to to tell you will be having health problems down the road

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  • 2 weeks later...

The theory is any infection would be new and the viral load of HIV would be light in your system. Taking the drug cocktail at that point could kill it all. It would be a true cure. You might never become HIV+ because the viral total could be erased and antibodies to the virus (it is the presence of these antibodies that is tested for and defines "HIV+") might never appear.


The problem with the recommendation not being a slam dunk obvious thing is that the odds of infection are low to begin with and the drugs have some possible side effects. It is not clear that the statistics balance compels taking the drugs. The low probability of side effects could outweight the odds of being infected.


This is not a political or religious thing at all. It's statistics.

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  sommy said:
It takes 1000 contacts with an HIV infected person to transmit the virus.
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Maybe you mean the chances of contracting HIV from an infected person by "contact" is 1 in a 1000 but per the quote this is poorly put.


I believe HIV could be contracted by a single contact.......

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I wouldn't worry that much about the HIV. Make sure you are vacinated for Hep A and Hep B. Much easier to contract, much higher rate of infection in the asian population. 2guns 2guns

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I read on the Stickmans site (the first entry section) that it is believed that 10% of the TG's are HIV+ and 30% carry an STD (I am paraphrasing two or three posts here), Stickman does not dispute the numbers. A number of conditions can also be passed by saliva (kissing) and unprotected oral sex. Anyone else scared by this?

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Whether to use those medicines or not is a personal decision that everyone has to make. Many people wont take a flu shot, or other immunization. I wont argue with them, but no one has the right to tell me not get a flu shot. Same with the HIV medicines.

Many European and Asian countries have been using them as routine for rape victms, as I mentioned. The US was criticized for NOT using them because of the Bush administration's 'anti-promiscuity' stance. That they have come out with a recommendation means a lot - it is based on science, not marketing.

Anyway, I am not trying to convince anyone to do so. I was just wondering if it was possible to get these easily in Pattaya. I know it wont be easy in the US.

As for the gentleman who believes you can only get infected after a thousand exposures, I hope he really doesn't believe it. Given the right conditions (broken skin etc) one exposure is all it takes.

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  Trvlr said:
As for the gentleman who believes you can only get infected after a thousand exposures, I hope he really doesn't believe it. Given the right conditions (broken skin etc) one exposure is all it takes.
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So you say.


I've had 687 bareback romps with HIV+ girls, but don't worry about me as I plan to stop after 312 more.

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